Monday, September 4, 2017

Civil War with a Gebserian Twist?

How do you engage with a skeptical pest who keeps shooting down your sense of politics, current events, and our societal miasma? I tried to do so recently. I wrote:
I can assure you that, while well-intentioned and appreciated, your empathy toward me is quite off-the-mark. Actually, when I mentioned you may have a lack of empathy I meant it in a much larger sense, i.e., not toward me in particular but with regard to your fellow man. I wonder whether your overriding tendency to "abstract people" shows that you are leading with your head instead of your heart.

FYI (and not to be defensive but just to set the record straight) Red Ice Creations has fallen from favor as they have focused like a laser on Sweden, whiteness, Muslim invaders, and the like, falling into the trap you mention ("the hermetically sealed opposition cocoon"), plus they are woefully slow as a news aggregator. I don't watch TV, let alone controlled opposition Fox News. So take those sites out of your top hat and look for other rabbits, er, red herrings, to prop up your flagging efforts to categorize me as  hopelessly cocooned into a mythic worldview.

Again, we are talking politics, society, social trendsnot political philosophy, or even Gebserian theory (although it is quite obvious we are smack dab in the middle of the chaos of a dying malignant structure of consciousness).

Politics is essentially military strategy, the consolidation of constituents and assemblage of power and assets to overcome an adversary. It seeks to sway the opinion of citizens and others, or to quote that over-used expression, "win over the hearts and minds of the people." With the Patriot Act the media is now permitted to use psy-ops to propagandize its own citizens and that's what it does. So real lines are being drawn. And while I can certainly see the larger picture of myth-charged identity politics, there are truths to consider when it comes to the corrupt co-opting of our representatives and the factual differences in race, religion and national character (white, Christian nationalist identity). When these differences are purposely mutated, or their anti-theses are "weaponized" against the common good, then you have a very real socio-cultural problem that manifests in political chaos.

We are seeing Weimar re-enacted. The street leftists are actually inciting the right by tweaking their mythic sensibilities through violence. We are also seeing people taking sides, as they did in the War of Northern Aggression. And who is behind all of this besides the Judaics and other NWO globalists? THE BANKERS (one and the same, really)all wars are banker wars (Google that)the bankers profit from both sides fighting one another, from chaos.

Therefore, a very delicate line has been drawn wherein to act in violence is to play into the bankers' hands; yet to NOT act is to tacitly assent to the injustice being waged on the People via their proxies. Now, you can look at this in a samsaric wayspiritual forces are always relevantbut there still exists a nut-and-bolt, in-your-face reality to deal with; a socio-political "mopping up" that cannot be ignored, as it has been over these many years, during which time everyone has been mis-educated and morally debauched in so many ways.

The political reality outweighs the finer theoretical points in the drama now, making some sort of civil war inevitable. And it bothers me that you stand apart like any effetist would, sneering and jeering the very side that wants to re-establish some sense, order, and values into this psychopathic phenomenon we are now seeing that has gripped and entranced so many. NOW, we are more hip to the false flags AND are just beginning to understand how false flag weather events are geo-engineered, all to further incite the worst mythic tendencies from those who still harken to a sense of rightness. Thanks to intelligence sharing on the internet people are more mentally savvy to the old tricks of our "masters," and less swayed by mythic hyperbole.

Is it "mythic" of me to call out evil as being "Luciferian"? I don't think sonot if you think that the personages of Satan, Lucifer and Ahriman are real entities to whom real people offer child sacrifices, etc. Again, to know the real history of the Earth is to understand; not that I am some historian extraordinaire, but I have sought to overcome the outright lies of conventional history that mostly serve to continue our enslavement.

It could well be that Trump's election was engineered by the very same elitist forces for the purpose of fomenting the chaos they want to descend upon us, as it is right now. Still, the alternative is unthinkable=> the treasonous Obama/Clinton/Bush crime syndicate? Non merci! Yet we see those same elitist forces still exerting a certain power in the Trump White House, especially in the area of foreign/military policy. So while I side with my president (and I think his "heart," his patriotism, is in the right place) I am no rabid, unthinking fool ("my country, right or wrong=>I did learn something from the old counter-culture).

There are benign and malignant aspects to the mythic as there are to every stage of consciousness. Our mythic consciousness remains very much a part of us and serves its purposes. Regarding mental consciousness, the ability to engage in critical thinking is what I aim for (as in as an example); holding seemingly bizarre truths in a suspended state of scrutiny is also a mental characteristic bordering on an integral tendency (depends on the subject matter=> e.g., if we're talking ETs, a secret space program, unpublicized tech breakthroughsin short, a "break-away civilization"we're more in the realm of the integral).

If I may, it is more likely you who has given himself over to malignant aspects of the mythic by marginalizing and maligning the new/alternative counter-culture; perhaps you are so intent upon preserving what you deem to be "properly cogent" mental processes you have stratified (or even mythologized) your own mental consciousness. That, young man, is NOT very integral of you!