Friday, February 8, 2019

The Miles Mathis: The Awakener

Going to all of my usual websites has become boring—depressing even. It’s a daily feed of current events and news, and whatever else I’m able to drudge up. These places are supposed to provide a glimpse into our world by gathering info (preferably “intel”) that is beyond the reach of most mere mortals. Here is my standard tour:
There are perhaps a dozen other sites I commonly check, but the ones above are the “kick-offs.” They serve their purpose. But, like an addictive drug, I find that I can never quite get enough. I’m left panting and thinking there’s got to be more—or, as Peggy Lee once put it, “Is that all there is to the circus?”—there’s an ache, an unfulfilled longing for some unnamable something that remains in the pit of my stomach; it’s like there's some damp towel left hanging out to dry in the depths of my soul.  
I think I’ve written before here on my blog/journal how one senses that these “alt-news” aggregators are aggregating from a common source. There are definite similarities and I’ve often wondered who, what and where the “clearinghouse” is. Not surprisingly, each source has its own flavor, a certain “spin.” And before long I find myself "rutted," wondering if I am being led by the nose just the least little bit.
As I thirsted more and more for some bits of truth that weren’t so main-lined (besides the often wacky “”) I felt myself drawn outside of the country, poring over these two oddities:
·         “Sorcha Faal” at (Ireland? Russia?)—but this is just one daily report put out around mid-day or mid-afternoon, though always refreshingly different, and;
·       the 10-minute, once-a-week machine reports of “Benjamin Fulford” (Japan) that I scab off of YouTube around mid-morning on Mondays  
In a similar vein, I’d breeze into Steve Pieczcenik’s 5-minute “Steve talks” or Robert David Steele’s takes on things. These are the CIA guys that are ex-intelligence agents (as if insiders ever escape the intel yoke—and one must ask, "just how far inside are these insiders"). I always have to remind myself that I could be receiving major misdirection from these guys. But they seem so sincere, doggone it!
Then I stumbled back onto Miles Mathis. The late Don Croft (of “gifting orgonite” fame) had brought Mathis to my attention about a year ago. His site can be accessed here, viz., at the "The Miles Mathis Compound":  This is his homepage, but it’s best to probably start looking here, at the following, first:  —these are his papers on the best psy-op fake events (red flags);  is also a pit stop for updates and his latest offerings.
Oh, and don't forget his science papers and his art. Mathis appears to be a national treasure. He is a critical thinking lad—quite the contrarian (but I repeat myself)—and he sports an in-depth facility as an artist, scientist and researcher of people and events, past and present. According to his papers he lives in Taos, New Mexico and is currently in his 50s. I like his “take-no-prisoners” view of truth, similar to the way truth-teller Michael Hoffman approaches his work, another astute and thorough researcher-writer I admire. The readership is taken along for a ride “wherever the truth takes us,” i.e., without regard to sacred cows or satisfying one’s confirmation bias. One such reader has critiqued Mathis on his blog here:  I think this fellow traveler has put Miles Mathis in proper perspective and I leave it to you to read more about him.
I bring up Mathis for a few reasons. He seems to be plagued by “confrontation bias,” wherein he challenges just about everything in sight. But, in this world of fakery this is a good thing! Unlike your typical conspiracy analyst, Mathis first determines whether an event actually occurred before beating the bushes for causation. He offers cogent arguments based on facts that he collects and puts into unique perspectives; he analyzes photographs with an artist’s accomplished eye for detail, just as he does when wearing his thinking cap to evaluate various assertions found all over the web, from Wikipedia to lots of other sources. All this to say that Mathis does a very respectable job of ferreting out “the real” from “the given”; instead of accepting willy-nilly what our programmers, our conditioners wish us to think, we are brought along on an intriguing and often amusing ride into the laugh-house-of-mirrors of our phony baloney world. In fact, I’d say that Mathis’s discernment now puts him into the “legendary” category.
Yes, Miles Mathis has a gift for exposing the world as one big, psy-op-upon-psy-op, false intel reality. Whether it’s the Salem witch trials, Lincoln’s or Kennedy’s or John Lennon’s “assassinations,” or the Tate/Manson “murders,” Mathis displays an eerily convincing world; one that has been propped up and re-presented to us by the ubiquitous intelligence agencies that have now infiltrated and, according to Mathis, currently control just about everything, including every industry, every realm that surrounds us.
We find his detective work, e.g., as he tracks down the genealogy of public figures, to be eye-opening, world-shattering exercises. Almost all of them, it seems, are linked to the influential families found at Admittedly, this of course satisfies my own confirmation bias concerning my suspicion that everything is rigged and we indeed are living in the control grid dubbed “The Matrix”—with the prime suspect being the Anglo-American-Israeli axis of confabulation and false consciousness. Still, facts are facts. Mathis even “updates” the  organizing of his facts as new info is discovered.
I urge truth seekers and patriots and secret knowledge junkies to spend time reading the works of Miles Mathis. Just reading his writing is refreshing, not to mention the take-aways. I find real sustenance here as I spend time reviewing what Mathis has written. And I stumbled upon this lovely sentiment not long ago on page 20 of his Oct. 2013 essay entitled From Theosophy to the Beat Generation or How even the Occult was Disguised.
To those agents who are reading this—and I know you are there—you may ask why I can't just shut up and leave well enough alone. Why do I seem to be on this idealistic crusade? Just in case you really don't know, even after reading all my papers, it is because I am one of the real artists you defined out of the game. You stole my life from me and left me on the side of the road, with nowhere to go. More than that, you blocked all other meaningful work as well, for me and all people like me. I am also a poet: you destroyed poetry. I am a novelist: you destroyed that, too. So I went into science, only to discover you had destroyed that, too. You have destroyed the top end of every field, which of course will leave people like me very bored, with nothing to do but counter-attack. If you had found a way to include us—had left some field of endeavor open to excellence, idealism, truth, and beauty—you might have saved yourself much opposition. In the meantime, people like me might have solved some of your problems for you, and the world wouldn't have to be such a nasty cut-throat place.
I almost fell over. That's precisely how I've felt all these years, never knowing quite who should be assigned the blame for my self-diagnosed "career identity disorder."
After reading the above extract, some may draw a parallel to the “victimology” that has now become so prevalent, especially with regard to today’s cultural Marxists. But this would be a false analogy; it is one thing to play the victim so as to avoid responsibility for yourself  by playing “the blame game”—it is quite another to recognize victimization for the purpose of doing the opposite, i.e., acknowledging and accepting the responsibility for yourself by exposing the sham and the harm to you, then standing up to it in a courageous way in order to transcend it and by living your life according to your own hard-boiled, moral convictions in spite of it all.
Essentially, Mathis asserts (repeatedly) that many, if not most, of the formative people and events in our so-called “history” and our current events are manufactured. This is done so that the world can to be molded by governments and the handful of families behind them in order that we may continue to do their bidding. It is a new plateau of being to come to the realization that pivotal events were faked; that those involved were agents acting out roles; and that many are the “faked deaths” that have set free such players (“crisis actors”), the more famous of which continue to live outside and much beyond the confines of their former lives. This realization is similarly liberating for those of us who apprehend it.
And so I implore all of you other human beans out there to find refuge and delight in the writings of Miles Mathis. Going there is a pleasant detour away from the boom, boom, boom of the usual fare offered to us mere mortals on our devices and elsewhere in this modernistic wasteland of ours.  I don't know where Mathis gets his "multi-pronged smarts" and all the time to do what he does, but God bless him.  

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