Except for some Q-related patriots (X22 Report, David Wilcock, Kerry Cassidy) I see almost no articles and videos in the news that explain how Trump is using this sham-pandemic lock-down for the purpose of eradicating the Deep State.
I'm so sure of it I am writing about it (as fact) in my latest sci-fi book. I know that sounds slightly...moronic. But when facts are ignored and we're living in a digital simulation anyway, it makes perfect sense.
Stay tuned. The troops deployed both here and abroad are on a mission: to apprehend the worst of the worst. What would be a better time to do so, while people are off the streets and in their homes? The Hammer is finally falling. The Storm is upon us. And the Great Awakening will soon be followed by the Great Unveiling of the enemies of humanity and a detailed litany of their dastardly deeds, beginning at least from Nov. 22, 1963.
Here is a peek at chapter excerpts from my upcoming book, Spyoptaelip the Cryptic, expected out before Summer, 2020:
I'm so sure of it I am writing about it (as fact) in my latest sci-fi book. I know that sounds slightly...moronic. But when facts are ignored and we're living in a digital simulation anyway, it makes perfect sense.
Stay tuned. The troops deployed both here and abroad are on a mission: to apprehend the worst of the worst. What would be a better time to do so, while people are off the streets and in their homes? The Hammer is finally falling. The Storm is upon us. And the Great Awakening will soon be followed by the Great Unveiling of the enemies of humanity and a detailed litany of their dastardly deeds, beginning at least from Nov. 22, 1963.
Here is a peek at chapter excerpts from my upcoming book, Spyoptaelip the Cryptic, expected out before Summer, 2020:
April Fool’s Day, 2020, the hammer began to fall. Huge hospital ships had been
sent to sit off of each coast, one outside of LA and one outside of NYC. Under
the guise of a virus pandemic, Trump masterfully arranged a roundup of
undesirables. The Q-plan was executed with flawless military precision. The
“hospital ships” would soon be full of low-life traitors.
The Storm has been unleashed: at last,
at last! Habeas corpus had been
suspended and before long the ships steamed toward the holding pens at Guantanamo
Bay (GITMO).
Concomitantly, civil disorder broke
out across the land. It was really a last gasp death rattle of those poor sods
suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome—the mis-educated and clueless among
the masses—who rallied in defense of their hate-filled agenda. They were, of
course, spurred on by the last, hold-out remnants of the Deep State globalist
dogs who still persisted in the bowels of the disfigured federal and state
governments and leftist university bastions across the land.
Civil war loomed large. There were
skirmishes in the bloated, Democrat-controlled cities across the land. An
attempt to form a rebel government was made with its capital in Chicago,
Illinois, and was busy mobilizing an Antifa-style subversive militia. Armed insurrections
and attacks upon Trump’s well-placed patriot troops broke out. These were
mostly small-scale firefights.
The media had been quashed; many of
the mouth-pieces from that already by-gone era had quickly been removed. Google
had already been forced to relinquish its censoring activities. Still, internet
and phone had been suspended for the three days during the Ten Days of
Darkness. Then it came back, rewired, to exclude Deep State “nodes.” But the
decapitation of leading vipers was so masterfully undertaken that the
traitorous bands of thugs remaining were really only a mop-up operation and
that was expected to be completed within weeks.
The population had long been prepared
in advance for this turn of events; they had been publicly educated by Trump
and his administration. They ably demonstrated the vile nature of the Deep
State and their servitors, from hold-out Senior Executive Service lackeys to
their outright and obvious ties to the British. (Particularly disgusting was
the role of the monarchy, as established via the Brit Queen’s “golden shares”
ownership (and otherwise) in such nefarious operations as the Pilgrims’
Society, Wellcome Trust, the Pirbright Institute, Merial and QinetiQ).
Trump allowed the enemy to parade its
own insanity through media fake news, shameful U.S. House impeachment
proceedings, etc., so that the people could behold them in all of their
deranged, anti-American lunacy. Then these Dems held their “debates,” showing
themselves for what they are and shooting themselves in the foot. This had all
been leading to what, in Q circles, is known as “The Great Awakening.”
By this method Trump had been building
trust among the People and this long preparation was now paying off. The People
were ready to rally behind their leader more than ever. This will not only lead
to Trump’s re-election, it will allow him to proceed with what Amos calls “The
Great Unveiling.”
John F. Kennedy’s administration was
the last real effort to destroy the Deep State. Unfortunately, it was too little
too late.
JFK was the son of veteran Deep State
player. His father Joe’s past conniving as a bootlegger and then back-room
manipulator was well-known. He then made a bold and blatant attempt to place
his family clan into the vortex of American power. JFK, relatively youthful and
inexperienced, went along with the program, never fully realizing the breadth
and depth of the puppet-masters to which his family was beholden—until, that
is, he was already ensconced in the White House. When he did become privy to
the CIA, its military-industrial complex, and the treasonous Deep State
structure overlords within-and-without, he attempted to take action, but
again—it was too little, too late.
And when he was gunned down like a dog
in the street he was destined to become a martyr to the cause of American
liberty. It took almost 60 years but the day reckoning, of evening that score,
was finally upon us.
The Great Unveiling begins with the
exposure of the whitewash of the Kennedy assassination; of it being finally
revealed for what it was: a foul conspiracy and an escape hatch for (formerly)
untouchable criminal masterminds. It is these cowardly thugs who have been
running things behind the scenes in USA, Inc. ever since 1963. Their endless
wars and systematic looting, the destabilization and “de-spiritization” of
America ramped up in the decades that followed.
And on the heels of the Kennedy
assassination disclosure—the unveiling of them and the bringing of them to
justice—will be the awakening of the American People to other Deep State
conspiracies, from the bombing of the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City
to the 9-11 conspiracy, the sham attack that was the capstone of the Deep
State’s treason.
The Federal Reserve is all but
reconfigured now, thanks to Trump’s informed and decisive actions, which
implies the end of their IRS criminal collection agency as well. The currency
re-set is a soon-to-be fait accompli.
The rapid unwinding of the corrupt
power structure is in motion now and the Deep State operatives are in total
disarray and panic. It really is a great time to be alive; it is probably the
most delectable moment Amos can recall. All of those formerly privileged
corruptocrats are finally getting their come-uppance.
And what is really happening is that
their long-thriving empire based on the abuse of children and the killing of
the unborn is being systematically rooted out. This beyond-sick, protected
pedophile network of the criminally insane is finally getting eradicated. More
poignantly, the adrenochrome-addicted upper echelons, along with their
Hollywood sycophant emulators, are in deep withdrawal from a wickedness that is
terminal—and terminally agonizing—for them. Their real pain has begun.
It is a rare treat to now witness the
termination of the wicked and to look forward to the day when children can once
again live in the full zest and vigor of childhood. Yes, the reign of the
abortion holocaust (that rubbed out the existence of over 63 million babies) is
coming to a righteous end, once and for all. Thankfully, the halo of the
Eternal, All-Merciful God is finally breaking over the horizon of our land (though God is not done with us yet,
thought Amos).
This 2020 Civil Insurrection (it’s
hardly a “war”) will be handled appropriately as the cultural catharsis of
truth reaches its zenith. There is so much hard work yet to do after 60+ years
of planned institutional disintegration. Every industry and organization had
been tainted by this socialist/communist “parasitic virus of mind and soul.”
Amos expects the ensuing years to be years of national healing, restitution,
reconciliation. It will certainly take a generation or two to move the
collective psyche beyond the sinkhole of present memory.
Glory be to the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit that this scourge has been turned back, at last! But oh, the hard and mighty work that needs to be done now! Pray we must for a better, a much better day!—as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.
The hysteria regarding the virus
pandemic had finally passed and things had returned to a state of normalcy as
the summer of 2020 roared in. There was a brand new sense of optimism. The
apprehension and eradication of the Deep State players had been a resounding
success. This was followed by Trump making a series of televised appearances.
In them, he explained to the American People the military actions that had been
undertaken during the Spring, the nature of the evil-doers, their decades-long
crime spree, their horrendous acts, the conspirators involved with them, and the fact
that at long last the world had been rescued from them. Luciferian
world bondage had come to a screeching halt.
These announcements were accompanied
by new developments that were taking place in real time: zero-point energy was
being ushered in as a jubilee year was announced—all debts to the old cabal
banking system (viz., “odious debt”) were to be canceled, including all student
loan debt. No longer would people be yoked to the vile burdens of yesteryear. A
new monetary system was being introduced; there was to be no more fiat, funny-money
currency. The Democrat party imploded, of course, and that demonic bunch disappeared
overnight. Everything was looking up. It was really a time of joy and
thanksgiving. The November election was a foregone conclusion. The election
process was fortified by requiring voter IDs. Campaign reform curtailed all of
the vices and corruption of past years. World tensions eased. It was a time of
rapturous wonder and great expectations.
And then there was a most propitious
announcement: Trump announced that his 2020 running mate would be none other
than John F. Kennedy, Jr., who had successfully faked his own death and gone
into hiding. As had been suspected by certain insiders, it was JFK, Jr. who had
spearheaded the QAnon group. To accolades and triumphant cheers he was
re-introduced to a nation brimming with new optimism. There was resounding joy
throughout the land. (To be continued)
Admittedly, this is a bit of wishful thinking, a patriot's wet dream, and it may seem far-fetched, but wait and see. Remember, this is only the first draft...