Thursday, September 23, 2021

Be an American State National

20 Warnings in George 
Washington’s Farewell Address

 1.     Be vigilant; people will seek to use the government for selfish ends.

2.     Avoid overgrown military establishments; they are hostile to liberty.

3.     Prevent all obstructions to the execution of the laws.

4.     Control bureaucracies; make sure they all work together.

5.     Avoid political parties; they will cause divisive factions and unscrupulous men will use them to undermine the government.

6.     Give allegiance to the Constitution; improve it as necessary.

7.     Do not alter the Constitution lightly, or based on hypothesis; apply the experience applied when it was created.

8.     Be suspicious of administrators; they may serve themselves rather than the people.

9.     Watch for consolidation of power in any department of government.

10.         Preserve existing checks and balances and add more where power needs to be checked.

11.         Religion and morality are essential to create the virtue necessary to preserve the union.

12.         Promote widespread education; democracy requires literate citizens that understand the system of governance and take responsibility for themselves.

13.         Avoid debt; and immediately discharge any debt created by war.

14.         Taxes are unpleasant; government spending should be candidly conducted.

15.         Cultivate peace and justice toward all nations.

16.         Avoid alliances and maintain neutrality among nations.

17.         Avoid dependency; a weak state that allies with a stronger state will become its servant.

18.         Real patriots will resist intrigues, while dupes will surrender to interests.

19.         In trade, give no nation a favored nation status.

20.         Be guided by principles, not interests.


In his warnings to posterity our American Revolutionary War Hero General and First President, George Washington, certainly laid out the bear traps regarding the potential for abuses by government and military.

These have turned out to be the very jaws of those traps that have snapped closed onto We the People.

Wake up to your true status. You are the master, independent and free, and not a slave to government run amok.

A Maryland National, learned in the Common Law, offers this:

A good place to begin browsing for an introduction to the Common Law is this site:

Notice that “The Law” by Frederic Bastiat is there, in addition to other practical references.


Realize that WE do not live at the Constitution. Rather, the Constitution is a Common Law Trust Contract that describes the government created. It consists of an Executor, who is the President, Trustees who are all government employees, and Beneficiaries of the Trust who are WE the People. Feel free to correct anyone who says he or she has “Constitutional Rights,” and the like. 


Incidentally, since “WE" created the Constitution OVER the government, it follows that all attempts of the government to subjugate us are Null and Void. The government can NOT “mandate” us to take “medicines” any more than it can force people into the military under “Emergency Powers.” (Blackstone himself confirms this.) WE have Supreme Jurisdiction over the Constitution, and any action taken under it. We are the final arbiters over the Law of this Land; the Supreme Court is the government’s court. Only governmental entities and the corporations it has created are affected.


For the Common Law, the Bible is the source book. Referring to “US Code”, or “Code of Federal Regulations” [Civil Law] will be unnecessary and foreign, except if needed to show congruence in certain circumstances. Old English Statutes, such as the “Statute of Frauds”, or “Statute of Contracts” are still timely, and settled.  Here is a Biblical point showing the controversy-settling essence of the Common Law: This is a handy on-line Bible link.


As you learn the Common Law, you will see as Brent Allan Winters says in his book, “The Excellence of the Common Law”, that Common Law seeks to find the Law applicable to the situation for remedy, whereas Civil Law tends to establish non-compliance to Statute Code, and applicable punishment. 


Here is Blackstone.  His work is indispensable, but better to own (4 volumes from 1765). I have seen subsequent editions that attempt to update; if LAW is unchanging, then why rewrite?  This will get you started…


If you use the initial sources above and Common Law is new to you, then expect to take about 100 reading hours before it comes together for you.

American jurisprudence was founded upon the Common Law. Yet after the 1860s it began to be squeezed out. By the 1930s the Common Law was overcome by the national security state and the many “federal programs” inaugurated by Franklin Delano Roosevelt to combat a Depression concocted by the central bankers. With the 1950s the Uniform Commercial Code began its national onslaught as state-after-state adopted it into their codes.

To get a feel for the oceanic change between the Common Law and the Civil (Corporate) version, consider how juries were mangled and subverted:

At common law:

1. A “jury of one’s peers” actually refers to those within the community who have known the defendant and can attest to his or her character; today, such peers would be routinely rejected to serve as jurors due to their obvious “bias”

2. Juries are empowered to determine questions of law, as well as fact. Today, judges routinely provide “jury instructions” that disallow juries from determining the law (or more precisely, its nature and specific application);

3. Modern court rules of procedure have a provision for a “Directed Verdict,” wherein a judge can overrule a jury’s verdict. This ability of a judge unconstitutionally interferes with the absolute power that is vested in a jury’s power to render verdicts.

To learn more, join a group that studies and lives by the Common Law and its living documents. The National States Assemblies, organized by Anna Marie Reizinger and compatriots (in all 50 states and around the world), provides a ready pathway toward becoming an American State National (or an American State Citizen).

"U.S. citizens" and "residents" of counties beware! Words are important; wittingly or unwittingly they impute jurisdiction (and thus, liberty or subjugation).

Begin your journey and reclaim your sovereignty. Go here to find the coordinator in your state who can help you with appropriate advice and the suitable documents to enable you to expatriate from the corporate behemoth, USA, Inc.:

A war against your sacred liberty is currently being waged. Fight the good fight, as St. Paul exhorts us to do. Begin by correcting your status and removing yourself from the false, corporate jurisdiction; return by repatriating yourself to the original, constitutional republic: The United States of America