Wednesday, January 29, 2025

To Be or Not To Be a Joiner

An “institutional misfit” is what I am and what I will always be. I have yet to discover any impetus that would drive me to join any man-made group or organization. That is, I cannot give my heart and soul to any institution—even those institutions within which I was born: the Roman Catholic Church, the corporatized county, state and federal governments—or those I freely chose, e.g., the B.A.R., law firms, universities, the U.S. Army and its JAG Corps—even the American state national movement gives me pause—none of these human inventions designed to bring a communal spirit together for a stated, underlying purpose have an overwhelming claim on me. 

What I do recognize belonging to is the family whose DNA I carry, the spirit of the land upon which I grew up, and the planetary sensibility of being a surface entity of Earth. I am devoted to God, the Creator of Heaven and Earth, and I identify with God’s moral injunctions, into which I ever-aspire to be subsumed. I follow as my model, my Savior/Redeemer, Jesus (Yeshua) Christ, God-made-flesh, as to His words and actions as they appear in Holy Scripture. Jesus was reared in the Judaic religious tradition and was well-acquainted with Holy Scripture. But He was not a joiner of any man-made institutions, and neither am I. 

This anti-joiner stance does not mean that I am anti-social, that I do not care for the company of others. While I treasure my solitude I am also drawn to be with those I love, those whom I have befriended or with those to whom I feel drawn by natural inclination. I aspire to treat family, friends and strangers just as I wish to be treated. And yet to come together in a formal bond of an institutionally recognized social or fraternal group of any kind holds no interest for me. If this makes me a loner or a maverick or a rugged individualist, so be it; I accept such designations from others without feeling estranged in any way. 

If I choose to abide with a certain group of folks, for example, at some church whose pastor I sense is a noble shepherd, I am honored to be included and to learn from what I am taught there, while offering as much support and sustenance as I can in return while I am there. Yet I do not necessarily wish to be a formal member of any institution. I do subscribe to the sacred truism in Matthew 18:20 “For where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there in the midst of them.” This is beautiful and delightful. 

Thus, I posit that as we consider the notion—which church(es) are horribly ruinous here in the world?—one particular institution (e.g., the Roman Catholic Church) need not be singled out for our ire; rather institutionalism as a whole might be the real enemy. 

To determine the degree of institutionalism one might ask to what extent any particular, organized entity borrows for its legitimacy from a System that is already anathema, or adheres to dogmatic and seemingly overly time-worn or incomplete principles. If so, sensing any such defects signals possible endangerment to one’s spiritual well-being and ultimate fulfillment, as I see it. Viewed as such, institutions can be harbingers of being less than God desires of us to be in the sacred design of Creation. One may feel more comfortable in one church more than in another. And yet the true test is how institutionalized that church is, not simply with regard to its inter-relationship with the existing government, but also with its fundaments as exemplified via its unique praxis. 

Choosing to join a church (or any organized group for that matter), boils down to deciding to be a free and independent being who chooses to be or not to be…institutionalized. That choice is a highly personal, singularly unique judgment call that can only be made from a place of long experience, deep mentation, and honest faith in God as God is made manifest to each of us. In this sense one might contemplate on the following Biblical Chapter/verse:    

The Humbled and Exalted Christ

5 Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus, 6 who, being in the form of God, did not consider it robbery to be equal with God, 7 but made Himself of no reputation, taking the form of a bondservant, and coming in the likeness of men. 8 And being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself and became obedient to the point of death, even the death of the cross.  9 Therefore God also has highly exalted Him and given Him the name which is above every name, 10 that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of those in heaven, and of those on earth, and of those under the  earth,  11 and  that  every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. 

Philippians 2:5-11    NKJV

Friday, November 29, 2024

Magical Realism

Wyman Wicket, questioned, responds... 

Why man wicked?


What is "magic realism"?

First there was Photoshop

Then came AI

Reality's been melting

Along with it, truth

Modern art took out beauty


All but vanished

Plato is dead

Kooka's dead

What is left that's real?

God's alive

(The birds tell me so)

And so I imagine the

God part in me—

My soul—is still there

Blackened as it is,

Slightly rotten, 

But alive, helping me

To find my way through

What's real and not

I'm guided by my heart

It's brain teaches me

To be good 

In spite

Of myself; what self?

Oh yeah, my rot-gut

Lusty, soulful self

How unreal, and 

Almost magical 

It all is!

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Beware the Enemy


The Annexation of America by the British Pilgrims Society is almost complete

Read the 12-point plan to stop their long game:

More dirt on the Brits (video)

The first thing: identify the enemy.

Clicking on the links in this post shows you the deranged gangsters who run the bulk of the evil in this world. They are Communists, Luciferians  — Satanists through bloodlines that go all the way back through Babylon, Egyptway back to Phrygia — and before that, to Atlantis:

Want more? Study the work of Mike King at his Real News and History site:

Monday, April 22, 2024

Ode to Motherhood

                           This guy, this old guy,

                       Knows nothing of babies

                       Never having sired one

                       Though willing, yes, but      

                       Always the simple bachelor

                       While loving women, even

                       Married, but not yet blessed

                       With children, not yet…


                       That vacancy in this life

                       Ever regretted, a sigh formed

                       Long ago, bridging years of

                       Longing for a fathering, for

                       Motherhood manifesting

                       For pink healthy cheeks and

                       Breasts plump with milk for

                       A youngin’ born, smiling,

                       Clinging to both, to life anew


                       To give birth to a baby child,

                       More than once, perhaps,

                       Then holding child-in-arms,

                       Nuzzling, nursing, attending

                       How nice, how loving, closely

                       Being near her aura energy glow

                       Talking gently, swaying some

                       I adore you mother and babe

                       This clunky old man-boy frets


                       To watch and learn this craft

                       Then hold, himself, his babe

                       And to open himself to it all

                       Humbly, naturally, a papa

                       Now feeling the embrace, the

                       Mutual embrace of mother,

                       Child, of joyous motherhood

                       All at once transformed, this

                       Old man finds his place, his

                    Beginning again     

Monday, March 4, 2024


Dad and Mom's old bed frame.

It's for a full size mattress.

We have only queen size and larger


Notice the two broken circles

In the smaller, foot end.

I was taking it to my truck to

Add to some brush that 


Going to the dump.

Suddenly I thought, "Probably many of 


Were conceived while this

Framed the events."

Strange thought, I know, but how


I was already sad about junking it.

My sadness was then tinged by

Nostalgia, by

An attack of sentimentality.

But the thought came to me, "Oh

Don't be such a fool, you


It's just a broken down remnant

From the '50s."

Another voice told me to

Write a poem about it.

I finally settled on sharing the

Moment with

My siblings,

For what it's worth,

For what it's worth...

          And that is my poem

                             Good bye old frame;

                             Old flame of 

                             Forgotten fame.

                                   May ye R.I.P.

Friday, January 19, 2024

This Is War


(Click on and watch this. SHOCKS THE CONSCIENCE!)

(Click on the link below for another mind blower)

Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Down, But NOT Out


Hilarious New Hit SongShe's Got a Penis:

Aging Senators Show Up To Work In Their Hospital Gowns 
After Dress Code Relaxed
Ancient ET

Remember "The Electric Universe"?

The Greatest Show on Earth!
Everything's Theater

Warning: This one is really disturbing.

Lawyer Todd Callender: EMF-Precipitated Zombies?  
(Sure would hate it if this happens, especially for all freinds 
and family who stupidly (or were coerced upon pain of losing 
their job, etc.) got the bio-weapon jab.

On the other hand...

It’s mental illness