Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Short and Dirty Review

In 76 years we have only seen:

 - Pornography.
 - Atheism.
 - Controlled miscarriages.
 - Wars of all kinds
 - Gay weddings.
 - Gay adoptions.
 - White genocide.
 - Cultural Marxism.
 - Gay Pride Parade.
 - Anti-Christians.
 - Satanism.
 - Illegal Immigration.
 - Unemployment.
 - False education at school.
 - Corrupt governments.
 - Pedophilia
 - Corrupted pharmaceutical sector.
 - Bank inflation.
 - False media information.
 - Destruction of nature.
 - Extinction of animal species.
 - Privatization of hospitals.

Rigt now, I’m 67-years old. For about my first 10 years of life, until about 1963, things were obviously bad but didn’t seem that bad. (1963 marks the year that cars went “tinny.”) I guess I was just too young to really know, to really get it. The fact remains, however, that society was being slowly cooked. It was done in a gradual way. The above changes came into being as people were being indoctrinated and managed and led into a cultural Marxist vacuum. I’d say 30 years later, in the ‘90s, things finally went into hyper-drive as the controllers determined that the populace was sufficiently softened-up and dumbed-down and enough institutions were “captured” to allow for total domination.

The stages can be highlighted by Vatican II (beginning in 1962), Kennedy’s assassination (1963), Roe vs. Wade (1973), Vietnam (until about 1976), the attempted Reagan assassination (1981), the psy-op bombing of the Murrah Federal Building in !995, the 9/11 psy-op (2001), Iraq, Syria, Libya, and Afghanistan and the never-ending clown show we’ve had to contend with during the present millennium up until now. All during this time society was degrading and slipping into the abyss. (Is it any wonder? Look at our so-called “leaders” during this pivotal time, criminals all: LBJ, Nixon, Ford, Carter, the Clintons, the Bushes, Obama—weak sickos all).

Trump was a breath of fresh air. He’s coming back. But I must say, his paradoxical vaccine mentality is disturbing. Still, I believe he represents the best effort to date to reclaim our beaten down nation from its spoilers. PDJT remains our best hope to survive as a nation. His leadership is a ray of light for the world.

I tremble for my country as much as I do for my Christian brethren in this shit-show (that really began when our country was derailed from its constitutional republic moorings during the Civil War period). I believe we will right ourselves and the world will stomp out the Deep State/Cabal scourge that has been hounding us from within and without for so long. But it will be a long slog.

So wake up and see the damage done and make up your minds to clean up this God-forsaken mess, oh fellow human beans!

Friday, June 11, 2021


The world’s gone mad and I don’t give a shit. Stolen election? “Pandemic”? “Vaccines”? Masks-and-Marxism got you down? Like a temper tantrum or mild symptoms from some malady, it will all pass. However, while it is blooming like a drapery of algae in a lake, it sure seems like the end of the world. Is the sky really falling? Again: Who cares? Not me. (Or, as Jimi Hendrix once muttered: “Fall mountains; just don’t fall on me.”)

Seriously! Put down your fear porn long enough to gather some common sense; untether your hive-like mind from the web; unplug and take a deep breath; go out and get some sun. Pick up a pipe and smoke some good tobacco; wet your beak on something. Free your mind from the garbage-in habits of the new screen-gazing, whether it’s a computer screen or a cell phone. Yes, you’ve sworn-off TV only to find this new “navel-gazing pastime.” Well, free yourself from the “tyranny of the frequencies.”

I’m here to tell you a few things.

Doing weird tasks is therapeutic. As a fellow who is just now finishing up the building of a shed (the project had sat in my head for over ten years) I somehow feel qualified to sermonize. And while I’m tooting my own horn, how about that vegetable garden that finally got planted in spite of weeks and weeks of self-inflicted procrastination (is there any other kind?). Big bushy tomato plants now thrive, started from seeds and now growing like crazy. I had lots of other kinds of seeds. Unsure of how to sow them, I finally threw 'em all together in a little box, then willy-nilly sandwiched them in between a few bags of humus and covered the whole mess with straw. So…stuff is happening, in spite of myself; despite my own captivity to the modern digital mind-feed illusion of news and views.

And although I am not really free, I don’t mind if I celebrate, to a degree, that I am not as enslaved as the garden variety cultural mutant out there. Yes, I went even deeper than the usual rabbit hole spelunker. I hitched my wagon to the Von Reitz crowd and became an “American National.” That was a big and long-overdue step. After years of writhing around in “sovereign-man-land” it’s comforting to find a more comfy home among organized dweebs who actually know their history and the political terrain, not to mention a deep bag o’ tricks—documents-at-the-ready—that can be executed and recorded, to make it all formal, known and final. Yes, be it now known, all you emergency worker law enforcement types, you shall not detain or interrogate this man, a man that may be lawfully armed against your intrusions!

Ah, but we’re getting too excited, too anxious. We must, at all costs, be calm and look for the nearest exit. I’m up now and moving. Hey, there’s a signpost up ahead—it’s…the Twilight Zone. Yes, I’m in that gray, grey space between fact and fiction, truth or consequences. I’m flailing away in an in-between-state. It’s not a constitutional republic, for sure, and it’s not the digital simulation most all are living in these days…wait a minute. I’m pushing at the bar. The door is opening. And a blinding light is flooding in. Yes! Wait for it!

It’s…the world outside the theater. But then, it’s just another theater. It’s a drive-in. No. It’s a walk-in. A “walk-in” has entered me. It has violated my body, my mind, my soul. Like an archon or a vax it has no facts; and while I watch this new movie [It’s only a movie. It’s only a movie.] my reality has been stolen or changed. It’s as if somebody’s trying to fit me with a toupee! Trouble is—I’m not bald on top. But they just won’t leave me alone, these damn interloping quick-change experts.

Time to wake up and have some coffee. Strong coffee with cream and some string beans—something to climb on. Yes, somewhere over the rainbow there is a land of giants and all the other stuff they yanked our chains over when we was young. Yes, as much as I’d like to deny it, I’m just as hungry for diversion as the next chump.

Better to scurry back to Plato’s cave; it’s dangerous out here. Better yet, I’ll just burrow down in my honey badger den and dream of fricasseed libtards and lizard men on the gallows.

It sure is nice to get away from all that Internet chatter and such. I was beginning to go mad—as mad as the world around me—as mad as they make it. But I can take it, cuz I’M A PRETTY TOUGH GUY.

Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Bucking the Summertime Blues

Summer comes twice: first, on Memorial Day, when the swimming pools open up, and then on the solstice, about three weeks later.

The heat of summer does things to human beings. It causes us to slow down. It also starts us thinking about soothing ourselves in the ocean water at the beach.

For me, summer causes me to look around, assess what’s going on, and to sum things up. That summation gets kicked off on a good, solid, encouraging note, despite the Luciferian web that has descended and has tried to despoil all and everything around us.

We’ve been saddled with bad people in big-pharma, big medicine, big government and big media all contriving to make us believe in a “pandemic” — a “pandemic” that was fabricated by exaggerated statistics founded upon a deceptive and faulty “PCR test.” These sub-humans convinced the gullible masses to wear useless face masks (an indignity I never accepted) and to do all other sorts of ridiculous things: “social distancing,” using hand sanitizer, unnecessary temperature-taking, and other dumb-ass behaviors that might typically be found in an Idiocracy. And many, many people went along with it, wearing their damned face diapers — even when outside or driving alone in their cars — like the foolish lemmings they are.

We were herded like this for about a year and three months before people finally had had enough and started waking up. The wake-up has coincided with the advent of summer. It's so wonderful! Now, finally, masks are “optional” in stores, as the same sub-humans now push “vaccines.” These are not vaccines at all but experimental cocktails of all sorts of muta-genic toxins guaranteed to screw up your body, mind and soul. Predictably, the same mask-wearing lemmings all rushed headlong into accepting these bio-weapons into their bodies. It was a horrifying spectacle to watch. (Most of my woefully misinformed family did just that!)

For someone who has always refused genetically modified food, I was mortified by how easily many, many people made no distinction when it came to GMO food and a genetically-modifying injection! But perhaps the ill-informed among us will be better off slowly dying out, which this accommodating genocidal “vaccine” seems to be doing.

OK, so this has been one horrible time for individuals and families, not to mention small business owners, whose livelihoods came to a screeching halt when ill-advised “government mandated lock-downs” shuttered them.

We’ve also been saddled with this phony president, Supreme Socialist Leader Joe Biden, and all of the goon-like fakers he appointed. Personally, it’s a sad shit-show to be watching, a contrived drama unlike no other. I’m just glad I opted out of the normative political sensibility and became an American National. At least I can enjoy a ringside seat, knowing I have, sensibly, avoided having much, if any, skin in that game. Don’t get me wrong — I’m still very supportive of the legendary President Donald J. Trump. And I am convinced PDJT will be “back in the White House” by year’s end (and hopefully, by summer’s end). That distinct potentiality has now become an almost certainty. This has brightened my mood considerably. 

Still, it’s so depressing knowing that absolute assholes think they are running the United States of America. They aren’t running it, and are doing their best to ruin it. But try to convince a typical mask-wearer of that. Their planned destruction of America — open borders, the flying of illegals to “safe houses” all over the country, the attack upon fossil fuels and meat-packing plants, their gun-grabbing agenda, Satanic public school and university agendas, and every other conceivable radical leftist lunacy that they have foisted upon the fabric of the real America — will need to be reversed in short-order, and it will be!

So I feel alright despite the fake pandemic and the fake (er, real) Joebama Idiocracy. And note: included among these idiots are most of the “captured” United States Supreme Court and a “captured,” milquetoast Congress. My only consolation is that, eventually, all traitors will hang.

But, we are not out of the woods yet. Prepare yourself for an “alien invasion” and for a cyber-attack upon our energy and financial infrastructures. Yes, the last gasp of the Deep State will very soon be upon us. It will be Part 2 of the shit-show. And as I say, I look forward to seeing all of the traitors hang: these include all of those doing the bidding of their globalist puppet-masters (notably The Pilgrims Society, their Senior Executive Service minions, and all of those guilty parties who participated in the Great Election Steal of 2020). I am confident that the White Hat Alliance and their man, PDJT, will out-maneuver both the traitors among us and their enemy paymasters.

Even if these are actually the End Times we're living in, it may just be that this spells the End of the Old World of Domination and Serfdom. I prefer to think of the End Times as the beginning of a Grand Millennium, a New World being borne in Liberty and Justice for all.

So, may all of the collective evil that has been pushed by Dracos and other Satanic-lizard-people be washed away forever as we re-build a proper City on the Hill — God’s City in a world made Good.

Something tells me this will be a summer to remember. In this “interlude between summers” it helps to chase away some long-stewing toxic thoughts and remind myself and my readers that the best is yet to come. Hold the line; Faith is prevailing; a Great Cosmic Game is playing out that soothes the collective “plimsoul.”  

Now, I need to find a comfy place on the beach to set up my old beach chair and umbrella, put my sunglasses on, and look forward to a therapeutic day of creative loafing, punctuated by some serious soaking in the sea! But even here, on the beach, with all the scantily-clad girls hanging about, I must remain on-guard. 

(SIDE NOTE: I have come to understand that we've all been conditioned to accept non-procreative sex as the norm. This mimics homosexual sex. So, in a very real way, we've all been brought into the "sodomite fold." And though I've "always had an eye for the ladies," even this archontic lust-demon within is looked upon as normative, viz., accepted or tolerated male sexual predatory behavior; and women, as sex partners, are merely "masturbatory tools."                                            It's come to light that Hugh Hefner's hi-jinx were covertly funded by the CIA, as was modern art. The great mass of Americans still, to this day, are not aware that their government was stolen from them during the Civil War period. We are up to our eyeballs in lies and most know nothing about it!) 

With any luck, old rascally Wyman Wicket will also be down here at the beach to keep me company — and to continue helping me make sense of the world.