Sunday, November 5, 2017

Resurrecting My Faith: A Reawakening of Catholic Sensibility

For months Michael Hoffman’s latest book, The Occult Renaissance Church of Rome has stayed put in my bathroom. I had eagerly awaited it and picked it up from time to time, reading enough to satisfy me that his essential thesis was quite correct; over the past 500 years or so the Roman Catholic Church has been irretrievably corruptedby usury, Talmudic/Kabbalist infiltration, anything-goes ecumenism, perversion, and the occult black arts.
Each day when I took my constitutional the book was there, reminding me that the institution meant to carry forward and defend the living word of Jesus had become a sellout, a perfidious betrayer. As a result, for any Roman Catholic whose faith remains intact the sacraments are no longer available. Oh they are in form, but not in substance. The spiritual efficacy is gone that is supposed to emanate from the Vicar of Christ through cardinals and bishops and the priests via the sacraments of communion, confession, etc. And, since the hoax known as Vatican II, the Tridentine Latin Massthe REAL Massis no longer available. In other words, the desolation is complete; the grace, comfort and guidance was gutted out. The Roman Catholic religion has become an empty shell. That’s some kind of thievery. (See, e.g., ) 
In fact, the current abomination known as the Vatican is a Luciferian entity whose Satanic practices are personified by its anti-pope Francis, an anti-Christ whose blackened soul represents the antithesis of Christianityhe is nothing short of an apotheosis of charlatanry. Yes, the Chair of St. Peter is vacantsede vacanteand has been since Pope Leo X began accepting the practice of usury in about the year 1510 Hoffman’s words, usury being the “mortal sin that was and now is not.” Because none of the popes that succeeded Leo X renounced usury (with its accompanying sins of sodomy and moral relativism) those popes too were lacking in moral and spiritual authority.
Of course as a lad I was not altogether clueless. I remember the idiocy of “the folk mass” that broke out in the mid-60s after Vatican II and the rest of the casuistry that attended this final washing out of the Faith from the Roman Church. I was not then conscious of the steadily growing atrophy at the heart of that Church. Instead, I learned the dogma and teachings, the doctrine of one, holy catholic and apostolic Church, unaware of the cancer that had been eating away at it for 500 years. But a growing disillusionment began creeping over me until, by about 1970 I had all but abandoned my Catholicism. In its place I was caught up in the post-modern lies perpetuated by the “Glare of coolism,” rooted in the Tavistock-CIA-Mossad propaganda machine that essentially pushed its mind control via TV, radio, rock’n’roll and Hollywood.
For the bulk of my life, from the age of 16 onwards, until I began waking up in my early 50s (about 2006), I bobbed about, hip and cool, in a sea of uncertainty about everything around me. Still, for whatever reason, I always maintained an outsider mentality. I never bought into the whole lie. That is, I sought to stay on the margins, never embracing the materialist utopia whole-hog. I cast myself as a blues man, adopting and playing this fringeland music. And I took to doing roofing work for a while to stay free from the typical strivers of the mainstream. All this time, I kept a flame of faith alive within me. Similarly, I continued venerating education.
As I stayed on a tack of “spiritual seeking” I kept pecking away at studies of various kindspublic administration, law, and theories of consciousness. I was less  aware that education too had been co-opted. That same dogged dissatisfaction kept eating away at my soul as I traversed the socially engineered panopticon. The falsity and deceit, the lack of role modelsone might say, the virtual abandonment of rugged individualismleft this scruffy and tenacious seeker in a lonely world of separation and alienation. For a while I went about asking, “My people, my people, where are my people?” I knew that truththe real, the authentichad been eclipsed by something awful, but I could not quite put my finger on it until my best years were behind me. Too badall I could do was to get in line like a foolish man to receive my booby prize (comprised of certificates and licenses and endeavors that went nowhere).
For a month or so I wondered whether the real Catholicism was alive within the Orthodox traditions. I explored this but couldn’t get into it either, especially after learning that the particular Western right I was investigating also had no qualms about usury.  Maybe, I thought, like Sufism, real Catholicism is now confined to various outlier, ad hoc communities (e.g., with such arcane groups as the “Old Believers” who reside mostly in Russia). I just don’t knowwho does?
So I sent away for a silver Antioch cross and a Russian cross pendant, hung them on a silver chain and decided to wear them. I declare myself now to be a non-denominational Catholic. Actually, I don’t know if such a thing exists, but I don’t know what else to call myself. I still have my faith despite the absence of an institutionally legitimate religious framework. So be it.
Finally, just yesterday morning I watched some videos on Fatima.  I am now considering saying the rosary daily.  That may seem corny or stupid to folks, but not to me.