The above is the playbook for all politicians, not the least of which are the Demoncrats (including their faux conservative RINO allies) and their bought media. They have a history of blaming others for their very own failings, as the tip-of-the-spear Antifa group makes abundantly clear.
We're in a complex, political culture war. It’s patriots vs. a morally deracinated bunch that has been festering and debilitating our society on a slow boil for many, many years. Just now it’s boiling over. Libs have no truth left in them (as if they ever did)—only lies and crazed, radical left notions, while chiding our sitting president and his administration with the same ol' "Russia, Russia, muh Russia!"
All the red-pill griping I write about is not just "my griping." Generally speaking, the basics of "my" gripes mirror the views of the majority of Americans. It is the liberal class and their views that are in the minority. Yet the fakestream media leads everyone who listen to them to believe that blue-pillers and other libs are in the majority. It's a lib fantasy-bubble.
Many are led to believe that "it is all about Trump." No sir. Most red-pillers side with him because he's all about doing what's right for our country. But for blue-pilled libs Trump represents everything that’s wrong. We must all go much deeper.
When are these pills, especially the libs, going to "get it"? "Trump" is just the point man for USA, Inc.
Go and believe what you your own risk. Yet always remember that we are talking about USA, Inc. — NOT the United States of America. Maybe someday we'll recover our Republic. In the meantime the sitting CEO suits me just fine (except for his seeming embrace of 5G, his failure to end chemtrailing, and his inscrutable foreign policies).
Whatever your opinion, the coup against Pres. Trump is unforgivable. May they all turn to stone for their treachery. (Hey, maybe they already have, following in the footsteps of certain other ghouls—soon-to-be gargoyles all.)

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