Thursday, March 30, 2023

The Serenity Prayer, Reconsidered

God, grant me the Serenity
To accept the things I cannot change...
Courage to change the things I can,
And Wisdom to know the difference.

The timeless truth of The Serenity Prayer has been a refuge and comfort for many. I recognize and acknowledge its wisdom. 

I just have one problem with it. When cathartic change is coming,  (as it now is)—when soul-wrenching, extreme socio-political catharsis is presently upon us—The Serenity Prayer can be one big cop-out; instead of a being “balm for realists,” it sure can be a “show-stopper for patriotic visionaries” 

The prayer begs the question: What is reality?—more so that which I cannot change, than that which I might.

More precisely, the prayer asks of people: How much of what is accepted as reality is real and how much of it is unreal, namely, how much has acceptance simply been the result of conditioning, trance?

NOTE: Be careful here; questioning what is real can quickly earn you the label of being “crazy”; and speaking “too much truth” can easily ostracize you from society, not to mention your friends and family.

Time-tested truth is real, morality is real, ethics are real, beauty and goodness are real; their malleability into being “situational” is unreal. The “unreal” is falsity, immorality, unethical behavior, the banality and inhumanity of the unnatural, of ugliness and evil.

Human beings are spirit beings, thinking beings capable of discernment. Discerning beings are those who wonder, research, weigh, calculate, surmise, examine and re-examine, converse and debate conclusions—all within a holistic framework of physical, mental and spiritual dimensions; with those dimensions working together synergistically.

We are living beings who are capable of recognizing our own divinity but also credit God Almighty, our Creator, the Creator of Heaven and Earth, a God Who allows transgressions of evil into this world in order that we may experience and know the absence of our divinity, the polar opposites of the sacred, the true, and the real; a God Who allows freewill, freedom to choose; Who allows us to suffer those choices in order that we may bear our burdens, triumph over them, and ultimately learn from suffering the results of our bad, unwise choices—or, Who stands by when we suffer the difficulties of making a righteous-yet-necessary choice.

To choose evil over good is sin. But then, that sin must be gauged along with our imperfections. What if we become addicted to strong drink in order to be able to deal with an unbearable suffering over which we may have no real control or cannot totally fathom? How much of a sin is that?

Is “situational” relativity relevant after all? Perhaps only to the degree of culpability.

Only God can judge the person; man discerns ignorance, pathos, and judges only actions of people and in some cases their failures to act, the results of which cause harm to others. These harms are called law-breaking, namely, crimes or civil wrongs. Being “unlawful” is the very definition of sin; and to sin against the divinity of self and/or against that of your neighbor is also to sin against God.    

And so, The Serenity Prayer recognizes that we have to know our own limits. That is common sense. To expect too much from ourselves only sets us up for failure and disappointment; to stay within the bounds of our realized limits, on the other hand, brings us “serenity,” which I would define as a sort of relaxed and peaceful joy.

This, then begs another question: How is it that we come to know our limits?

We know them by testing them, and in order to test them we have to first have a certain sensibility that we are capable of doing or successfully refraining from doing a certain something. This can be measured by how much physical (arm wrestling) or mental (debating) or spiritual prowess (steadfastness in conscience) we think we possess and which we think might bear up via a demonstration.

The inhibitions of knowing our own limits are patrolled by fear: fear of failure: fear of the anticipated results and imagined effects of failure on both ourselves and in regard to others. Fear can prevent us from ever testing our own limits. This compounds the initial problem because we might never get to know our own limits for fear of testing them! 

It has been variously said that Reinhold  Neibuhr  himself denied writing [The Serenity Prayer], and credited Friedrich Oetinger, an 18th century theologian [actually lived from 1872 to 1941], with its authorship; or that it was actually written in 500 A.D. by a philosopher named Boethius who was martyred for the Christian Faith.  

Both of these theories have since been discredited, and it does now appear that the Theologian Reinhold Neibuhr was the actual author (he also did in fact claim credit for it).  Niebuhr was a major influence on the German Pastor and Nazi resister, DietrichBonhoeffer.


God, grant me the Serenity
To accept the things I cannot change...
Courage to change the things I can,
And Wisdom to know the difference.


The Full Version

God, grant me the Serenity
To accept the things I cannot change...
Courage to change the things I can,
And Wisdom to know the difference.

Living one day at a time,
Enjoying one moment at a time,
Accepting hardship as the pathway to peace.
Taking, as He did, this sinful world as it is,
Not as I would have it.
Trusting that He will make all things right
if I surrender to His will.
That I may be reasonably happy in this life,
And supremely happy with Him forever in the next.


The Original Full Version


God, give us grace to accept with serenity
the things that cannot be changed,
Courage to change the things
which should be changed,
and the Wisdom to distinguish
the one from the other.

Living one day at a time,
Enjoying one moment at a time,
Accepting hardship as a pathway to peace,
Taking, as Jesus did,
This sinful world as it is,
Not as I would have it,
Trusting that You will make all things right,
If I surrender to Your will,
So that I may be reasonably happy in this life,
And supremely happy with You forever in the next.

Being “quietly complacent” and “dedicated to God” (as opposed to “the world”) is oft times, though not always, incompatible. 

Then again, being “unflappable” because you have an interior strength of mind and heart and soul is, I think, an admirable trait.

So, what is one to say or do? What is proper and right and good? And what is the test of whether or not you have even a sense of your own limits?

I’d say one gauge is being able to smile and even laugh (good-naturedly) in the face of ignorance and ask questions. Such an ability displays one’s capacity to remain detached from the triggers that can often lead to conflict, to possibly compromising one’s limits. (Think of James Garner—real name “James Scott Bumgarner”—as Rockford in that old TV show, The Rockford Files; that casual, suave and easy-going temperament he could display in even the most stressful of situations.)

My answer is as follows:

First, listen to this 4-minute video presentation: Linda Thomas: The United States Has Always Been and Still Is a British Crown Colony

In times of catharsis and chaos, the proper, right and responsible way forward is to publicly criticize the immoral, unethical, namely, “sinful” actions or failures to act of others. Name-stealing, liberty-denying activities by such entities as subverted governments, corporations, and their mercenariesand subverted religions and other institutions—all infiltrated by secret societies behind the scenes, are, in my opinion, the targets most worthy of all people's ire and contempt. What level-headed patriot would disagree, especially when we are discovering remedies against them?

How you choose to put forward your critique is a matter of personal choice. I do that with my blog posts, and aspire to walk-my-talk in my everyday interactions with people (and bear the social consequences).

There—I’ve said my piece. I hope this piece-of-my-mind brings you peace, if not serenity. If it does not, well, perhaps it is high time to start putting your discernment to work.

There's no need to stay HOODWINKED
any longer!

Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Q-Lethal Cogitation: Creative Loafers Unite!

Benjamin West (1738-1820),
Death on the Pale Horse (1817) 

Q, Q-drops, Q-crumbs, and all of that Q-business has been on my mind lately. I certainly do hope there is a “plan,” as in “follow the plan” <= one that was initiated long ago, connected up to “white hats” (or the “Self-Organizing Collective” => SOC for short).

There has always been talk that the Q-phenomenon is connected up to military intelligence. It first manifested in 2017. Therefore, it was immediately associated with President Trump (though 45 has disavowed any direct involvement). There has also been talk about the involvement of JFK, Jr. <= but drop the “Jr.” now that Dad has been long gone, since 1963.

Personally, I believe that “Junior” still lives and is part of this Q-thingy; just as some patriots tend to believe that some sort of covert alliance has been working steadily since about 1963 to correct the course of our American nation. In fact, there’s a rumor “out there” that Junior faked his death, then hid-out in a monastery somewhere in Europe and is soon to return as his old magazine, GEORGE, makes a revived digital debut.

There’s a smidgeon of evidence on the case for a covert White Hat or SOC alliance. Colonel Donn de Grand Pré, the reputed author of Barbarians inside the Gates: The Black Book of Bolshevism (GSG & Associates, 2000) is reported to have said (source: reliable patriot) that there is a secret military embedded within all branches called the New Virginia Army originally set up by Thomas Jefferson to safeguard the Republic against the Illuminati. Ever heard that one before?

All told, I hold out an enduring hope that the Good Guys truly exist and are there working, not only toward the good of our country, but for the elimination of the Bad Guys from the entire planet (at least the surface of it and also, hopefully, whatever scum exists in our planet’s own underworld, or underbelly, if you’re a flat-Earther).

Having just waded through a few new books[1] “out there” I am guardedly optimistic (while feeling strangely vulnerable) that the forces of truth, justice and the (real) American way are spearheading the Good Lord’s plan for humanity’s final redemption.

I hope so, because Union Terror nails it as far as the unlawfulness of Lincoln and Grant in acquiescing to Sherman’s pillaging of the South, from Atlanta to the sea and then on to his hideous destruction of South Carolina. And Stalking the Great Whore, like a grisly, Illuminati detective novel, confirms the internal societal rot that has persisted and has most assuredly spread since that time. Terror, whether overt or covert, has cowed the general public and made cowards of those in “public service.” 

The Pale White Horse beholds you!

Now, enter the next phase: artificial intelligence (AI). With all of the phoniness already permeating the socio-political, media and banking landscape, it now takes a synthetic brain to keep it all together. Warnings about AI have gone out from shills like Elon Musk to geo-political leaders such as Vladimir Putin.

Who among us really notices the import of that second word, “Intelligence”? Author of the Weird, Miles Mathis, has been ranting for years that intelligence agencies have been controlling the people. So if all industries, professions, and religions—all of government at every level—schools, universities, corporations, media, and especially finance and banking—if all of these have been infiltrated and subverted from within, the barbarians are truly well inside the gates and…surprise!: we are already conditioned to the AI world.   

Q-Anons beware! Are you following an AI program? Have the good guys taken significant historical dates, the occult significance of numbers, the whole roundhouse shitaree of everything, crammed it all into a super-computer in order to just let ‘er rip—to voodoo the  voodoo man, to hex our keepers? If so, are we unwitting/ willing participants in the “AI dance”? Good, bad, or just "is"?—you decide. (My vote: just "is")

Knowing the connective tissue that keeps things in place, that orders things, that orders you and me and others to regard the shapes-of-things in our world—that fills us with hopium, either to allay fear or to belay action—behold the manipulation! Behold the master AI genius of infowar-infotainment-distraction deluxe! Behold the new class of news junkie minions, the untrained journalists of chirp and chatter! Behold our new AI world, oh stage-managed morons (sorry, not your fault, not our fault—it’s all their fault, of course).   

I’ve never been an activist—never wanted to be. The old action/ reaction cause-and-effect delusion, maintained and controlled within each compartmentalized domain of allowed performance, of protest permits and fenced-in follies, just adds to the never-ending, non-producing, nothingness of another day (usually). Non merci!    

Instead I say, “Creative loafers unite!” Create your own change-path that predicts and promotes things above and beyond that AI synthetic brain; go beyond fear, loathing, yapping about the latest jibber-jabber. Knowing the falsity, do not play along with those “expected” human roles—that makes you savvier than the most expensive and ingenious AI idiot mind that’s ever been put together by intelligence operatives and their scientismic-gimmickry.

The human being’s imagination and creativity are the preferred weapons in the word-war that image makers and policy wankers are forever re-breeding at digital nano-speed. Go out and make something, each and every day. That’s not only the best payback, it’s the most therapeutic and healthful thing peoples everywhere can do in this age of the hideous machine!

Yes, I say it and say it loud: “Creative loafers unite!” The “plan” was initiated long before the first boneheads ever banded together; the “plan” is a spiritual one beyond the vagaries of worldly bickering. Use your imaginative faculties, slow-down and breathe, then be one with this otherworldly intelligence beyond the artifices of mere mortals. Go beyond your human potential, oh human beans, realize yourselves, and unleash your immense, innate capabilities upon those whose only delight is to terrorize us.       

[1] Dr. Jeffrey F. Addicott, Lt. Colonel (US ARMY, ret.) BA, JD, LLM (2), SJD, Union Terror: Debunking the False Justifications for Union Terror Against Southern Civilians in the American Civil War (Shotwell Publishing, 2023); and James Shelby Downard, Stalking The Great Whore: The Lost Writings of James Shelby Downard, (GORIGHTLY PUBLICATIONS, 2023, Foreward by Adam Gorightly and Afterword by Dr. Richard B. Spence)


Sunday, March 12, 2023

The Role of Proper Peers

 “Peer Reviewed”

In the area of science and medicine, I submit that there is a difference between “peer reviewed” and “reviewed by one’s peers.” Similarly, in law, there is a difference between a “jury trial” and a “trial by jury.”

“Peer reviewed,” as in peer reviewed studies, refers to a group of similarly educated and trained persons (peer reviewers) who have usually merited an advanced degree in a particular field. These are persons who, based upon their past school records, have applied to “accredited educational institutions” and who were accepted, and who paid to attend (or by scholarships attended) such-and-such establishments; and who then graduated, many of whom then interned at established working institutions, whether for-profit or not-for-profit. That is, the universe of peer reviewers is determined by a pool of persons who are similarly credentialed; and this is essentially the only possible universe of peers out of which a “proper” peer review proceeds.

On the surface that may sound logical and trust-worthy. After all, if there are no standards then how might studies (and experiments) be judged worthy and true? What’s to keep “snake oil salesmen” from pawning off their quackery if there exists a free-for-all instead of a society built upon standards of trust? Yes, there is something to be said for establishing institutional standards.

One might compare the determination of the peer review to the system of land use known as “zoning.” Certainly a society would prefer to have architecturally-sound buildings that are built and placed so as to maximize safety, with uses that are balanced with both the societal and the natural terrain, and which appeal to a community’s sense of aesthetics. A society wants order, not disorder. (But then there are plenty of pragmatic owners of design/build companies out there, many of which find architects to be out-of-touch with the practical aspects of how buildings actually function.)

But ask yourself: What happens when a System becomes so impressed with itself, so enamored of its power and wealth, that it prioritizes its own self-existence over the special knowledge that it is tasked with knowing and overseeing? What happens when the love of money overcomes the love of knowing, learning and teaching?—when pride, prestige and privilege trump observation, critical thinking, and innovation? Do these establishment institutions retain their gatekeeper status notwithstanding devolving into a debilitated condition? Do government land and zoning commissions who exceed their limited authority remain lawful, just, and therefore legitimate?

It’s no secret. We’ve all heard about how schools, right up through the academy, stifle free inquiry and real learning, replacing it instead with regimented rote “learning.” This is also known as academic  indoctrination. And those who are indoctrinated are skeptical of anything outside the bounds of their adopted, dictated doctrines. Medical schools and law schools are prime examples. These become special clubs, closed to members of the general public—or as George Carlin would say, "It's our elite club and you ain't in it."     

Review by one’s peers, on the other hand, while it sounds almost identical to peer review, is refreshingly different. Review by one’s peers contemplates the inclusion of any and all people who are learned, knowledgeable and similarly situated to review, analyze and judge another’s work. This includes all people, whether they are inside or outside the specialty club just mentioned above; they do not limit themselves to just their own preferred credentialing System. That is, a review by one’s peers implies that those who exist outside and beyond the closed and narrow universe of the specially credentialed in accredited institutions are also included as one's peers. Needless-to-say such peers are likely more open-minded, innovative, and genuinely encouraging of novel ideas, theories and inventions; they are not hamstrung to their own indoctrination.

There’s a huge hurdle, however, to those outside the accepted “narradigm” in getting published, especially if a peer review is a pre-requisite. It’s a Catch-22. And it's sad when some genius who is outside the "academy" can't get a fair hearing.

Still, by being all-inclusive the chances are less likely that the peers’ reviews can exile a study to that specialty club’s pre-designated dead zone, where it is destined to languish in perpetual ignominy. In other words, the less biased the reviewers are, the more chance that good work and landmark studies can be recognized and triumph in the slow-but-sure sphere of knowledge accretion so critically depended upon for scientific and medical advances.  


Now let us compare a jury trial to a trial by jury. Again, they sound identical, don’t they? But they are worlds apart. In both instances a jury participates in the courtroom proceedings but that’s where the commonality between the two ends.

jury trial, as will be made clear shortly, is one in which a jury performs more of a “decorative” role. Here, a jury is first selected via a process known as voir dire, wherein a prosecutor or plaintiff interrogates prospective jurors in open court in an effort to determine bias or affiliation or any hints that the person holds values that could very well go against its case; concomitantly, the defense attorney is given the same opportunity to examine potential jurors. Each side hopes to seat jurors who will be partial to its own case.

Sound OK so far? Maybe, or so it may seem. But it is a set-up. Let me explain.

First off, in a jury trial the government tells us that potential jurors are culled from voter rolls and from drivers registered with the motor vehicle administration. In actual fact, we don’t know if the former is preferred over the latter; and especially in a time of stark societal divisions, knowing the political persuasion of a potential juror might very well be indicative of a juror’s value preferences, even perhaps his or her biases. This, in turn, might be good intel on how a juror might decide on issues in a given case before the court. Also, we might speculate, an officer of the court might consider the pool of registered drivers as having the where-with-all to drive and to follow the rules of the road and, as a result, might be better entrained to follow instructions than some anarchist walker, bicyclist, or regular bus rider. Who really knows their inner machinations?

The bottom line is that attorney litigators have become rather adept at scoping out “malleable” jurors using the voir dire process. Once chosen, they are instructed that as jurors they are there only to judge the facts, not the law. In fact, the judge will read them “the law” shortly before they are retired to render a verdict. Their job then becomes to decide who put on the better show in the courtroom, who swayed them as being most credible in order to find guilt or innocence/ liability or non-liability. And because the government has stated the law for them they never get the chance to weigh-in on whether the law itself is any good or, if so, whether it is applicable in this specific case before them. The show stopper here is that if the judge decides that the jury decided wrongly he can order what’s called a “directed verdict” that countermands the jury’s verdict!

That’s what is meant by noting above that the constitutional right to a jury has become merely "decorative," an empty pantomime. With regard to "victimless crimes" wherein no third party has suffered actual harm or injury, the state rakes in fines by the boatload—with the state itself  never called to account for its presumed standing to do that. The 2nd Amendment was meant to protect the people from criminals and enemies, which includes protection against a dictatorial state; similarly, the jury of one's (proper) peers was guaranteed to protect the people from misuse and abuse by the "long hand" of law, (more correctly referred to these days as the "legal machine").   

Theoretically at least, a defendant is entitled to a “jury of one’s peers.” At the founding of America, one’s peers meant people who have observed the defendant growing up, i.e., observed his or her interactions among others in the community; it means that over many years they have witnessed that defendant’s actions, whether negative or positive in aspect. In fact, this was and still is the determinative factor under the common law for gathering up a jury of one’s peers for a trial by jury.

Whether this is deemed practicable and workable in today’s world where people hardly even know their neighbor doesn’t matter. It can still be attempted (and yet the present-day corporate courts ignore the common law as if it never existed; in fact, it's been quietly replaced, as discussed below). 

What does matter, as much or more, is that under common law a jury has the right to nullify a law and/or the applicability of a law to the case before them; that is, a jury has the right to judge “the law” as well as the facts. (Since when has the mind of a member of the general public been considered inadequate for determining the rightness. the fitness, the justice of our laws?) 

The jury is all important in common law and has the final say—there is no such thing as a directed verdict. But along the way the states and county courts followed the federal government by incorporating themselves. (If you don’t believe that go onto Dunn and Bradstreet and you will find the proof; you will find them registered there as corporations—and corporations are fictions limited to commerce and impotent to act against the people as sovereign government agencies, namely, courts of law.)

Unfortunately, today’s courts operate as if they are owned and run by the judge. In fact, they are. Under common law a judge is merely there to maintain the order and decorum of the court forum. But today they operate in commerce as corporations running commercial enterprises. In cases wherein the state is the plaintiff (being either prosecutor or state’s attorney) the judicial System has become commercialized even to the extent of the state and the judge personally benefiting from every criminal conviction and/or civil win. Thus, the state, namely the courts and judges, have a vested interest in obtaining jury verdicts in their favor. Research the CRIS (a kickback and payola system) and you’ll be amazed at what you will find.


The upshot is that peers and the universe from which they come and the method by which they are chosen are extremely important. In fact proper peers are critical to justice being done. Whether that’s in the court of public opinion, as in studies (supposedly) examined by authors’ peers, or in actual courtrooms wherein defendants’ liberty and liability are (supposedly) decided by peers—if justice is to be done, proper peers should hold all of the power, not the academic Establishment nor the (corporate) government’s corrupt System.

Whenever any established institutional system becomes more self- important than the entity that the people created and designed to serve them, it deserves no allegiance whatsoever. In fact, anything that kills free speech, liberty and justice deserves to be dismantled and done away with.

Wednesday, March 8, 2023


Without imagination, without visions and longings; without some desire to manifest “the idyllic” in one’s life—I hate to tell you this, but—you might as well be dead (or pure spirit).

Then again, if you are a long-suffering saint, devoted to your sacred workto sacrifice, and to engage in the joys of helping others—taking such delight in daydreaming would be considered utter foolishness, would it not?

What’s a well-intentioned lad or lassie to do? 

Perhaps the proper perspective might be: to follow the prompts of intuition, one’s inner voice, however contrary or paradoxical it may seem—which is not presented as a rationalization for hedonism, but rather as a calming balm for the busyness-in-each-of-us.

So, which will it be: bohemian sloth or keying that soul-spirit into adventuresome mode?

As a self-described “creative loafer” with my own “weird task ministry” this dreamer will never opt to be idle. Instead, I will dream on, because it is not what I am getting away from as much as what I am going away to find. So if you believe this notion is a “cop out” from responsibility, ask yourself: if your head’s on straight and your heart is in the right place, which path is more challenging? If staying-at-home is easier, isn't the real cop-out being more complacent with “things-as-they-are” as a house-holder?

As a restless risk-taker my answer is a resounding GO! GO onward into the unknown, good man, as long as it is not solely for your own selfish vice (while hoping my head’s on straight and my heart is in the right place! <= worth “praying on”).

In any event, jumping headlong, or with both feet, into the adventuresome unknown takes gumption (and it’s a lot more work than being a steady roller on the same old anthill). But admittedly, that sentiment is mine; it is not for everyone. People are different, with various duties and obligations and responsibilities, and all of that. 

So, each must consider wisely, depending on one’s nature and unique set of circumstances. After all, I’m talking here about traveling “close to the ground” (without the luxurious amenities that keep you separated from the ordinary people at your destination(s)) and which can be hard work! This is especially true when traveling on one’s own initiative—not a “business trip” or a “canned tourist trap-trip” but just an unplanned, anything-goes-and-here-I-go kind of trip. In the 1960s this was known as being a “rollin’ stone” or just “blowin’ in the wind.”

And who’s to say one-such-as-I cannot carry-on my willingness to engage and help others wherever I may roam? Maybe there are folks in need of something that my presence might help to stimulate; or maybe I need something special from someone “out there,” a special someone I would never have met had I never gotten off my duff (away from this woebegone blue state backwater) to wander a bit? Ah, the vicissitudes of a culturally mutant creative loafer with a weird task ministry!

With that said, the DreamTime proceeds.

1. I live for some months over top of a café somewhere in a small dusty town in Latin America. Downstairs is a welcoming piano. The proprietor knows me fairly well. So he is happy to have me sit down at the piano when Norte Americanos visit, or just when the right mood seems to call for some of my piano playing. I very gladly oblige;

2. By some incredible stroke of serendipitous synchronicity I run into just the right “sailboat situation”: an ocean-going vessel crewed by some seasoned and intrepid, like-minded folks, who invite me along. We sail to exotic locales in the South Pacific. By doing, I learn the skillful art of sailing and realize my dream of being (and writing about being) a vagabond mariner;

3. While on my adventure, I am invited to join a scientific expedition to Antarctica. There I am able to investigate one of the most oddly secretive continents on Earth (or rather, in the Earth) and live to tell about it;

4. While out and about on the Eurasian continent, I am contacted by a holy man, perhaps in India or thereabouts, who offers to (essentially) take me on a sort of modern day O.M. Burke[i] investigation studying Dervishes, Sufis, Fakirs, and Christian Monastics by living among them;

5. Somehow I am invited to observe and to train with Special Forces on missions to free humankind from the Babylonian Radhanite Illuminati scourge that has plagued the planet for millennia;

6. I stumble onto a non-sedentary, group of primitive nomads following their seasonal migrations (could be in Arabia, Africa, Australia, or the steppes of some far-flung Asian locale) who ask me to join them for a while to experience their lifeways;

7. I am invited onto a vineyard in extreme high altitude Argentina to learn their wine-making skills and the hard-scrabble ways of the gauchos who live there;

8. I get an opportunity to experience real Russian hospitality and what it means to be Russian. Part of this would be to learn new things from their scientists, traders, and explorers;

9. To “swim with the dolphins” and learn various bits of secret knowledge, from top secret projects involving the sea, to off-limits underground systems, and/or even the so-called secret space program.

There you have it: the incurable romantic goes public with his inner-most dreams, visions and travel fantasies. Whether any of my visions ever come to pass, perhaps readers, after reading this essay, might fall into a similar longing for “the idyllic.” I hope so!

One thing is for sure—this horrid, deranged ground-zero for debauched Vermin we must contend with in strategic hell-holes of the Northern Hemisphere is no place to abide for long, especially for kids, but also for grandpas who remember just enough of how things used to be (even though those “old days,” too, might not have been a whole lot better).

My parting advice?: Go for it. Be not content with Once upon a time…”—the world is a multi-dimensional wonderland waiting to be discovered and opened-up to our full faculties as human beings. We are spirits who need only prod our bodies into action.

Whatever your inclination and mindset might be, may all your dreams come true. Just close your eyes, click your heels three times and say, "Anyplace but home. Anyplace but home." (Or maybe, " 'Almost' anyplace but home.") 

[i] See, Michael Burke (O.M. Burke), Among the Dervishes (The Octagon Press, London, 1973), the ultimate spiritual adventure book and a classic.

Sunday, March 5, 2023


Wha?...Who dat?

Just the mofos who’ve been messing up the world for the last thousand years. And they’ve been pouring it on strong, especially since the mid-1800s.

Here’s your history lesson—five and a half hours of documentation:

SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN Full documentary 1878 - 2006 by A C Hitchcock,

Lest you jump to conclusions, screw your courage to the sticking place and click onward, Pilgrim. Don’t be a knee-jerk libtard like this guy:

That's about 5 hours and 25 minutes too long, Jacqueline. Nice for bored lady men, perhaps, but a real man can boil it down to one word: Jews. There, I saved you some time. Go get a facial. And speaking of real men, here's one for supplying 5 minutes of manly humor:

Can you imagine girly men like Nick Fuentes and Keith Woods enjoying this guy? And notice how he affirms smoking right off the bat, establishing a kind of litmus test. Bet he could do a hilarious ten minute riff on girly man xxxxxx's tobaccophobia. OK, nice that I've f**ked the two of you once again, think I'll light up a smoke. 

My reply to lib-fool-fobs like this is quite simple:

Funny how lib-fobs always project their own foibelissimos onto others...sad, but at least it's funny. (And then maybe send him off to watch the latest version of Intellectual Froglegs.)

And in my mind I conjure up this guy’s own mindset:

Hi, I'm [so-and-so], gnostic socialist and clever subhuman funny boy. I'm here to wordplay everyone whose hysterics level is sub-par. Because we are all dead zombies and God is dead we need to take a knee to my [insert pet project]. Now you over there, Mr. Furry Phoofighter, finger me while fawning my sublingual signal box, or thumthing thimilar. Great googly-moogly my sugar smacks just went boolistic! 

~ Five and a half hours later ~

 Well, screen-gazer, what did you learn? Once seen, it cannot be unseen.

Oh how our minds have been subtly guided, manipulated, entrained to “authority”! Yes, grab the organs of money, media, law and medicine; bribe and blackmail stooges to do your Talmudic-style bidding and then: PRESTO-CHANGE-O…

But not to worry: Conspiracy Therapists, unincorporated, is here to help you untangle all and everything.

CTs present the pre-fab world of shadow reality, brought to you by legalese-style twilight language—nothing short of revelation of the method, sheltered in the indoctrination that you knew as “education” and "entertainment" growing up.

Old James Shelby Downard would be proud. Never heard of him? Then stop what you’re doing and go order one of his books. Here’s the latest:

Not convinced? CTs suggest that you think about all those broken treaties with the American Indians, resulting in their genocide. Wasn’t that carried out by those same U.S. Army blue-coats that burned, raped and pillaged the sunny South back in 1864-1865? 

Yes, beginning with that brutal mercenary pogrom of our Native Americans, the reign of terror by an illegitimate corporate federal government "military" went on a continual spree, an ever-escalating rampage. 

Ever since we the people lost our one and only constitutional Republic to Great Pretenders things have been dicey, to say the least, say us CTs. Think back on all of the “wars” up until now—and right now we are witnessing the western slave states supporting a criminal money-laundering and bio-lab pedo-enterprise called Ukraine, the ghost of Old Khazaria. Is this something we should support, let alone be proud of?  

Do you smell a rat-Radhanite? This CT sure does: smells like organized-crime-commerce; sinister motives fueled by money and corrupt power.

So…learn from history, the real history of truth; heed us Conspiracy Therapists and do your own sleuthing, weigh the evidence, discard the fluff, let reason and intuition guide you, hone your discernment, always re-evaluate and keep on keepin’ on.

Take a tip from this Conspiracy Therapist: stop getting your party on—instead, get off that party merry-go-roundget-off on Truth. Bracket the unreality of reality and move forward; be certain of your uncertainty as deep lies more and more become known to you (and of course, pray for grace and comfort). You won’t be disappointed. 

And guess what? People won’t call you a “Pilgrim” anymore (as in the Sabbatean Frankist Satanists and the British Pilgrim Society. What an insult!) Yes, step out of those Pilgrim shoes and walk a mile in John Wayne's boots

And all you ladies out there, you'll all be OK if you do like Peggy Lee and let the lyrics to this tune run through your mindthis tune

Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Unconventional Law Fare ("LawFair")

Roll over, Dewey, Cheatem & Howe,
the Counterinsurgency Cavalry has arrived!

Welcome to the firm of Dewey, Winhem & Howe, an Unconventional Lawfare Firm (unincorporated; sole proprietorship).

Here at DW&H we attack the underlying deformed nature of the government or corporation (same thing) which attempts to cheat and rob you blind, and generally prevents you from living life freely and fully.

We are a motley crew of folks learned in the law (the definition of a lawyer)—NOT B.A.R. ATTORNEYS—and we disregard threats, character (and physical) assassination, blackmail and bribery to walk tall among conformist mental-midget-like, often demon-possessed, psychotic, or otherwise misguided persons.

We are awake, not “woke,” that is => deeply red-pilled, instead of being radically blue-pilled.

By executing documents and giving notice via public recording (and the mail) each of us has formally changed our status from U.S. citizens to that of American State Nationals/Citizens); we recommend that all of our fellow countrymen and women do the same. (To do so, contact the co-ordinator for your particular state at:

Why? If you remain a U.S. citizen you remain a serf subject to the franchised corporate {territorial (British) sea jurisdiction and/or municipal (Vatican) air jurisdiction} “government” and all of the petty, controlling, and enslaving statutes, codes, regulations, and rules (that is, the non-Public Law) that it has spawned-as-legal, yet has cleverly hidden its unlawfulness from you.

Why not free yourself and begin the (albeit arduous) task of resurrecting the original constitutional Republic by re-establishing State Assemblies so as to govern yourselves, your way, on your terms, subject only to the Golden Rule?

DW&H attacks corruption wherever it is— including all three branches of  “government” and its minion corporate controllers in intelligence, media, education, religions, professional and trade organizations, and more—in whatever institution it has infiltrated and subverted in order to subjugate you and all of the people.

DW&H attacks injustice that offends the righteousness of the natural law and shocks the consciousness of the time-tested moral order (based in truth, goodness and beauty). In other words we defend God’s creation and offensively work toward removing evil Satanic/ Luciferian/ Ahrimanic perversions against righteousness and justice.

DW&H gives Notice to the U.S. Trustees overseeing the current bankruptcies of the phony corporate governments (in 21 regions throughout our country) as to your status and requests protection for you as a priority creditor.

DW&H files Criminal Complaints with the military seat of the National Government in the District of Quantico (that holds supervisory power over civilian courts and B.A.R members) for any intrusionary trespass against you, their Employer, by franchise corporate courts and allied corporate agents.

DW&H fights all forms of usury, banksterism, and financial defilement; filing silver bonds backed up with the threat of liens upon trespassers who fail to honor our free-born status and instead attempt a rampant pillaging of you and your assets under color of law.

DH&W defends the jurisdiction of the land and soil with salutary remedies to help the living and breathing members of the general public to enjoy their right to be left alone, to be unhassled by pernicious attacks upon  natural, God-given rights endowed by the Creator that guarantee freedom from any nanny corporate/government over-reach.

Our nemesis is the infamous Lawfare whose bought attorneys have declared war on the people. We all know what they've been up to. Those Crown agents are responsible for the weaponization of the legal biz (legal warfare); their corps of shysters support the corrupt, status quo System; they engage in abuse of process, pauperize all those whom they victimize, and just push "corporate business as usual" that results in heartless, woke injustice.

However, DW&H helps you to help yourself, to defend yourself, and we join with you in remaining among the sovereign and God-fearing individuals who seek to be free, strong, and independent human beings by helping to care for ourselves, for others, and for all life forms on this planet (and beyond).   

So I think the only fair thing to do is to call our unconventional law fare what it is: just plain LawFair.