Monday, September 3, 2018

Voodoo Law & Government

On September 3, 2018, I noted the following comment on the American Intelligence Media's daily feed of Sept. 2 on It responds to a 14-part expose about The True Back Story of the Missing 13th Amendment by Headlines with a Voice. It is an overview of a claim made by researchers that the original 13th Amendment was, in fact, ratified and that the true intent of the 13th Amendment, when properly interpreted, includes a prohibition on lawyers holding public office. I agreed with the commenter, "Ri-chard," and replied.
  1. Ri-chard on September 1, 2018 at 7:05 pm
The first thing all must understand about the founding of America is it is all fraud and theater.
there is no Active Constitution, Declaration of Independence, what is a Republic was never defined in any document. therefore, no Republic was given and the 13th Amendment is a mute point.
The Treaty of Peace 1783 made the Constitution dormant document at best. The people were not recognized as Sovereigns, the people lost control of their money, commerce and banking as King George was made the Arch Treasurer of the united States of America per the Treaty. He was also awarded his share of all the Gold, Silver and Copper found in America and this was to be passed on to his heirs into the future. That Treaty gave nothing to the people who fought and defeated the English. The foundations for the Treaty of Peace were formed in the 1666 Virginia Charter.
Words mean everything folks. Words on paper by the controlling powers that be, have written who actually won the war and who gets the spoils of the war. Read the Charter and Treaty claims.
Always follow the money. The Revolutionary War was nothing but a business venture for the benefit of a few. And the people were just cannon fodder. We can thank the King and the King’s men as his English Esquires and Masons named Ben Franklin, John Jay and Thomas Jefferson for this fraud perpetrated on We the People when they negotiated and signed the Treaty for the King’s benefit..
Not until the people know the true founding of America, who were the founders, make null and void the Treaty of Peace, rewrite the Treaty with first recognizing the people as sovereigns to choose there own paths for their Rule of Law based on God’s law and Natural law – not the English Maritime and BAR would be a good start before cancelling the proclamation that President Roosevelt made in 1933 claiming all citizens are the enemy of the State.
Yes, there it a lot more to be done but first we Collectively must destroy the foundations that placed us as citizen subjects and debt slaves.
Ri-chard's comment decries what I refer to as "voodoo law and government." His correct and cogent observation about following the money in the treaties is crucial to apprehending the façade of our "Republic," that staggers around, zombie-like, instead of being championed by a People comprised of sovereign individuals. Given that our government and law is, in fact, a sly fiction that depends upon legalese magic double-speak, any and all analysis of politics and current events seems rather ridiculous; we are chasing our own tails, lost in the symptoms, instead of rooting out the fundamental cause of this phony, two-faced body politic.

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