Wednesday, June 3, 2020


What is the purpose of the ongoing demand for mask wearing compliance?

It appears that it is designed to invoke mass subservience, not to protect us from a health point of view.

The fact is, we would need HAZMAT suits to actually shield ourselves effectively from ingesting viruses through the air (nose, mouth, Eustachian Tubes), and through our skin and eyes.

Evidently, something is amiss in the motivations behind those who feverishly demand that we all wear masks. Healthcare or Authoritarianism run amok? Is the mask-wearing frenzy merely a demand by petty bureaucrats in positions of power for obedience and submission—like a king or queen demanding his or her subject bow to him or her?

Given that not a single medical study of masks…mentions the intake of air through our Eustachian Tubes, one has to ask what their true agenda is. For those medical analysts to have ignored such a significant breathing system is either incompetence, or scientific censorship. Either way, it is not good for us.

Interlocking Bureaucratic Interests
The fault here appears to be interlocking interests among some senior health professionals, the politicians who fund them, and the media who perpetuate their propaganda by “flooding the waves” with lies and half-truths to scare people into submission.


Do Facemasks Actually Filter The Air We BreatheAgainst Viruses? By Anonymous Patriot Engineer, 3 July 2020,


Andrew Kaufman, M.D. Doesn't Believe in Covid-19. Have a listen:
NOTE: Dr. Kaufman, a psychiatrist,  lost his job recently because he refused to conform to the ideas that he didn't think were true about COVID-19.


Yesterday morning just after 7 AM I went to vote in Maryland’s primary election. I am a mask refusenik and expected push-back as I approached the doors to my polling place shortly after it opened. Sure enough, the woman monitoring the door told me I could only enter the building if I wore a mask and gloves.

I replied, in the kindest voice I could muster, “I apologize, ma’m, but I have a medical condition. Wearing a mask is contra-indicated because it precipitates and aggravates that condition.” (The HIPAA privacy rule and the Americans with Disabilities Act make disclosure of any such conditions privileged, by the way.) She received my comment well and told me that she would see about getting me a ballot so that I could fill it out right there. I said that would be fine. I offered my name in case she needed it and waited.

There were large picture windows on the ground floor of this building. Inside, a good chunk of the voting arena was plainly visible. As I waited I glanced over there and noticed a lot of heads inside had turned and folks were looking at me. (I thought, they’re thinking, ‘He is not of the body.’)

While I waited, a woman election monitor came out, looked at me and questioningly said, “I hear you have an allergy against masks.”

I looked at her and considered her impertinent question for a few beats, then asked her, “Who are you, the self-appointed mask detective?”

She responded, “Yes I am.”
Right about then the woman I had been dealing with returned. In her hand was what one might call a “face shield.” It had a clear, flat plastic piece that hung down instead of a more suffocating face mask. She asked me if this would work for me. I declined, as politely as I could. This seemed to be OK and she said she’d be right back.

As soon as she went back inside again, the mouthy other woman chirped, “Didn’t you get a ballot in the mail?”

I said, “Yes, I did and I threw it away.”

She then asked why I threw it away. I told her quite plainly that I prefer to vote in person. With this she too went inside.

Soon the head monitor came out with both of the other women. I was handed a ballot in a folder. The busybody woman monitor (whom I highly suspected of being a vengeful libtard) hovered as I sat in a chair trying to fill out the ballot. (By the way, the Republican ballot is one page; the Democrat ballot is two full pages. Here is some evidence of what sort of county and state I’m in.)

When I finished, all ladies were present and I was asked to put the ballot into a portable holding device being held by the same libtard lady. I said to the head woman I’d rather give my ballot to you. She asked why and told her that I didn’t trust that other woman. (In fact, I had misgivings about even putting my ballot in this portable device, rather than in a scanner, as I would have done had I been able to vote properly.) The head woman tried to calm my concerns and told me she was sorry but that this was the procedure. The problem was, the slot on this ballot-holding device was closer to her instead of being closer to me. I asked if she could turn the thing around so I could access the slot better and you’d think I had asked the impossible of her. She started mouthing off as if I, a mere voter, was tampering in something that was none of my business.

After I got the ballot inserted she kept mouthing off, saying, “BYE!” in a very loud, condescending and shitty way. I objected to the head woman, complaining of this other woman’s rudeness; I mentioned the prior exchange—how she had come out and when I had asked her if she was the self-appointed mask detective she had answered “Yes.” The lady partially denied it, and tried to correct me, saying, “No, I said I was one of them.” I chimed in that her denial makes me trust her all the less!

I could tell that the head woman really didn’t care about any sort of complaint from me or what I thought. So I turned to the first lady. I thanked her and I left. 

RINO Maryland Governor Larry Hogan, together with the Montgomery County Politburo, et al., should be science-based (See, e.g.,
Mask Wearers as Wacko Conspiracy Theorists ) instead of willy-nilly accepting nothing-burger narrative-talking-points to keep constituents on dat ol' Dem-plantation.

Again, Andrew Kaufmann, M.D. Doesn't Believe in Covid-19. Have a listen (start at the 1:30 minute mark):
Microbiology, Epidemiology, and a More Hidden Agenda

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