Tuesday, August 14, 2018

The Pen and the Lance

Four months of mute stagnation—a long, dark veil was finally lifting. Work duties remained, but hopeful rays of inspiration cut into the dullness of Harland’s world. Yes, at long last a suffocating procrastination was ending; the ennui that had dogged him from late spring through the summer began dissipating as mid-August approached.
He felt a slight rustle of the Holy Ghost kindling his bones. Such a notion may seem like a hangover of mythic consciousness, especially when mirrored against the idea of ETs among us, a secret space program, or similar phantasms stirring in his mind and imagination. Yet Harland would stick to the towering glory, the divine goodness that is God, a mystery beyond his ken. He coddled and treasured the Christ energies, the Trinitarian creed, the apostolic faith of his fathers. And yes, his quiet spiritual fervor seemed quaint when compared to the quantum twists of hyper-space-time modernity, but this was the way it was and it would remain so.
Politics and political maneuvering presented complexities. Harland believed that a great leader, a good man who inspired a nation, could easily be steered in wrong directions. It was a seduction practiced by lesser men, advising great men to err. (Consequently, intermittent course corrections need to be made; misrule would never do.) Still, the vision and example of a great leader could work wonders in the world if properly nurtured. But who is able to manage the intricate delicacies of political intrigue, especially by one’s very own advisers? It takes a very special person.
Trump was such a man. In Harland’s opinion he was the best president since Andrew Jackson. He was getting seasoned to the job. But there were some around him whose intentions were not as honorable—neocons, two-faced British lackeys, dual citizens of Israel, old-think war hawks, and just plain useful idiots who were not at all useful or beneficial to the People.
Ah, the People, We the People; a motley krewe to be sure: fat, loud, simple and stupid—at least that’s the “public face,” the way the fake news media portrays us. But in essence, the People are American individualists who are drawn from all walks of life, all sorts of physical types and temperaments, from varied backgrounds and social strata. And many have a certain unique, creative moxie that lays dormant until it is safe to be released. Harland thought that a mild surge came forward during the Reagan years. But he relishes the memory of JFK’s administration (its foibles and limitations notwithstanding) when by its very being it unleashed a tsunami of pent-up People power in the form of hopes and dreams, inventiveness and good intentions. But that only receded into a low tide after 11/22/63, languishing as an undercurrent ever since.
We Americans are an independent lot who have been the target of collectivist herding for over a half century. Yet we remain a bulwark against everything the New World Order has thrown at us, from drugs, chemtrails, dumbed-down schools and leftist professors, to bad food, political correctness, and a mania for –“isms” brought to us by identity politics that seeks to separate and alienate us from each other.
By now we are pretty worn down by all of the Tom-foolery, the fakery and phoniness, but by golly we are still standing—and standing proud. Targets of social engineering, e.g., what John Coleman termed “the Aquarian Conspiracy,” and a complicit media, we are a seemingly non-regenerative lot—the offspring of a psychotic and rootless civilization. Despite this we are still intact, just barely, as a People—and we still have guns. We are ready to resurrect ourselves from over a half century of an unrelenting hammering by a globalist cabal allowed by lesser political leaders to run rough shod over us. Secret societies and their malign intelligence networks have cooked us in a stew of cynicism and mind control that is unprecedented. We now live in a “CIA-run” society. This faux bunch has infiltrated every space that might otherwise provide a safe harbor. Industry, the trades, law, medicine, business, science, the arts, academia, publishing, even the major religions (particularly Christianity) have come under the thumb of their subverting influence.
Harland sighed deeply. These days one could access so many essays that intoned this now familiar elegy of a beaten-down nation and a fallen world—essays that list all of the problems in depressing detail while offering no positive vision, no solutions that might manifest a more encouraging future. He would not add one more of these essays to the lot.
Is Q-anon really JFK, Jr.? It’s a fascinating possibility to consider. The net was abuzz with Q-sleuths trying to make the case that he faked his own death and has been quietly working with Trump since 1999 to Make America Great Again. Harland hoped it was true.
Trump is doing an extraordinary job of corralling the traitorous Swamp creatures (in spite of the fact that he appointed SES globalist-enablers, Sessions and Wray); this, in spite of the fact that he ostensibly supports the Rothschild Zionist State of Israel and its Satanist leader, Netanyahu. Still, might this be the pragmatism of the politician in him? After all, Trump still has lots to do and to alienate the Zio-lobby too early in the game may doom his plan from moving forward. He does have a lifetime of dealing with this faction and is facile at doing so. There is now talk of him subduing the Rothschild Federal Reserve System.
This I gotta see, mused Harland.
On investigating the so-called Dark Ages—he had sent away for some books he thought might clue him in to what history may be trying to hide there. But those books proved to be so conventional (and therefore “boringly unilluminating”) that he gave up going down that supposed rabbit hole. In reading the Lives of the Saints, though, many of whom lived in the Dark Ages, Harland believes that something very magical was taking place during this transition era from the “Roman Empire of the mind” to the feudalist Middle Ages. In his mind’s eye he sees King Arthur and his Knights of the Roundtable; he sees a time when men were men; when women were virtuous. It was a time of great faith and fortitude, courage and chivalry—before the invention of gunpowder and mirrors. Maybe it’s best left at that.
I wonder, thought Harland, how many others out there are tired of surfing their favorite websites, looking for something real and meaningful. I am. I’m tired of the same old political, economic and socio-cultural fricassee that gets served up day after day. Fakestream media has its daily CIA-produced feed that get parroted by its networks and complicit internet sites; but so too does the alternative media have some sort of common clearinghouse. I see many of the same articles and videos (and assorted “fantasy pieces”) across an array of red pill cyber-places I visit.  Though there are some sites that offer curious ET tidbits, prophecy, and paranormal subjects, this too gets old.
Harland worried that filling his time screen-gazing at internet sites was becoming like watching TV. Not a day went by that he did not get on his computer. And even though the internet could be a forum for anyone with enough know-how and imagination to get something going there, it still has a certain amount of that same “programing” that TV has always had. The slicker and more “produced” the site, the more likely it was disinfo meant to guide your thinking into some level of mind control. To hold firm to the belief that only dirty money could afford a glitzy, glamorous web presence, however, also corralled high artistry and tech talent into a sort of disinfo-limbo. It was a conundrum.
Another conundrum that dogged Harland was the “secret society adept turned white-hat-whistle blower” phenomenon. Douglas Gabriel is a prime example, having been an NSA guy, (and perhaps still being) a Jesuit, Freemason, and Rosicrucian. Former CIA guys like Steve Pieczenik and Kevin Shipp also fall into that category. Another web oddity is former Economist editor, Benjamin Fulford, who claims to be a member of the “White Dragon Society.” These fellows do seem on the up and up to him, but a seed of doubt remains because of their alliances (or perhaps “allegiances” is a better term). There are others. Harland won’t even attempt to dissemble the “exo-politics crowd,” which presents its own weird difficulties when it comes to reasonable discernment.
I suppose it sort of boils down to the question of pedigree. A person’s pedigree is tied to its own special legacy, which in turn is based not only upon genetics and familial conditioning, but also upon past education, experience, and a defining influence from networks of friends and acquaintances. You can go by your gut instincts if you have reason to believe they are well-grounded.
The esoteric “metrical-for-lunch-bunch” out there might argue that if we only come to know ourselves—our inner daemon, that divine Self within—then we will be guided appropriately in our lives, and our discernment and decisions will show us the Way. In past ages, certain Saints, Sufis, and Zen monks come to mind. Today, this Way seems to require a willingness to engage in a certain gnosis, perhaps theosophy, anthroposophy or neo-anthroposophy; that is, to delve into the Egyptian mysteries of Pythagoras and/or some sort of alchemical Hermeticism. In this way we are brought to the chasm of occult knowledge—a shifting and shifty place to be. Without proper guidance, Harland thinks that such a seeker can become quite the occultist loser, with the most precious loss being that seeker’s soul. Thus it is that we get tricked by the Master Deceiver.
While acknowledging the benefits of guidance from an authentic spiritual master, Harland remains wary. In this false age how does one know when such an avatar is truly encountered. More precisely, when encountering a purported master how does one know with any certainty whether to be accepting of that master’s spiritual guidance? The conundrum is compounded…
Forget spiritual master. Even on the political adviser level it seems easy to get burned. How is it that Trump appointed his own people to head up the State Department, Department of Justice, the FBI, the CIA—and there is still resistance and cover-up and con games being played? Can’t these new agency heads, presumably sympathetic to the Trump administration, force their own personnel to comply with document requests and purge their own agencies of recalcitrant, traitorous employees? What am I missing here? Can’t Soros be arrested?
There is a huge desire among patriots to see those who have betrayed their country (nay, their very own souls) to be held accountable. When will the many high profile criminals and traitors be tried and convicted? When will we see them hang?
The same applies to the Catholic Church. When will this anti-Pope Francis get the boot? When will the heretics, the usurers, and the pedophile priests, along with their Luciferian protectors, face justice? At a time when the exoteric religions are in complete disarray Harland remains skeptical that anything of much worth can be found in the more esoteric realms these days. That may be a logical cynicism. Then again, looking to the condition of any institution for indicators of the state of esotericism today may not be wise at all, unless one concludes that in times of chaos all and everything is in chaos.
Harland has been dumbstruck these past four months. With this essay he breaks his silence. But lo and behold, nothing much has changed; the regurgitation continues. Perhaps writing it out will help, perhaps not.
Communing with my own muse is preferable, he thought, to sifting through the words that represent the musings of others.
With this thought Harland posted his essay to the public space, where it would be duly unnoticed, as had his five books; his work and his destiny one and the same.