Thursday, January 24, 2019


When vulgarity, illogic, and intentional disinformation have seemingly become the societal norm in politics, media, hi-tech and popular culture it is time to take action against all bad actors. Arrest, try, convict, and in some cases execute the worst of those who have crossed the line. Such examples will begin to silence all loud-mouthed leftist shills. We need to get it across to these immoral, robotic, poseurs that words and actions have consequences. When people begin to be held accountable for their crimes of moral turpitude, seditious behaviors, and outright treason, well, we might see some of this contrived nonsense go away—and good riddance!
President Donald J. Trump should have begun building the wall on our southern border as soon as he was inaugurated. He should have used our military to do that instead of, two years after being in office, pussyfootin’ around with the likes of Pelosi and Schumer. Now it’s time to take off the gloves, stop the rhetoric and show all such traitorous swine he means business.
Another HUGE move Pres. Trump can and should make immediately is to RIF all 800,000+ non-essential federal employees. What an easy way to rid himself of perhaps 80% of the Deep State. He would be getting rid of the 8,000+ Senior Executive Service parasites, over 7,000 of whom were appointed by Obama. Is there an easier way to drain the Swamp? I don’t think so. This is a no-brainer. Why is he not doing this—or will he?
Pres. Trump need not worry that he is “moving too fast.” If anything, he has been moving much too slowly over these past two years. Real patriots long for validation, for vindication. They long to see the Clintons, et al., perp walked and justice served swiftly and thoroughly. Screw the CIA-controlled media. Screw the weaponized State and Justice Departments and the FBI. Start the purge and spare no guilty party from the sharp blade of the rule of law.   
I do hope secret military tribunals are proceeding in GITMO as of January 2 of this year. The populace needs to know this is indeed the case. We want justice, vindication, hope that we are prevailing over those who would destroy this nation, represented by over 80,000 sealed indictments. The very worst offenders must be excised, silenced, removed once and for all as examples to those who would hold society in the pen of political correctness, as they follow the Communist Manifesto, Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals, and every plot that seeks to disparage, divide and destroy us.
The death cult of abortion, leftist notions of “gender fluidity,” diversity, multi-culturalism, white-guilt and white self-hate—all who espouse this utter crap are enemies of the People and need to get their come-uppance for the sake of vindicating all of us who have known better all along. When I see those wearing Trump hats, etc., get smacked up-side the head, I long to see our guys strike back just as hard. Are we wimps? I’d like to see martial arts groups get together and give their guys Make America Great Again hats to wear in public—and when they are attacked, look out you cowardly Antifas, you Shit Lives Matter arseholes. Yes, get your instant karma come-uppance, you worthless ass-hats.
Stand tall, traditionalists, conservatives! Be the stalwart, believing, life-affirming moralists that you are. No apologies needed. No more Mr. Nice Guy. We’re sick of the sick shit that’s being pushed on us and on our children. We don’t want your 5G irradiation, your chemtrails, your shit in our food, your crap vaccines, your globalist, gun-grabbing agendas and dipshit attitudes toward our liberties.
If it takes a civil war, so be it. We’ve reached our saturation level and we are standing up for righteousness, for God and country. We are going to kick the shit out of universities that bend to leftist ideological tyranny. We are going to bring tech companies in line with First Amendment principles of free speech. We are going to string up, tar and feather all enemies of the People who entered Congress and who rail against what is good and right. We are unstoppable. We are legion!
We are the real People, not the soy-boy, beta male cut-outs that we’ve been made to suffer. Our time is here—your time is done with, over. We’re here to tear your playhouses down! Here we come. We mean business.
Who are we? You’ll see, soon enough. We’re everywhere. We’re legion and we’re pissed.