Sunday, February 27, 2022

The Law of Kinds

Source: The Book of Genesis Illustrated, R. Crumb (2009)

by Anna Maria Riezinger 

I wish to bring everyone's attention to bear on one of the most ancient, most fundamental, and most unarguable foundations of law — The Law of Kinds, which is established in the Book of Genesis, where the Creator declares that each creation is ordered according to their kind: animals to animals, birds to birds, men to men, and so on.

This Law of Kinds also applies to all forms of Common Law and forms of law deriving from Common Law, so that there is a firm and not-to-be-trespassed boundary between living people and dead corporations, between fact and fiction.

The criminality that presently infests the world is caused by attempts to evade and circumvent the Law of Kinds, so as to redefine people as corporations and vice versa. This comprises a whole class of crimes known as "Personation Crimes" which include identity theft, false arrest, impersonation, unlawful conversion, human trafficking, kidnapping, racketeering, extortion, and fraud.

The courts that exist in America now are 99% foreign and virtually none of them have any official capacity to address a living American. They all depend on a ruse of mistaken identity and false claims of citizenship obligation to function.

These false claims of foreign citizenship obligation are propped up by falsified documents called "registrations" and specifically by "Birth Registrations" which are phony, but which stand until and unless people wake up and "record over them" and change the political status attached to their names by these registration documents.

So — when you walk into one of these foreign courts, they already have "information" at their disposal that stands as evidence that you are a foreign citizen living here in this country as a "resident". They have a Birth Certificate showing that you are a Territorial U.S. Citizen and they have a BIRTH CERTIFICATE indicating that you are a Municipal CITIZEN of the United States, and they have nothing — nada, zip, zero — on any Public Record saying otherwise.

They accordingly treat you as a "foreign person" and prosecute you under foreign law.

And in a sense, you consent to this because you take no action to object to their presumptions and you do nothing to create admissible evidence rebutting the registrations they have created in your name.

This is how you, a living American, wind up in a foreign court of "strictly limited jurisdiction", without a clue as to how that court is viewing you or what kind of law you are being prosecuted under.

You have to object to this, and as much as possible, you have to present admissible evidence of the fact that you are an American without any foreign citizenship obligations.

The intention of a future act claiming back your birthright political status and estate as an American is not sufficient. Just saying, "Hey, I'm an American!" in court is not sufficient.

This is because you can be an American and still have foreign citizenship obligations --- like all those Americans who serve in the Federal Civil Service and all those who serve in the United States Military Service and all those Americans who serve as "officers" -- elected and otherwise, of various kinds of corporations.

The key issue that these Interlopers cling to is a presumption that you are "voluntarily" engaged as a Transactor in Commerce, because they have regulatory authority (however misinterpreted) over interstate commerce.

Your exemption from this legal presumption is found in Section 16, the Enabling Clause, of the Federal Reserve Act.

You need to look them in the eye and say, "I am a living American without citizenship obligations. I am not a voluntary Transactor in commerce. I am exempt from your jurisdiction and I claim my exemptions, remedies, and reliefs,"

Then you need to plunk down a copy of the Birth Certificate or BIRTH CERTIFICATE issued in your name as evidence of the crime committed against you when you were just a baby, and a copy of your recorded declaration of political status standing as evidence in your favor.

It is both illegal and unlawful for these courts and agencies to "misaddress" you as if you were something you are not, or as if you were engaged in activities that you are not engaged in, but it is up to you to object and hold them feet first to the fire.

It is also up to you to invoke the Law of Kinds — what are you, a living man, an American owed the Public Law including the Guarantees of the Constitutions, doing in a court that is limited to administering the affairs of corporations, public transmitting utilities, commercial vessels and foreign citizenry?

In every case the Prosecutor bears the burden of proof and he never does produce any public evidence of jurisdiction for himself or the court, because you never make him prove who he is and in what capacity he is acting, and you never stop to question the nature and jurisdiction of the courts you are facing.

Most people never create and bring forward evidence that compels the courts to stand down, either — but that is changing.

When we first started this effort court wins were few and far between, but as we have amped up our declaration and recording processes and as more and more Americans have stepped up and defended their identity in court, the pendulum is swinging in our favor.

Remember that the Birth Certificates issued in your name provide powerful evidence of a crime committed against you when you were only a few days or weeks old, at a time when you could not possibly object or correct this foreign registration process — or even be aware of it.

Remember that the Declarations of political status that you establish and record in Public prove who you are and the political status you claim in opposition to the phony registration that was foisted off on you as a baby.

Any foreign court faced with those two pieces of evidence, and your objection to being misaddressed and misrepresented as a foreign person, is looking down the equivalent of a double-barreled shotgun; what these looters have done to you in stealing your identity and misrepresenting your political status is a capital crime in international jurisdiction.

Just like rustling cattle, it's a hanging offense.

Thursday, February 17, 2022

On Leaders and Buzz Words

These days we are witnessing tyranny using pseudo-medical mandates and forced “vaccinations” to destroy or enslave us all. Those who are fighting this tyranny, e.g., the truckers protesting up in Canada and elsewhere, must be very careful about the language they use. Similarly, all who resist tyranny need to be guarded and cautious about which leaders to follow.

Talk is cheap; it is actions that count. When it comes to choosing  leaders to support, the ideal situation is to have known such people since birth and on through childhood; to have witnessed how they lived their lives, what they did and did not do, and how they handled themselves, both when they succeeded in life and when they made mistakes.

Unfortunately, in today's more fractured society, one with high levels of transients and anonymity, people are less able to witness others over long periods of time. (In former times this was not usually the case. People knew their neighbors and spent most of their lives in one particular place. This is what gave rise to a "jury of one's peers" as the American common law came to call it; if you were accused of doing something unlawful, you were to be tried by a jury of folks who knew you and your character very well.)

If one has not grown up knowing a potential leader, then there needs to be a trial period when we come to really know that other. Therefore if one resonates with what someone says in the public realm, it is always wise, at first, to only  tentatively accept that leader. Over time, one might gradually learn to follow that leader by carefully scrutinizing whether he or she actually walks-the-talk.

Because of this needed "empiricism" it is always harder to accept theoreticians and armchair philosophers than it is those who offer praxis (in addition to, and as an extension of, imagination and theorizing). That is, leaders who take action and consistently practice what they preach—those who admit their mistakes but who continually strive to do their best—these are worthy leaders.

I’m sick and tired of this "Covid-19" stuff. Aren’t you? This article is my final word on it. But it is also a warning to those who are taking brave stands against this nonsense: choose your leaders with the same circumspection with which you choose your words. (Actually, I need to heed my own advice. These days, when told to wear a mask in some store, my anger at the suggestion often overcomes me and all the wrong words tumble out of my mouth.) In any case…

Action necessarily leads to discussion and debate. But beware: using "their" language, their buzz words, subtly infiltrates and undermines what you are trying to say. Some key examples:

1.  "Covid-19" is simply just another strain of the flu or common cold that can be dealt with accordingly, i.e., using therapeutics and natural, herd immunity. Therefore, refer to it instead as "Coodies-!9" 

2.  The so-called "pandemic" is in fact an artificially-hyped hysteria using lots of high-cycled PCR tests to get false positives. It includes hospitals that are being paid to use these tests whenever someone presents themselves for treatment, and in this way, artificially inflates (1) the number of "cases," and (2) attributes most causes of death to "Covid-19".

Add these together with governments making it all-but-impossible for people to access curative therapeutics for flues and colds generally.

Then use a fake news media as a bullhorn-of-fear to establish that we are experiencing a pandemic and you have your "pandemic"— in fact, it is an induced pandemic of ignorance and fear  (ignorance because political science is used instead of (censored) clinical science, and fear because of the instinctive fear of our own mortality is increased exponentially by a complicit media repeating all of the fear-laden buzz words over and over again.

In fact, it is a "pandemic hoax" or a "purposely induced hysteria" — a “scamdemic,” a “plandemic”— and not a pandemic at all.

3.  The proposed solution?: "vaccines". There are just a few problems with going along with that: 

(a)  they don't protect you from contracting Coodies-!9; many who have received the shots have ended up sick (not to mention severely injured or dead); 

(b)  multiple shots plus boosters are touted as being needed, even though the first shot never gave any protection or immunity whatsoever.

What do they say?: The definition of insanity is doing the same thing — making the same mistake — over and over again and expecting different results?

Thus, from the facts presented herein it is clear that these shots are not vaccines as we understand the nature and effect of a vaccine to be. They are, instead, “toxic injectables”. See, for example, this two-page explication of what's in this shot:

4.  What has been described in the past as the "mainstream media" is, currently, neither mainstream nor media. That term now refers to the controlled and managed mouthpiece of..."the System", "the Man", the Cabal (viz., hidden-but-powerful oligarchs operating like a collective of organized crime families who blackmail and bribe officials while grooming promising young people to enter into all the various human institutions (politics, education, medical, legal, accountancy, religions, etc.) in order to direct the policy aims of the so-called New World Order according to a "globalist agenda", e.g., the United Nations' Agenda 2030)

In reality what comes to us through conventional channels that we have known and relied upon since before computers, is actually not news. It is, instead, strategic mind-control management brought to us by a small collective minority of the wealthy and influential. This minority masquerades as "mainstream" because it owns a hugely disproportionate share of conventionally-known (and now digital) media. What comes to the people as "news" is only their contrived, accepted narrative, which is only meant to entrain us to follow their precepts; this is bolstered by a relentless, systematic effort to marginalize, discredit, demonize and censor all other views. 

Thus, journalists are paid to be, essentially, "newscasters", who only parrot their given narrative instead of asking the hard questions, keeping open minds, and doing real, investigative journalism as a real free press is expected to do. 

Based on the foregoing paragraph, the term "alternative media" should never be used but must be recast as "the real media" or “the truth media”. 

In this same vein, you might add words of caution about those you are praising (or more precisely, those who give a forum and a voice to protesters dissenting from the accepted narrative). There are always intelligence agent provocateurs who covertly pose as sympathizers to the Truth Movement yet manage to corrupt its activities and aims. Time-tested, effective CIA/FBI ploys have kept the people haggling among themselves instead of fighting the real enemy, the "hidden hands" who invisibly stand behind their public stooge actors.

Anna von Reitz has written recently with regard to infiltration and subversion of the Roman Catholic and other Christian Churches:

We note that the same exact method of usurpation used by Constantine is still being employed by Luciferians today, namely: (1) Tell a Big Lie; (2) join your Enemies and pretend to be one of them; (3) play upon gullibility and trust to further infiltrate their ranks; (4) twist and alter basic ideas and beliefs, while lying about or omitting basic history; (5) gain control based on these alterations and use them to co-opt your original Enemies, making them your pawns. , p.2

Now we haven't mentioned "Luciferians." But if you define a Luciferian as one who is "God-forsaken"; who lives exclusively "in the world" (material or physical plane of existence) and who is also and exclusively "of the world" (does not recognize or accede to, e.g., the moral values of the Ten Commandments and the Holy Bible) then Luciferians are materialists who are able to know only that which they can experience with their senses. They worship the material world, their own warped minds, and hence, by implication they worship themselves — i.e., they set themselves up as gods. So, in addition to "the System", "the Man", the Cabal — we can add "Luciferians" to those commonly referred to as Freemasons, the Illuminati, The Pilgrims Society, and so on. 

So listen up, all would-be leaders. Tell your followers not to worry about Coodies-!9 and the purposely-induced hysteria, i.e, this pandemic hoax. And for goodness sake listen to the real media, the truth media, and don’t take any of these toxic injectables.

Instead listen and learn from real scientists, doctors, journalists, and preachers, all promoting common sense, open inquiry, uncorrupted science, and faith in God and natural immunity as solutions to this whole “pandemic” nonsense and all of its mandates—from masks (clinically-proven to be useless) to “vaccines” (clinically proven to be very toxic and dangerous).

Here is what a leader is not: Dr. Fauci. His track record of disgusting experiments as a manipulating bureaucrat, chronic liar, and psycho-dissimulating hack speaks for itself. He champions only the following: suffering, death, eugenics, genocide, holocaust — a real ghoul if ever there was one.

Don’t believe me? Then maybe you should believe VAERS, the Vaccine Adverse Event Recording System, an early warning system that monitors the safety of vaccines.

It has been in use since about 1986.  It is widely recognized as insufficient. For example, a Harvard study in 2010 estimated that VAERS accounts for only 1% of the actual injuries.  More recent data analysis suggests that to get the true extent of “vaccine” injuries, the numbers in VAERS would have to be multiplied by 30 to 40 times.

Currently the VAERS system lists these adverse events from the covid “vaccines”:

·        23,149 deaths (more than all reported vaccine deaths over the last 30 years)

·        124,445 hospitalizations

·        11,765 heart attacks

·        31,185 myocarditis/pericarditis (inflammation of the heart)

·        3,903 miscarriages

·        many more adverse events

Now, multiply these numbers by 30 to 40 to get a more accurate picture. These numbers are outrageously criminal and unacceptable as they are, let alone as they really are when multiplied 30-40 times!

Not many people know about this data base, including doctors who are not taught about “vaccine” injury, and do not even know about VAERS.

People who are harmed or killed by the “vaccine” are not being reported in so-called “mainstream media.” If they ‘did the right thing’ (viz., took the toxic injection and were injured) and then want to talk about their experience, they are attacked on social media and called ‘antivaxxers’. Their posts are routinely removed. This is Big Tech tyranny against sane, freedom-loving people. Is it any wonder, then, that protesters around the world are vehemently objecting? That the big trucks and their supporters are honking their horns?

So it is in a spirit of brotherhood that I ask everyone to dig down into the clinical science to uncover the sad human consequences wherein the cure is worse than the disease, or what’s worse: misinformed people are being given a toxic brew injection against a flu from which the published recovery rate is over 99%.  No, friends, this is a situation wherein we human beings ARE the research, the guinea pigs of decidedly amoral Big Pharma drug pushers, uncaring governments, and all those cowardly traitors who are complicit in their genocidal plan.

It is they who have betrayed us, and thus have become enemies of the people. Yet the people shall never cede their sovereignty to the agencies which the people created to serve them in the first place.  This is the essence of what it means to be an American, is it not? — exercising our God-given rights against the forces of tyranny who seek to circumscribe them?

In actuality, while “normies” may be clueless, choosing freedom over lunatic tyrants is the natural choice for all real, living and breathing human beings who prefer truth to lies.

Basta! Non merci! Enough is enough. Reject the Black Pill!