Saturday, March 23, 2019


Wanted: A surface-to-air missile and launch system to blast at least one chemtrail plane out of the sky. When prosecuted for murder, the courtroom should be an interesting forum for hashing out motives and to bring this geo-engineered depopulation agenda to the attention of the public.
Wanted: Immediate attention with regard to British and Israeli interference in American elections via espionage and collusion with domestic enemies. These are America’s real enemies, foreign and domestic. Also investigate Russian, et al., interference and collusion with regard to traitorous Democrats.
Wanted: Patriots who will break the FBI, Justice and State Departments, and CIA into a thousand pieces. Close down the federal government for another 30 days and RIF all Senior Executive Service government employees, Mr. President.
Wanted: Military Tribunals for the purpose of...
·         The arrest and conviction of all treasonous Democrats and RINOs.
·         The arrest and conviction of Soros and the closing down of all of his communist front groups.
·         The arrest and conviction of all treasonous media clowns and the closing down of all propaganda mills.
Wanted: Investigations into multi-national corporations and tech giants for criminal, un-American activities (e.g., the use of identity politics, political correctness, and censorship to discriminate against the People for their political, religious, racial, or socio-cultural beliefs).
Wanted: Investigation into leftist political bias in universities, a purge of all identity politic-type courses, and a re-instituting of trivium/quadrivium education into course curriculums.
Wanted: A purge of Israel-first dual citizens from our government and an investigation into inappropriate influence via Israeli agents and so-called “Five Eyes” intel agencies. Strictly require listing those supporting and acting on behalf of Israel (and Britain) as agents of a foreign country.
Wanted: A removal of all electronic voting systems and a return to paper ballots.
Wanted: The termination of the Federal Reserve System and fiat, fractional reserve banking.
Wanted: A liberation of the Patent Office, the unleashing of free energy.

Wanted: The immediate take-down of criminal enterprises such as Monsanto, et al., with the removal of fluoridation and other poisons, e.g., Round-Up, high fructose corn syrup, etc., from all food products.
Wanted: The final mopping up of all secretive organizations and renegade intel agents responsible for terrorist false flags and all anti-American activities meant to mind-control the People.
Wanted: Immediate removal of the United Nations from American soil.
Wanted: The immediate closing down of Planned Parenthood, the prohibition of abortion (except in narrowly drawn instances), and the locking up of all convicted pedophiles and perverts. Patriot John C. writes:

Thank you for your work helping me, and many other individuals (like kittens), understand what is really going on in THE GREAT AWAKENING.

Unfortunately, I now believe we will move into the next phase – THE GREAT RECOGNITION, where the criminal fixer Barr will slow-walk prosecutions so that only the low-hanging fruit will face just a fraction of the punishment they deserve – and we must move through this stage quickly. You have already touched on how the British Monarch, in collusion (real collusion) with the Holy Roman Empire has dismantled our Constitutional government, leaving US as a puppet government under the control of the Queen, the Pope and their minions in a bid to rule the world!

We must soon move to the final phase – THE GREAT ESCAPE! To discover that we can, and must, expatriate ourselves from U.S. Citizenship; a citizen created by the Constitution, for British Subjects, where rightfully, U.S. Citizens are not a party to that contract, and have no legal claim to any unalienable Rights given to US, including the ten acknowledged in our Bill of Rights. We must reclaim our political status as State Nationals and State Citizens to lawfully reclaim our unalienable Rights given to US by our Creator and acknowledged in our Constitution, and our lawful government promised US by our founders.

Then, like a pack of puppies, we can leave our criminal “government” behind and establish the government we deserve! Only then will we be able to lawfully hold all of the criminals fraudulently passing themselves off as legitimate representatives to full account under the Law of the Land.

And I hope we can accomplish this before 5G exterminates us all!

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