Wednesday, March 24, 2021

American Nationals Unite!

For years, Patriots have been looking for ways to expatriate from the false and phony System and repatriate ourselves within the constitutional republic as originally envisioned. That is, (in my own words) we have been trying to find that government-on-Earth founded upon the gospels of Jesus—that “Biblical America” (without the Illuminati overlay): one nation under God, with liberty and justice for all.

President Trump did more than any other president to lead America (and the world) back in this direction. And he’ll return very soon to keep at it because surely, “the best is yet to come.” But then, that venerable America has already been forming for some time under the guise of varied Patriot dreams and initiatives. This writer does not pretend to know them all. Still, why wait any longer? There is no need to wait for “Trump-the-Savior” to bestow upon you your rightful status — just do it yourself (with a little help from your friends).

Actually, as to Donald Trump, there is a more correct analysis; as President of the corporate USA, does he have the capacity restore the constitutional republic? Can someone who has not corrected his own status help the People to return home to the land and soil  jurisdiction of their country? Or, perhaps the question remains: Has PDJT indeed corrected his status? Or better yet, in order to do just that, does one necessarily need to join the American National Assembly movement? Can one do so by simple public declaration, by publishing one's personal "Declaration of Independence? That's a good question deserving it's own essay...   

Over the past five or so years I have been aware of one effort in particular by Anna von Rietz (Anna Maria Riezinger) whose prodigious writings have piqued my interest. If you don't feel like slogging on, by dogged trial-and-error, trying to effectively expatriate yourself and not knowing if you are on the right track — well, there is no reason to"re-invent the wheel." Instead, if you are finally ready to take the leap from enslavement to liberty, then I implore you to consider the hard work of Anna Maria Riezinger and the structure she has been putting into place for many years: State Assemblies of Patriots in each of the 50 states. 

Her efforts have been gaining momentum, especially since the "Usurper-in-Chief, JoeBama" has interloped into quasi-control.  For example, click onto the SGT Report link below. Then scroll down to Sean’s interview with Anna von Rietz. Do so to journey into a brave new world of self-and-other understanding:

Anna provides a trail of links. Follow up on those trails. Specifically, go to The American States Assembly, found here:  Click onto “Correct Your Status.” Have a look at the one-page Declaration. Then find the state coordinator of your particular state and contact him or her.

Actually, before going much further, go to the two other links offered by Anna in this interview. Both are educational organizations:

1.  This is a so-called “Private Contract Association” (PCA). It is in the private sector, not the public sector (viz., The Federation of States dba The United States of America, for which Anna and the many state coordinators labor away).

2.  Anna notes this is a very informative and helpful private organization (although they’ve not quite gotten the “jurisdiction issue” quite right). The Sovereign Education and Defense Ministry (SEDM) is another PCA (and a Christian ministry).  

[NOTE: Bookmark and study these sites, above and below.]

The next step in your “journey of self-and-other understanding” would be to go here: You’ll come across a ton of material here. It is easy to feel overwhelmed, but don’t worry. Begin, as she recommends, by clicking on “Charts.” Here you will find four very helpful explanatory chart outlines. These help to orient you to what can be called The Greatest Fraud Ever, from which any and all thinking persons would hope to extricate themselves.

Very soon you’ll probably want to correct your so-called “strawman status” (i.e., from one of a U.S. territorial and municipal citizen, to that of an American national of a particular state. To effectively do this, go back to The American States Assembly site, find the coordinator for your state, and then follow the protocol for executing and recording your Declaration of the Naturalization Act of 1779. This is the first step to placing yourself under the “land and soil jurisdiction.” From there you can continue on in a more “comprehensive process” of expatriating the old you and repatriating yourself as the American National you.

Get that far along and you’ll be farther along than you’ve likely ever been in your life to realizing real freedom and liberty. The more you learn from the above sites — and from interacting with the patriots found there — the closer you will come to discovering just who you were meant to be: viz., the real flesh-and-blood person and not a slave citizen controlled by interloping fraudsters.

Click on the banner below! 

But wait a minute! 

Other organizations and their leaders have come up with similar ideas. There is the QUANTUM COMMUNITY of Russell-Jay: Gould (and his Quantum Grammar) who hold regular online meetings. And there is a new kid on the block:

What are the similarities and differences with regard to these and other groups working on resurrecting our originally envisioned constitutional republic?

Various entities have separately "re-invented the wheel" in an effort to accomplish the same or a very similar goal. Obviously, because there are many competing assemblies within counties and states how would or could this smorgasbord work as an alternative to the currently existing corrupt version? We cannot have three or more assemblies each professing to be the genuine voice of We the People, can we?

Thus, I envision somehow connecting up with such other groups, i.e., forming a kind of master alliance. This concordance seems inevitable if we are to sustain ourselves as a functioning nation-state.

And so I say, American nationals unite! Let's get some sort of comprehensive organization in place so as to secure the essential structural integrity of our wayward constitutional republic.

Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Public Domain Attack TV

Why do airports and hospitals showcase libtard TV like CNN? As far as I know, it’s a nationwide phenomenon (although I’ve read that sometimes FOX News wins out over CNN down South — still, not sure there’s all that much difference there). Even Veterans Administration Hospitals blare out the treasonous and lamebrain CNN messaging from every corner of their facilities.

Surely you’ve noticed. TVs are placed all over the place, each one blasting out lies and nonsense. And usually you cannot escape. Nor can you change the channel or lower the volume. (For non-TV watchers that’s a new definition of hell.)

Who is in charge of what I call "public domain attack TV"? How do you go about investigating this issue?

Well, regarding airports there’s more info on the web. Good old Reader’s Digest (of all publications) offers some clarity:

Waiting for a flight requires equal parts patience and distraction. Airports provide some of the latter with their TVs—and many specifically show CNN.


So, why do so many airports play CNN? First, it’s technically not the same exact CNN program people watch at home. Instead, the CNN Airport Network offers unique programming. The content is similar; however, the network caters directly to people in waiting rooms and—you guessed it—airports. People can even connect to Wi-Fi to watch specific programs from CNN on their phones, too. Use this map to find your airport Wi-Fi password.


According to the network, 59 airports across the United States run the CNN Airport Network. They show a mix of lifestyle, entertainment, sports, and business headlines, as well as live CNN. There’s a dedicated staff for the airport network that programs everything. You won’t find any news about commercial aviation crashes or stories inappropriate for a family-friendly airport environment. No matter what airport you fly to or from, remember these 16 airport mistakes to stop making before your next flight.


Although many airports show CNN, they have their own individual relationships with the network. Airports request proposals from news outlets to show their content and often can’t air other competitors. CNN Airport Network happens to be a popular choice. It might be because the network reportedly pays airports for exclusive access to display their content and provides funds for TV equipment. Airports can even include free, personal, original programming and local advertisements specific to the area as part of the deal.


CNN might be the popular choice, but other networks are still trying to break into airports, too. CBS and ReachMe.TV have an upcoming in-airport mobile entertainment network, Deadline reports. It might be worth skipping the screen time altogether and checking out these fun free things you can do when you’re stuck at the airport.


Source: Why Do Airports Always Play CNN? Emily DiNuzzo Updated: May 28, 2019,

So there’s a back room contract process going on with airports. Under long-term contracts CNN pays the biggest bucks to provide TVs and even offers a special, airport news service for travelers. Surprise, surprise!

You might think that hospitals and doctors’ offices would be more discerning about allowing their patients to be bombarded with invasive, mind-rotting programming. But in hospitals and doctors’ waiting rooms, libtard TV also prevails. (If you search the issue online there is much less info as to why regarding this domain.) But I’m going to assume that there is a similar back room contracting process going on there too — with Big Money standing by to make it happen. Gee, I wonder where the money comes from(?) (Get on it, Mr. Investigative Journalist!)

Does this mean that Big Medicine (incl. Big Pharma) and Big Media all want the same thing: big idiots watching TVs that spew useless, mis-directing, mind-controlling information? I guess so. They mostly all follow suit, just as Big Airlines likely influence the airports, getting inside the brains and souls of captive audiences everywhere. Sick stuff!

I gave up TV long ago. But it’s everywhere now, force-feeding willing screen gazers. (Forgive them, they know not what they do.) But when will someone or some group come along and challenge Big TV and its ubiquitous presence? Beats me. But a revamp and a take-back of our public domain ecology is long, long overdue.

Thursday, March 18, 2021

Kovid Kooks Close-to-Home

Recently I went ballistic on two family members for maintaining the fiction known as the sham/plan-demic. I told them they are “shaming our family.” Those are strong words and I meant what I said!

My daughter works in a laboratory and her daughter (my granddaughter) is 8-years old. She’s in the second grade and is required to wear a mask, etc., while being indoctrinated by lamebrain libtards who work for the public school system in SOCIALIST MONTGOMERY COUNTY, MARYLAND. (The last I heard kids were not in danger from the virus.  I thought the mortality rate for young people was .004%?) They recently opened back up for classes, but for only four days per week; they are closed on Wednesdays for "cleaning." 

Then there is my daughter-in-law. She is a new internal medicine doctor doing an extended, seemingly endless residency. Of course I understand that she doesn’t wish to upset the apple cart in her chosen profession before she even gets a foothold, and yet I can’t help asking: how can she adopt the conventional stance on this hysterical nonsense that is not evidenced-based in science and medicine?

Both are completely brainwashed about masks and all the rest (“social distancing,” hand sanitizer, et al., ad nauseum). Mostly I worry about the effect this whole phony pandemic is having on my granddaughter. But having someone new to our family who is mindlessly beguiled in Rockefeller pill medicine fantasy-land bothers me.

Neither are capable of using their specialized scientific and medical knowledge to critically think through this whole pantomime, which outrages and sickens me no end.

And so, once again, I am posting the quick and dirty facts on this nonsense. (Take note and go research it for yourself  there is even more evidence against all of this nonsense since the original post I put up on January 4th of this year!):   

1. Did you know COVID isn't the name of the virus?

2. Did you know Masks don't work?

  • If Masks work there would be no rise in "cases"
  • Masks don't stop the spread of nano-size particles
  • Masks negatively impact breathing:
  • - Breathe in 20% less oxygen
  • - Rebreathe 400 times lung waste
  • Bacterial infections in the lungs are on the rise

3. Did you know Lockdowns don't work?

4. Did you know the CDC lumped the Flu with COVID statistics?

  • CDC no longer counts seasonal flu or other respiratory illnesses?
  • CDC counts all respiratory illnesses and viruses under COVID-19 umbrella
  • COVID-19 has "no effect on deaths in the U.S." - CDC partner Johns Hopkins University study

5. Did you know the PCR tests are fraudulent?

  • PCR tests "should not be used to diagnose viruses" - inventor Kary Mullis
  • PCR tests are inaccurate
  • PCR tests pick up nano-fragments of other diseases, not only coronavirus
  • PRC tests produce 50% wrong data - CDC
  • - 30% false positives
  • - 20% false negatives

6. Did you know the COVID "Cases" numbers are a lie?

  • The world is now suffering a Pandemic of "false positives"
  • Only 1 in 3 "excess deaths" cause by COVID-19
  • Only "6% of deaths caused by COVID-19 alone." - CDC

7. Did you know you will need a Vaccine Passport to travel?

  • People will soon need COVID Vaccine Passports to travel
  • Employers could demand employees show proof of COVID vaccines to work
  • Businesses could demand patrons show proof of COVID vaccines to enter

8. Do you know what's in COVID Vaccines?

  • Lung cells of 14-week-old white male fetuses
  • Ingredients are being withheld
  • Might cause sterility
  • Nanobots that reprogram your DNA
  • Injectable biosensors of COVID vaccine uptake

9. Do you know the outcome of COVID Vaccine trials?

Don't let the architects of the Plandemic determine the fate of your health and well-being.

More importantly, don’t be a minion, a stooge, a useful idiot who helps to spread fear and ignorance by supporting the false narrative of these architects of the Plandemic!

Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Law in the Raw

When the human mind conceives notions of law, what we conjure up is more complex than first realized. In a kind of chronological order there is God’s law, natural law, common law, scientific law, nation-state law, and international law; there is also tradition, practice, and custom (originary and acculturated) all of which carry their own innate sense of “law” as rightful forms of conduct.

There are even “laws” in the magic and mythical realms of number and geometry that relate to our metaphysical and occult sensibilities, and supernatural or transcendent spiritual laws bring us back to God in a kind of full circle. (Anti-law, e.g., the black magic of Luciferian evil-doers, is excluded from our notional purview of law in its proper sense.)

Humans make these categories and distinctions in order to organize them into practical, usable purposes; through our mental faculties we separate them out so that they might be fitted into an overall logical form comprising an over-arching reality within which we dwell. We operate, we conduct ourselves in this sphere of law, dubbing it the rule of law, which defines rational, just behavior designed for the benefit of all and the detriment of none.

However, humans have been plagued by law breakers from time immemorial, or at least since the time of Babylon. (Christians trace our woes back further to the Garden of Eden.) This state of affairs  has complicated the rule of law because it had to deal with the recognition that not all who benefit are worthy, so that some should suffer its detriments for the breaking of laws.

And so the rule of law has been contending with lawlessness since its inception. Disrespect of the rule of law, and disputations as to the lawfulness of the law under various stewards of the rule of law at any one time — these epitomize the never-ending struggle in the history of humanity ever since law has been with us.

As a student of the Western law tradition who has researched its odyssey, my mind is often drawn to the formulations of the Roman jurisconsult, Gaius. He seemed to have organized certain guiding principles that can be seen as foundational for a strong country and a stable family (with God's handiwork shining through its fine moral underpinning and commitment to individual liberty). These have come to exemplify the ideal for the rule of law as embraced by our original American constitutional republic. Here is an overview:      

ROME (c. 170 A.D.)

Gaius is most responsible for a systematization of the civil law into ‘scientific form,’ supporting a sense of nomos, as ‘the ruler of all things divine and human’.

The Gaian formulation is:

1) an historical approach drawn from Roman social experience and legal wisdom;

2) the dialectical method with divisions, distinctions and methods of interpretation; and, most importantly,

3) the classical ‘juridical trinity’ (or ‘trichotomy’ that all law pertains to persons, to things or to actions)

This third formulation entails not only moral priorities and a means of ordering reality, but also a characteristic mode of perceiving, of construing, and potentially of controlling the social field.

There is an analogy between the ‘juridical trinity’ and the structure of language (to Latin or perhaps Indo-European grammar itself), i.e., the relationship between subject and predicate, including object and verb.

For Gaius, Roman jurisprudence is anthropocentric or perhaps anthropomorphic: the conscious ‘personality’ (coming not from cosmos, but the psyche) as the essential focus for perceiving the world of ‘reality,’ with an emphasis on individual ‘liberty’ (derived from ‘free will’, in effect, the defining characteristic of ‘personality’, or perhaps, considering the overt recognition of social ranking in Roman law, ‘liberty’ is better interpreted as ‘status’) — as an extended self, ‘property’ and the law of possession are now seen to be natural extensions of liberty and personality.

‘Prescription,’ acquisition through continued use or possession, introduces the factor of time into the legitimization of possession or property; public and private law begin in ‘action’ that provide legal remedies and legal norms (and counter-actions that create legal ‘exceptions’); an ‘action’ corresponds to a particular ‘obligation’ by which individuals, as agents, exercise not only their liberties but their wills, so long as they have legal ‘cause’ and good faith.

The Institutes of the Civil Law was an elementary student’s textbook written by Gaius in the second century A.D. The Institutes distinguishes the ius civile (civil law), peculiar to a particular state, from the ius gentium (law of nations), or law that is common to all states.

The ius gentium, in the sense meant by Gaius, is a body of Roman rules, considered to be in approximate conformity with the common sense and practice of neighboring peoples, which is suitable for application to foreigners on Roman territory, e.g., the transference of most movable property by the act of merely handing it over, the loan of money and creating contracts of sale, hire, mandate, and partnership by simple, formless agreement, etc.

In other words, ‘Lex is what the Populus orders and determines.’ For Gaius it is psyche, human consciousness as will, giving rise to rights, that forms the center of a sort of rudimentary sociology of knowledge. By establishing that field of vision, horizons can be expanded to encompass other individuals and natural objects, potentially property, and finally, the social field can be completed by observing and judging human actions and interactions.

The Gaian system is aimed not just at causal explanations but also at human problems: the rendering of practical and normative judgments and the determination of remedies and larger principles. As such, Roman social thought can be organized in concentric circles:

·        the person occupies the center

·        the family or household occupies the first circumference

·        the next is the interfamilial link to a more public space

·        and the outermost circle of personality is citizenship, embedded in Roman society

Yet, by making larger claims for the role of legal science, the private is subordinated to the public sphere. Roman jurisprudence is centrally concerned with strengthening the governing class, the community of paterfamilias, symbolized, if not represented by, the Senate. At the same time, the foundations of Roman law continue to be grounded in the practical force of acculturated custom (consuetudo, ‘second nature’) and this too is interpreted in terms of the individual person, his force of will, and his responsible actions.


Gaius was heir to a thousand years of Greek learning and its synthesis of law. But writing in the late second century A.D., Gaius was very likely influenced by the early Christians as well. That is, Gaius was a Roman indebted to the past whose thinking (we might speculate) was also drawing on a consciousness of the new logos being spread about in the noosphere by Christ’s apostles and disciples.

Before going any further forward, perhaps a look back to highlights from the Greek legal heritage would be contributive and grounding. Here is a synopsis:   


THE GREEKS (c. 900 B.C. TO 100 B.C.)


Acculturated custom or the ‘unwritten, proto-legal elements in Greek theogony (the ‘divine character of law’) are the earliest connotations of “nomos” (definitions of terms are fleshed out below).

The Lawgivers: Dracon/ Solon/ Gorton (incl. the perhaps mythical): Lycurgus (Sparta); Charondas (Catana); Zaleucus (Locri); Minos (Crete)

Thesmoi (specific legislation and practical procedure of the sovereign, memorialized in written codes publicly displayed on tablets) give institutional expression to the public will, while insisting on the primacy of public authority. Nomos as ‘positive’ (posited) or ‘statute law,’ transcending, though still including, vestiges of acculturated custom: first stirrings of a ‘(proto)state’ (as opposed to traditional blood feuds) having the exclusive role in punishing persons accused of crimes and meting out harsh corporal punishments.


‘Social thought’ emerges: ‘soul’ included in a cosmological program; the primordial ‘self’ defined in relation to ‘other,’ i.e., society or culture; nomos serves to designate particular rites, human rules, solutions, and, eventually, ‘positive law’ (convention)


The ‘soul’ is morally significant.

Lysias/ Isocrates/ Isaeus/ Xenophon/ Thucydides/ Pericles

Oration and democratic legislation; citizens perceive objectified laws to which they have internalized an owed obedience; dawning of ‘the rule of law,’ with a predisposition toward the stability and permanence (as opposed to any alteration) of enacted laws; law as command and prohibition by political authority; laws declare ‘what must be done’ — and yet a multiplicity of laws is identified with bad government; ‘intent’ of wrongdoer recognized as being relevant

Aeschylus/ Sophocles/ Euripides/ Aristophanes

Dramatic portrayals, e.g., eternal laws of supernatural origin are ‘fundamental rights’ (like ‘natural rights’ emanating from family relationships) which trump man-made laws conflicting with them; law as a progressive achievement, tending to equalize the ground of rich and poor; an emphasis on the importance of hearing both sides of an argument, more as a precept of wisdom, rather than of justice; demoralization and lack of respect for the laws also portrayed

The Sophists

The first ‘humanists,’ language experts, and practitioners of civil science, using logos, or a convergence of rhetoric and law, wherein nomos (positive law) is characterized as relative and physis (the natural physical universe and the instinctual nature of its human inhabitants) as immutable; typically argue both sides of an issue with verbal dexterity and persuasion; for Sophists, human judgment replaces myth and anthropology, though anthropology (finding its ultimate meaning in the political act) transcends metaphysics; for Sophists, ‘custom’ is  nominally ‘unwritten law’


Logos’ (as some dubbed him) is perhaps the first rhetorician of ‘linguistic philosophy’; reportedly credited with the principal modes of speech (narration, question, answer, command, report, entreaty, and invitation); considered to be the first to maintain that in every experience there are two logoi opposed to each other; committed to the defense of convention (nomos) over nature (physis)

Socrates/ Plato

Through logos, as philosophical analysis embedded in dialogue, the sophistic position is challenged. Laws are imagined as personified and citizens have a duty to obey the laws, resting on a deep and weighty ‘convention,’ implied as a binding contract; laws are for the benefit of all and there should be a deliberate training of society in the law. Magistrates are seen as ‘servants’ of the law; hermeneutics (figurative, allegorical, grammatical, historical, and dialectical criticism) is applied to find reality behind the letter of a text. According such distinctions helped effect a severing of the instincts from the polis — a more complex ‘state’ is inaugurated. Philosophers are seen as the true and sovereign ‘law-givers’ of society and so superior to the orators (rhetoricians). Law as mutual agreement and the notion of private property begin to be recognized. 


There is much more to the Greek contribution of course. But the above gives an adequate baseline. In fact, one can almost see the entire odyssey of law and jurisprudence within the evolution of Greek society and culture. Indeed, law and jurisprudence are creatures of mental consciousness and written language. (We’re speaking here of a perception of reality stressing the bivalent nature of an undifferentiated, psychically-stressed unity (familiar to the early Greeks, as evidenced by the meanings of some of their primal words) — and that of the mental structure, typified by the dualism of antonyms or conceptual opposites (strengthened by the less ambiguous, more directive language of Latin, and which is fully fostered and further developed in modern language)). 

It was left to the civilization of Rome to further systematize law beyond philosophic rhetoric and oratory; with the Roman Empire came its imperial administration, and law would be administered by a corps of legal specialists the likes of which were unknown in ancient Greece. Roman law had to manage cases and controversies among its own citizens as well as those among the foreigners within its vast territory.

And, among other places, the Roman Empire stretched into Judea, where it had to contend with controlling Jews whose allegiance was to their rabbis, first and foremost. And as Pharisaic Talmudism pitted its letter of the law against the spirit of the law as taught by Jesus of Nazareth, the Roman authorities were caught in the middle of this bitter controversy.  

Those who accepted Jesus as the Christ, the promised Messiah, managed to establish their Church across the Middle East and beyond. In fact, Rome itself was being colonized by these early Christians. At the time of Gaius (mid- to late second century, A.D.), Rome was persecuting Christians. Yet, just over a hundred years later, Rome would adopt Christianity as its state religion.

Therefore, it is not too much of a leap to suppose that Christian precepts were already “flavoring” the Western legal tradition by 170 A.D. What was always driving law and jurisprudence was mental consciousness as embodied in written language (grants, decrees, edicts and sanctions). As Christianity spread and found favor, the state found that the religion could also be useful, in its most banal sense, as a tool of control and manipulation.

But in this interval between non-acceptance and acceptance of Christianity by the Roman authorities, the formulations of Gaius in his Institutes can be seen as an early and pure florescence of law just coming into a more focused mental articulation though yet to become all that sullied by over-zealous, self-aggrandizing state accretions.      

As someone who regards himself as a generalist-doing-big-picturism I could, of course, be all wrong about this. But then, the ideas and thinking of Gaius struck me this way when I first came upon them. Surely his thesis can be further developed and embellished with more of a theo-cosmological sensibility. But it is precisely his simplicity that attracts me. His Ptolemaic propensity, in contrast to a future Copernican order-of-things, is just as satisfying as the primal act of watching the sun “set”— and I am as unconcerned about the Earth rotating on its axis and revolving around the sun as I could ever be, while simply finding solace in God’s creational beauty. 


The Author is indebted to the following in preparing my synopses herein:

Kelley, D. L. (1990). The human measure: Social thought in the Western legal tradition. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.

Kelly, J.M. (1992). A short history of Western legal theory. Oxford: Clarendon Press.

Thursday, March 11, 2021


The Old Friendship Heights I remember, looking north
up Wisconsin Avenue from the streetcar depot

In 1955 my family moved from ALEXANDRIA, VIRGINIA to MONTGOMERY COUNTY, MARYLAND. At that time I was a one-year old, having been born at what was then called NAVY MEDICAL HOSPITAL in BETHESDA, MARYLAND. My father was a Reserve Naval Officer.

We lived in FRIENDSHIP HEIGHTS for eleven years. That was the neighborhood where the progenitor of the McCauliffe clan lived. From 1955 to 1971 James McCauliffe was the superintendent of the MONTGOMERY COUNTY POLICE DEPARTMENT. We knew the family patriarch of that time as the “chief of police” and currently there’s a permanent, clownish statue of him in uniform standing on the corner in front of the Friendship Heights Village Community Center. The McCauliffe family lived just down the street from us and produced generations of MONTGOMERY COUNTY police officers, lawyers, politicians and judges. They’re a sort of MONTGOMERY COUNTY dynasty.

I only bring that up for the purpose of letting readers know that I was a homegrown witness to what MONTGOMERY COUNTY was then and what MONTGOMERY COUNTY is now. It was always a sort of “good ol’ boys club.” And it has gone from that to become a cesspool of radical leftist-socialist lamebrains. Looking back, I view that “devolution” as predictable; families such as the McCauliffes were and remain insider oligarchs who gorged at the public trough. Such influencers can, and easily do, help to manipulate the engine of local government to suit their own distorted, privileged view. I’d say the McCauliffe family epitomizes that myopic parochial mindset that has steered this COUNTY in all the wrong directions since at least the ‘50s. This has led directly to the over-reaching libtard pseudo-government we have today in the COUNTY.

The Suss boys in our old driveway

When President Kennedy was assassinated on November 22, 1963, a formerly benign and beautiful dream started on a long, protracted decline. I could feel it then; it was palpable. Looking back, old-style Democrats like my father became only figureheads as the torch passed covertly to behind-the-scenes hands of a Luciferian, fiendish cabal. And in MONTGOMERY COUNTY dark money and influence did its dirty work. By the early ‘60s, Friendship Heights was already in decline as big developers with big money and big ideas bought out the folks in the neighborhood.

The Suss brood as we looked then.

 Our family would move from Friendship Heights to Kenwood in 1966, remaining in MONTGOMERY COUNTY until about 1974. But my extended family has remained here since 1962 when my maternal grandparents had bought a home in the “Green Mile” section of Chevy Chase. My 89-year old aunt still lives there and I have maintained my connection with MONTGOMERY COUNTY through her and a handful of siblings who have remain here as well.

After tromping around the country and the world, I relocated back here myself in 2001. I came back to care for my elderly aunt and to generally be around my brothers and sisters. (Half of whom have moved out to the Chesapeake Bay Area.) I had friends here too  (though many of them have generally abandoned me in the last few years, probably due to my new-found militancy toward the communist infestation of this Washington, DC area).

As I became red-pilled, beginning in about 2006, I began to suddenly see and realize many things. I came to apprehend how our country had been stolen from us over the last four or five generations. JFK tried to stem the bleeding once he came into power, but his noble efforts were too little, too late. He had no idea how entrenched this treasonous Frankenstein was in our government and in our country, and how far and deep its tentacles reached. Today’s more informed and more prepared Patriots do, and I count myself among them.

And so MONTGOMERY COUNTY, a localized "mini-me" of a corrupt and out-of-control, “progressive-fascist-federalismo," it represents everything I detest about the planned decline and demise of our nation. And typical, indoctrinated, mask-wearing MONTGOMERY COUNTY sheep just follow-along. If not for standing by my aged aunt in her golden years I would have been long-gone years ago. And I intend to get out of this horrid place, but on my own time and on my own terms.

I’ve stood up against the unlawful taxing of one’s labor; this unlawful scamdemic and its idiot “health mandates”; and unlawful state and county statutes and regulations that are intended to persecute locals — as typified by the penalties being imposed upon me in the “notorious dog case” reaching its zenith today, 3/11/2021 <= (notice the favored Illuminist numbers), in the MONTGOMERY COUNTY DISTRICT COURT.

I would rather eat all of the sand in Saudi Arabia than dishonor myself in that hideous “HALL OF JUST-US” (the good ol’ boys crowd devolved out of the McCauliffe hog trough). How a corporate phantasm thinks it has any jurisdiction over a flesh-and-blood native-born national patriot stretches the bounds of rational thought. Yet the COURT minions proceed throwing paper at me as if their presumed authority, because of its power to intimidate with their color-of-law courts and police and wrongful detention threats constitutes true, rule-of-law sovereignty over me.             

There you have it. When I look around at the mindless masses of MONTGOMERY COUNTY fools who parade everywhere in their face-muzzles, I just want to up-chuck; and the MONTGOMERY COUNTY “officials” who lord over this controlled bunch can go pound sand if they think they can mess with this old Friendship Heights boy. I’ve learned my lessons just as a kid standing by the side of the road would, witnessing it all; and from reading, researching and studying — from Dr. Seuss to college to law school to PhD to Christian ministry studies; and I write: I’ve authored over 250 published stories and essays and articles, as well as eight books and counting. And I continue on with my Weird Task Ministry while I play and shout the blues and remain actively living by the traditional values that have guided me my whole life through. Nothing is above Faith: the love of God, Family and Country — NOTHING.

The sheriff is the last level of protection from intrusive GOVERNMENT overreach. In this instance we are talking about Sheriff Darren M. Popkin. Though I am eternally hopeful that he has the insight to protect We the People as he should, it is hard to have faith in one such as Sheriff Popkin who seems to have had a long career here in MONTGOMERY COUNTY. And I must say, the front page photo in The Greater Olney News of him, all smiles, together with our fathead RINO GOVERNOR HOGAN (and his new Deputy, Capt. Maxwell Uy), is NOT encouraging. 

So, if the mule don’t die and the crick don’t freeze, and the Good Lord sees fit to make me an instrument of His Divine Grace and Goodness, I stand up to these interlopers and all enemies of the real United States of America. Yes indeed, and instead I stand firm for its Founding Documents come hell or high water, now and always, whether here in Montgomery County or anywhere. 

From the scrapbook: Frontal view of the old Suss
homestead once known as Wootton Ave (up at
High St.) and Wooten Ave. (down at Willard Ave)

Side view; on High Street (now renamed
the pretentious "South Park Avenue.")

"It's gone — the whole shitaree."
Ah, but not forgotten!

Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Quick and Clumsy Guide to Numbers

The Esoteric Meaning of Numbers

1.   If you want to blow your mind on numbers, go here:

Also take a peak here at “twilight language”:  and be sure to check in with the “synchromystic”: 

2.  2. [<=Notice the "mirroring"] Now here is a quick and dandy guide to numbers with a Christian bent:

1 = Unity or Beginning

2 = Union or Witness

3 = Divine Completeness

4 = Creation

5 = Grace of God

6 = Man, or Satan's Evils

7 = Spiritual Completeness From God

8 = New Creation or Beginning

9 = Divine Completeness From God

10 = Testimony

11 = Judgment and Disorder

12 = Governmental Perfection

13 = Depravity and Rebellion

14 = Deliverance and Salvation

15 = Rest

16 = Love

17 = Victory

18 = Bondage

19 = Faith

20 = Redemption

21 = Exceeding Sinfulness of Sin

22 = Light

23 = Death

24 = Priesthood

25 = Forgiveness of Sin

26 = Gospel of Christ

27 = Preaching of the Gospel

28 = Eternal Life

29 = Departure

30 = Blood of Christ

31 = Offspring

32 = Covenant

33 = Promise

34 = Naming of a Son

35 = Hope

36 = Enemy

37 = Word of God

38 = Slavery

39 = Disease

40 = Trials and Testings

42 = Israel's Oppression

45 = Preservation

50 = Holy Spirit

60 = Pride

66 = Idol Worship

70 = Universality

100 = God's Election of Grace

119 = Resurrection Day

120 = Divine Period of Probation

144 = Spirit Filled Life

153 = Fruit Bearing

200 = Insufficiency

600 = Warfare

666 = Number of the Beast

777 = Triunity of God

888 = First Resurrection of Saints

1000 = Divine Completeness and the Glory of God

3.   3. [<=Notice the "mirroring"] And here is a “pop” compilation ripped from various sites from the first page of the search, “occult meaning of numbers”:

 0 – Zero is representative of the primordial void, the womb, the realm of potential. Zero is a circle that symbolizes totality: that which precedes life, the eternal force. It is nothing and everything, the beginning and the end. Zero is often symbolic of Spirit or God, and hence of unity and wholeness.

The Scintillating Intelligence – Superconsciousness. No–thingness, eternity, infinity, wholeness, the beginning and the end, the alpha and the omega.

This number is often associated with nothingness. Therefore, it cannot be your life path number but can be added on the end of other numbers to add greater significance, such as multiples of ten which suggest increased meaning and energy than one alone.

If you keep seeing zeroes, don’t change anything you’re doing! This number is associated with being entirely on the right path, and with heading towards the best version of yourself.

It’s a particularly reassuring number to see when you’ve been doubting yourself or your abilities, so look out for it even when you’re feeling insecure.


1 – The Transparent Intelligence – Self Consciousness. Thingness, creation, unity, individuation, beginning, initiative, originality, singleness, isolation, focus, single-mindedness.

This represents assertion, individuality, manifestation of the finite and un-manifest, the ego, egotism, self-reliance,dignity and ownership. According to Pythagoras, this represents God, infinity, intellect, matter, chaos, void, oblivion(), a Virgin, the sun, the point within the circle and the fire deity. He favored this as the father of numbers, and ascribed odd numbers to greater gods, and even numbers terrestrial gods. In its negative aspect this number may represent arrogance, selfishness, and limitations.

One symbolizes leadership, strength, and confidence. Number one is like a straight arrow which reflects willpower and precision. One is also reflective of individuality, self-discovery, and self-empowerment. Unlike zero, which is feminine and receptive, one has a masculine and willful energy.

2 – The Uniting Intelligence – Subconsciousness. Duplication, reflection, copying, transcription, reproduction, memory, duality, mystery, concealment, illusion.

This number is associated with sensitivity and duality. It denotes creation and production, and is a symbol of the moon. It represents antithesis of good and evil. It is also associated with mourning and death. The occult (supernatural) symbols for this number is the high priestess. The negative qualities associated with it are excessive criticism, susceptibility to flattery and unreliability.

Two is the number of duality; the split we perceive in life between light and darkness, inside and outside, yin and yang, masculine and feminine, good and bad, life and death, mind and heart, and so on. On one hand, two symbolizes partnership, but on the other, it symbolizes conflict and opposition. When balanced, two is a number of harmony, but when imbalanced, the number two can be destructive.

3 – The Luminous Intelligence – Imagination. Multiplication, preservation, conservation, ingress and egress, transmission, diffusion, dissemination, division, partition, administration, development, growth, unfoldment, expression.

This number symbolizes the trinity (force, matter and consciousness) and the family (father, mother and child). It also represents the past, present and the future. The triad is considered the first perfect number. Every virtue is believed to originate from it. It is also considered the number of highest wisdom and perfect love. In both Hindu and Christian faiths, the trinity represent the different faces of the godhead.

Three is typically seen as a particularly lucky and powerful number. Three represents the divine principle that underlies life such as the mind, body, and spirit; birth, life and death; beginning, middle and end; past, present and future, and so forth. Spiritual traditions such as Wicca and Christianity symbolize the spiritual force as triune, for example, the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, as well as the Maiden, Mother, and Crone. Three is symbolic of success, intuition, and good fortune.

4 – The Constituting Intelligence – Reason. Order, measurement, classification, recording, tabulation, governance, ruler-ship, guidance, leadership.

This is the number of the material universe, reason, science and knowledge. The cross and the swastika have four points each. There are four seasons in a year, four sides to a square and four humors. Pythagorean’s believed this to be a number of miracles.

Four is a grounded and stable number that evokes a feeling of calmness and solidity. Four is very much rooted in the physical world and is about being present and in the “now.” For example, there are four seasons, four elements, and four corners of the earth. Four is about building a strong foundation and developing a down-to-earth perspective.

5 – The Triumphant and Eternal Intelligence – Intuition. Mediation, adaptation, means, agency, activity, process, listening, tradition, perpetually, consistency, humility.

This number is associated with understanding, justice, the harvest and freedom. It is associated with the five wounds of Christ and the five ancient Chinese elements: earth, fire, water, metal and wood. In Greece and Egypt this number was considered powerful as it was formed by the union of the first odd number and the first even number, and was used as a talisman.

Five is a number of adventure and freedom. Five is also a very sensual number (five senses, five fingers and toes) and it’s about enjoying life, trying new experiences, and seeking out pleasure. This number is also connected to experiencing life changes (such as marriage, divorce, new jobs) and making important choices.

6 – The Disposing Intelligence – Discrimination. Balance, equilibrity, symmetry, beauty, harmony of opposites, reciprocity, complementary activities, polarity, love.

This is the number of sympathy, marriage, communion and harmony. It is a symbol of Venus, 666 is supposed to be the emblem of the devil. It was in the sixth hour of the sixth day that temptation came into the world, according to Christian belief. Pythagorean’s believe that all things were regenerated after a period of 216 years ( the cube of 6). The sixth day was sacred for druids. It may also indicate anxiety, obstinacy and low self -esteem.

Six represents a balance between the earthly and spiritual realms. Six is also connected to intuition, clairvoyance, and other extrasensory capacities (hence the “sixth” sense). In numerology, six is the number of the caretaker; the person who nurtures and compassionately serves others.

7 – The Intelligence of the House of Influence – Receptivity to Divine Will. Enclosure, protection, defense, specific location, cultivation, shielding, safeguarding, refuge, safety, rest, security, victory.

This represents completion, immortality, time and space. It is associated with the seven days of the week, the seven ages, the seven planets and seven forces of nature according to Hinduism, and the seven seals. In occult philosophy, it is considered sacred. In Hindu, Christian, Jewish and Buddhist philosophy this is the number which is related to the godhead. In its negative aspects, this number is associated with being dictatorial, restless and opinionated.

Seven is a magical number that is associated with synchronicity, luck, and perfection (seven chakras, seven colors of the rainbow, seven days in the week, etc.). Seven is also seen as a mystical number that is connected to spiritual awakening, introspection, and the development of wisdom. This number is connected with the pursuit of Truth and the desire for a deeper understanding of life.

8 – The Intelligence of the Secret of all Spiritual Activities – Suggestion. Rhythm, alternate cycles of involution and evolution, vibration, oscillation, flux and re-flux, enthusiasm, power, expansiveness, repetition.

This is the number of dissolution, madness, regeneration and invention. The occult symbol of this number is the figure of justice with a sword and scales.The Greeks regarded this number as one of the great powers. The negative aspects of this number are introspection and lack of self-confidence.

Eight is connected to abundance, prosperity, and financial well-being. Resourcefulness, hard work, determination, and inner strength are all qualities of eight. Spiritually, eight is seen as an equalizer or balancer (hence its shape) that unites the conscious with the unconscious, and earthly with the spiritual. In other words, eight is reflected in the proverb “you will reap what you sow.”

9 – The Intelligence of Will – Response. Completion, attainment, fulfillment, the goal of endeavor, the end of a cycle of activity, pleasure, intention, purpose, determination.

This number represents new birth, spirituality and revelation. When multiplied by any number, the sum of the digits of the product will always  add up to 9.(3*9 =27 : 2+7 =9). It has many mystical associations. In Hebrew, this number represents the Godhead. Christ is said to have died in the ninth hour. It’s negative influences are lack of mercy and compassion.

Nine is the number of fulfillment. Wisdom, self-examination, enlightenment, and higher consciousness are all qualities associated with number nine. Nine is also connected to one’s higher purpose and ultimate life mission; this number encourages us to take a bird’s eye view of our lives.

10 – The Rewarding Intelligence – Rotation. The law of cause and effect, apprehension, correction, fortune, optimism, generosity, gratitude, fulfillment, attainment, grasping.

Ten represents completion: the ending of a cycle and the attainment of wholeness. Ten is both masculine and feminine and reflects the unity that is possible once we integrate the fragmented pieces of our inner selves.

11 – The Faithful Intelligence – Equilibrium. Justice, order, action, balance, poise, exactitude, accuracy, impartiality, equity, teaching, instruction.

This is a master number in numerology. It indicates new beginnings on a higher plane with inspirational or psychic qualities.

Eleven is a powerful number that is often referred to as the ‘spiritual messenger.’ This number carries with it both positive and negative associations. On one hand, eleven can represent the need to make an urgent change (hence the saying “the eleventh hour”), but on the other, eleven is connected with one’s destiny. In other words, seeing eleven can tell you a lot about your life path and what paths you should or shouldn’t walk. 

12 – The Stable Intelligence – Reversal. Surrender, patience, sacrifice, mystical revelation, devotion, purpose, renunciation.

Twelve is the number of cosmic order. For example, there are twelve months in the year, twelve astrological signs, twelve hours in a day, twelve personality archetypes, etc. According to numerology, twelve is the number of creative and individualistic self-expression.

13 – The Imaginative Intelligence – Transformation. Fertility, fecundity, productiveness, generative power, origin, source, mainspring, groundwork, leavening, desire, love in action.

This number is traditionally considered unlucky, but it is not always so. In Hebrew tradition, it is a number change. In the Speher Yetzirah  (Hebrew -Book of Formation, or Book of Creation), the thirteenth path signifies understanding of all spiritual knowledge. The unlucky association comes from the Last Supper. There are thirteen Buddhas and thirteen Mexican snake gods. In the Kabbala (ancient Jewish tradition of mystical interpretation of the Bible), the number represents the emperor, armed to gain his empire.

14 – The Intelligence of Probation – Trial. Testing, verification, authentication, refinement, application, reinforcement, proof, demonstration.

15 – The Renewing Intelligence – Bondage. Materialism, confusion, slavery, dissonance, incongruity, temporality, separation, humor, volition, intuition, potential for change.

16 – The Exciting Intelligence – Awakening.  Disruption, dismantling, liberation of the will, the end of falsehood, clarification, humility, shock, freedom, clarity.

17 – The Natural Intelligence – Revelation.  Meditation, transformation, liberation, dissolution of illusion, sincerity, inward focus, intention, communion.

18 – The Corporeal Intelligence – Organization.  Arrangement, physicality, solidity, actualization, instinct, cycles, evolution, mystery, passion, orderly complexity.

19 – The Collective Intelligence – Regeneration. Assembly, combining, unification, embodiment, conciliation, radiance, joy, fullness, attraction, resolution, illumination.

20 – The Perpetual Intelligence – Realization. Judgment, correction, resurrection, re-birth, adaptation, recapitulation, continuity, resolution.

21 – The Administrative Intelligence – Cosmic Consciousness. Celebration, finality, certainty, complete liberation, universal mind, enacting through individuated expression.

22 - The significance of this number is derived from the fact that it is the sum of 3 (Trinity), 7 (the number of planets) and 12 ( the signs of zodiac). It thus connects the spiritual and the material. It also represents the illuminated and is a master number. 

Personal Statement

I have always thought numbers were just ways of counting, of accounting. As I progressed along my educational pathway I tended to quietly abjure numbers (and science). I do recall that in high school I noticed that the numbers “3” and “7” often showed up in the Bible and I wondered why.

In any event, I classified numbers as just part of the quantification of life that tended to detract from the vast and variegated quality of life; numbers were “left-brained.” I still feel that way, though I’ve come to understand that many people place great stock in numbers. So I think it’s important to find out what all the buzz on numbers is all about, if only to understand how “THEY” think and act accordingly (re. the special occult significance of numbers).

In the final analysis, numbers to me seem to be part and parcel of the material universe, materialism, the physical. My head is in the clouds of the spiritual. That’s how my mind is oriented. So to get bogged down in numbers and their diktats makes me feel uneasy, non-human in some weird way. Still, no one can discount the role that numbers play in the universe, our world, this shared reality. Therefore, it is advisable to have a certain facility and apprehension of their practical use and heuristic value.

How's that for a quick and dirty tour of numbers? 

To end on a further clumsy note, contemplate this:

“If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6 and 9, then you would have a key to the universe.”    – Nikola Tesla

Or in my own words (borrowed from a Pepperidge Farm bag of yore):

"Maybe this isn't where Duffy got those goldfish(?)"

"There's definitely something going on with numbers..." he said, scratching his head... "maybe I'll consult with Dr. Seuss on this baffling bafflement..."

For example: The diameters of a few noted celestial bodies.