Monday, February 20, 2023

Presidents' Day Reprise


NOTE:  The author recants his indictment of Washington and Lincoln as described and explained herein. I leave this posted as a recapitulation of those holding these opinions and sensibilities. However, my reformed opinion is that both Washington and Lincoln were honorable and well-intentioned American leaders, and were of a superior worth to our liberties, our freedom than most secular political leaders, on par with Andrew Jackson and Donald Trump. [See, Mike King's]

Washington’s original birthday is February 22, and Lincoln’s original birthday is February 12. Instead of having two separate federal holidays in February, they were consolidated not long ago into one “secular feast day,” celebrated on February 20, “Presidents’ Day.”

On “Presidents’ Day” 2023 let’s review a Vital History Lesson for All Americans… 

1. The United States (unincorporated) was formed on July 1, 1776, as a result of the Unanimous Declaration of Independence. The members of this Union were all Colonies and they also operated as “the United Colonies of America”. This is not to be confused with Benjamin Franklin’s private business (also unincorporated) doing business as “the” United States. 

2. The United States of America (unincorporated) was formed on September 9, 1776 by declaration of the Continental (that’s land jurisdiction) Congress. This Holding Company is a Federation of unincorporated geographically defined States: Ohio, Pennsylvania, Maine, etc. 

3. The States of America (unincorporated) was formed March 1, 1781, by Agreement of the States ratified as The Articles of Confederation. This was a Confederacy of States of States created to conduct commercial business in behalf of the Federation States. The members of this original Confederacy went by names like this: The State of Georgia, The State of Virginia, The State of Maine.... 

 4. The original Confederation adopted and became the recipients of the service contract known as “The Constitution for the united States of America” in 1787. If you can read and know anything at all about English grammar you can observe from this that the word “united” used here as an adjective to describe “States of America” and references their “union” created under The Articles of Confederation. This Confederacy of “States of States” is the actual Party to the 1787 Constitution. 

5. In 1860-61, the Southern States of States in the original Confederacy left the organization doing business as the “States of America” — “seceded from it” — and formed a new and separate confederacy called “The Confederate States of America”. 

6. The entire [so-called] Civil War was thus a commercial mercenary conflict between the Northern States of States operating under the States of America Confederacy and the Southern States of States operating under The Confederate States of America. 

7. After the end of hostilities the British Monarch saw his chance to pull a fast one, claim that the Federal States of States were under “Reconstruction” and then, very quietly, create an incorporated Scottish commercial corporation merely calling itself “The United States of America” [Incorporated] and substituting franchises of this corporation [formed in Scotland in 1868 — we have the paperwork and proof] for the original Federal States of States.

        Thus, “The State of Florida” owned and operated by Florida for the benefit of Floridians, was moth-balled, and a Territorial franchise corporation calling itself by the deceptively similar name “the State of Florida” owned and operated by the Scottish Government for the benefit of the British Monarch and United Kingdom, took its place — and generations of Americans have been kept none the wiser. 

Source:, The Jural Assembly Handbook (2019), p. 9 (Emphasis added)

Washington, together with Lincoln, is a fitting combination. 

Regarding the slippery prevaricator Lincoln, see my prior essay on Lincoln entitled Time to Seize Back Our Country. His legacy is one of explicitly vile actions and misdeeds aplenty.

Lincoln, was “a” President of a corporation doing business as “the United States of America, Incorporated” and operating as a Federal Subcontractor under “The Constitution of the United States of America, Incorporated”; thus he could substitute his private position as “a” President of the actual public Office of The President of The United States of America. As a British Territorial Subcontractor, he pretended to the Office of the Federation of States President—a position he was prohibited from holding. (This is a common fraud scheme called "mirroring"—in which one person (or asset) is substituted for another without the knowledge or consent of the owners. It belongs to that large class of personage crimes that include direct and indirect impersonation, barratry and identity theft.)

It was perfectly legal for Lincoln to be president of a British Territorial corporation. It was not Kosher for him to then also pretend to be The President of The United States of America—the Federation of States, which is the Office that is empowered to act as Commander-in-Chief.

So, essentially, Lincoln was an imposter, and he was an imposter already specifically prohibited from occupying the office he “represented”—as in “mirrored” in a private capacity.  

However, regarding our revered Revolutionary War hero and venerable founder, George Washington, his dark legacy is found more in what he stood against and what he favored but left undone

Together with John Jay and Alexander Hamilton, Washington tried hard to implement a British-style federal government; and these same three argued against adding the Bill of Rights to the original Constitution. They, of course, lost the latter battle; though their success concerning the former would be left as a work-in-progress, their political sentiments recorded for posterity to uncover and debate.

Their favoring of “mercantilism” would later be known as the Whig vision of a centralized government with a central national bank financing “internal improvements” (a poisoned fruit which Lincoln ultimately brought into ripened fruition). Washington certainly did not stand in the way of establishing a centralized national bank; money-being-money, this initiative gained momentum, garnering more support than the failed blockage of the Bill of Rights. And thus the central bank came into being.

Today we see the Washington Monument on the National Mall and the George Washington Masonic National Memorial in Alexandria, Virginia. And it is no secret that Washington, D.C.—the District of Columbia—has more Masonic-influenced architecture and urban design than perhaps any other city in the world. This startling fact does lead one to wonder about how the burgeoning of this came about: Was it Washington's own Freemasonry at work (a work-in-progress, undone-but-left-to-fester), or was it simply a case of Freemasonry later appropriating his name toward their own, seemingly diabolic ends?

And need we mention the Apotheosis of George Washington, the fresco painted by Greek-Italian artist Constantino Brumidi in 1865 and visible through the oculus of the dome in the rotunda of the United States Capitol Building? Funny how this sacred-secular creation coincided with the year that the “Civil War” ended.

As to his political party affiliation, (and without stepping into the Federalist/Anti-Federalist swamp) Washington was technically “non-affiliated.” But his political instincts, like Hamilton’s, were certainly not aligned with the Democratic-Republicans whose "we-the-people" orientation would come to be identified with Thomas Jefferson.    

Intrepid researchers might dig more deeply into this nascent period of our history (avoiding, of course, the pap of most normative or "accepted" historians). For a case in point have a listen/watch Dr. Thomas Horn's lecture on The Secret Destiny of America.<= Go to 1:50:00/ or begin at 55:00 if you dare)

Suffice it to say that Big Brother nanny-state government must swoon on Presidents’ Day. They hide behind those statue-toppling mobs who could care less about our Founding Fathers. Yet all the while, that same phony government quietly revels in the darker-yet-white-washed legacies of Washington and Lincoln, only looking to ensure the continuation of their false legitimacy.

Cogitate deeply upon the ingenious-yet-convoluted complexity of our uniquely American way of setting up government—and then turn your gaze to an equally convoluted complexity of its mutinous scuttling (as set forth by AVR in the top of this essay). 

Whose desires were ultimately made manifest? How did the love of money (private bankers, corporations and all the payola) triumph over the love of liberty?

On Presidents’ Day let freedom ring—but may it ring beyond a ring-around-the-rosies, pocket-full-of-posies version of history-as-false-narrative.

More to the point: let us straighten out the confusing double-speak and semantic jumble. We can and must return our government structures to their rightful and lawful stations—ones designed to be sub-contractors working via their lawful governing institutions in the tri-lateral (state-federal-national) symmetry within a larger tri-lateral system (land, water and air jurisdictions). The current government structure, acting in our place, must now come under the public law* and answer to the people.

With this big, elephant-hiding-in-the-room caveat-reprise in-mind may you have one very Happy Presidents' Day, 2023!

*Public Law Defined 

Thursday, February 16, 2023

Objective Reality?

Jeffrey Kaplan is a singleton presenter, a talented teacher of factoidal exploration and discovery. Behold his astounding discourse on Russell's Paradox - a simple explanation of a profound problem which begins by exploring “set theory.”

Note to reader: Take-in the video before proceeding further.

At the outset I immediately thought of "Seth," who has two meanings one "good" (sent by God as a replacement for Abel [killed by Cain] whose bloodline led to Abraham) and one "bad" (the Egyptian deity, a trickster, god of storms, etc.). <= The usual co-optation-reversal by age-old Vermin overlords designed to confuse us all.

I kept wondering throughout how such interchangeability of conceptual verities—bad is actually good—is the signal characteristic of the Fallen One, the Father of all lies, that lying liar, Lucifer/Satan/Ahriman (now infesting "AI")—whose aim is to confuse, to bring chaos into-and-out-of order; and/but how that duality dance goes on infinitely, boggling minds indefinitely; putting us in the crazy house, just as happened to the German philosopher after getting the Brit philosopher's two-page letter, according to Kaplan’s presentation.

And as I listened I heard both profundity and chaos. I began wondering about the oppositional nature of duality; about the balancing of opposites into polar complementarities<= two-sides of the same coin.

I thought of "intellect"—one of Idries Shah’s "four legs of the false self"; we need intellect (reason, mentation) to logically work things out. Yet if the sufi, Shah, was correct, where does that leave us? Certainly by not applying our intellect, our reasoning, we human beings would find ourselves in a world reality devoid of order leaving us unable to use even our God-given common sense, right? Was Shah dissimulating (lying in order to mislead and confuse)? Could Shah have meant an over-reliance on intellect produces a false compensation through imbalance? If so, that’s not what he said.

[I note in passing that erstwhile satirist entertainer and professor Tom Lehrer, one of my own personal heroes, actually taught "infinity" in his math classes at U. of Cal. at Santa Cruz...<= He's the icon for those who offer up themselves on the altar of intelligent absurdity.]

Anti-intellectuals might poke fun at Kaplan’s whole lecture, refusing (or unable) to engage their minds. Regardless, there is a profound humor in simply critiquing how the minds of human beings work—which (also) brings the funny-bone element into the picture (the "set"). The very human ability to laugh reduces stress and anxiety, and lets loose vibration and frequency that produce positive effects on both the soul and our animal "bodysuit."

All this to say that, our assumptions predicate our thought processes, informing our beliefs, opening up the possibility of  making "facts" tenuous and imputing a relativistic (subjective) reality; and yet mathematical construction based in mentation, intellect, while seeming to ground us in objectivity, can only further delude us. Why? Mathematical constructs easily become rules of physics—part of the materialistic nether reality that quite simply does not apply to the "rules" of the spiritual realm, e.g., to moral truth, ethical values, Plato's truth, goodness and beauty, and on and on into infinity.

You are probably thinking that my thinking and conclusion is yet more set theory subject to the Paradox Fallacy. And while you expound on that I'll be waiting for you at the home-for-the-bewildered, twiddling my thumbs in joyous contemplation of the Force that through the green fuse drives the flower; the Ever-Present Origin Godhead.

As a follow-on to Kaplan I offer the following: ONTHE EXPOSURE OF THE NORD STREAM TERROR-ATTACKS (SEYMOUR HERSH FEB 11, 2023INTERVIEW) (with the accompanying editorial)

(((Seymour Hersh))) wouldn’t be reporting on this unless the Pilgrims Society and the Babylonian Cartel gave him and his story a green light. Seems to me, the Pilgrims parasites are finished with America and will leave its carcass for the buzzards. This is how the Babylonian Radhanites have gone undetected for thousands of years - leech off a people, create massive debt, watch it collapse, then scurry like cockroaches to find another country to set up shop. (Sourced on Gab)

My note: One’s life work doesn't seem to rise within the public's purview unless it is "cleared" by our mostly unseen Vermin controllers; which only adds more fuel to the absurdity of life: viz., subjectively-objective-reality-as-lunacy.

Godless ones, e.g., Baruch Spinoza, prefer to set themselves up as their own gods; they worship reason, intellect, as their be-all and end-all. Those who follow this path are those types who either tout or believe in the nonsensical evolution myth; that we are no better than animals evolving out of a cesspool of electro-charged protoplasm. 

Give the following a go and you will see what I mean: The Art of Caring Less: The Philosophy of Baruch Spinoza 

(Are you starting to see a pattern, above, of oddly misdirecting commie double-speak? I sure am.)


The above blog post—in all its intellectual fury, its analysis and pseudo-analysis, and its asinine detours—has been an example of intellectual masturbation of the brain and a bleeding out of your emotional attachments. In short: your very own experiential tour of the information abyss.  

CONGRATULATIONS! Great perseverance, seeker after truth, rabbit-hole spelunker and normy alike! YOU MADE IT!

Did you reach climax? Get your funky-fix and enjoy it? Or were you so wound up you had to stop readingyou couldn’t get your mojo workin’? It’s all in the game. And the game is called “distraction”—psy-ops coming at you fast from all directions at once! Stupidity as intelligence, fact as fiction (and, of course, vis-a-versa). INSANITY RULES? Ugh!

Saturday, February 11, 2023

What If...?

What if there has been a subterfuge going on all around us that began with traitor Abe Lincoln (hold onto your normy hat) and his times? (See, e.g., my prior essay on Lincoln entitled Time to Seize Back Our Country, on this website; as well as this very recent article published just today.)

What if this subterfuge assumed ever grander proportions once the banks and the corporations brought the world through two devastating world "wars" that ended by establishing their intelligence beachhead in 1947 with the "enthroned" entrenchment of the CIA?—and this uncontrolled behemoth insinuated itself relentlessly worldwide, even here at home in every news gathering organization? See, the Church Committee. (Actually that journalist-to-intel-dissimulator project was begun as far back as 1909 in Britain; the Brits used journalists to establish the intelligence services (not the other way around). As a result, the already debauched British Crown-led government was way ahead of USA, Inc. as far as manipulating events via dishonest covert activities. (See, articles on the subject at, e.g., or at its social media presence on Gab.)

What if Ike's totally political and "programmable" animal, R. Nixon, similar to Kennedy before him, started to get some big ideas when he got the presidential reins of power and began doing things that his Vermin overlords disliked? By the early '70s the CIA (and similar spawn) had become quite adept at covert operations—so, what if they were tasked with removing Nixon from office and set up the whole "break-in" psy-op, complete with "Deep Throat," etc., to keep their pet projects on point and going forward?

In other words, what if we are actually living in a very cleverly designed simulacrum—a stage-managed theater wherein dramas are continually concocted to misdirect people's gaze—while every institution has already been subtly infiltrated, subverted from within—and the people are gradually "cooked" to be ignorant, to lose their critical thinking abilities and to depend on a constant diet of crap that only "feeeeeeds the estoppel"?

No, the conspiratorial view of history runs deep and wide. Without going there and dwelling on that, without repeating tenets of "conspiracy theory" (<= the term created by the CIA at the time of the JFK assassination) to immediately discredit any non-participants in the "narradigm," without stepping on various land mines of mis-and dis-information that make scrambled eggs of one's credibility; without getting into, e.g., the TDS of orange-man-bad or weighing whether there is more than one Trump (or many other others) out there (actors wearing masks, body double actors, even cloned humans) misleading public opinion—what if things are so off-the-wall and beyond-the-pale that to even consider them paints you as a "crazy-wing-nut"?

Maybe fact is stranger than fiction. That's what drew me to author the red-pilled magic realism that I write. (In fact, some little voice deep inside of me always distrusted "the System," making me into the cultural mutant I am today!) What sort of world are we really living in when we strip it down to its basicsremove the role-playing we all engage-in and the rules we mindlessly abide and pay homage-to, e.g., what is legal (corporate law) v. what is lawful (common law)?

Many, though, are deeply entrenched in that whole normy-world “game.” For example, I know a guy from my younger days whose "processing" began when he got obsessed with the Watergate psy-op. This naturally led him onward: from Democrat worker bee drone on the Hill, to well-intentioned liberal legal warrior for "the cause"; roundly believing in a reality that only exists because so many others play along and consensually (conspiratorially?) agree on the accepted reality world view—because it “works” for him and for others similarly situated: it "gathers food," brings wealth, power, self-importance, while playing on that white-man-guilt complex of owing something while shedding crocodile tears for innumerable “others,” “lessers” (unfortunates) who never figured out how to work hard and lift themselves up, in spite of every obstacle, and instead educate themselves and lead lives of relative self-sufficiency without being dependent on the System-of-"gimmees."   

No, there are forces, "principalities," at work in this seemingly human-made world that direct and produce everything. Their reign is old and has long-endured; it's one that requires blood sacrifices, bribing and blackmail, the lure of success in the world as the carrot, the blotting out of normality and replacing moral lifeways with chaos and unspeakable horrors inflicted on innocents—it's anti-family, anti-Christ, anti-truth, goodness and beauty—they're bent-and-twisted psychopaths who want to replace a natural, God-created world with an artificial, man-made, computer-generated AI, designed to centrally-control a synthetic version of our planet; a CCP surveillance state that is a totally materialistic, no-God HELL-on-Earth.

In fact, we are souls wearing bodysuits. Those with no faith,  overwhelmingly identify with their bodysuits: narcissist materialists over-relying on their five-senses, luxuriating in comfort, safety, and security. Moreover, because of this, they fear the nothingness of death; they explore any avenue that will prolong the existence of their bodies, their consciousness—utter "stupids," as Eric von Zipper might call them. 

Our souls call on us to be giving, to endure hardships, to sacrifice some of our own comfort, safety and security for others, to keep ourselves cognizant of virtue, morality—to care for children, animals, and old people—to guard our Creator-endowed rights against invidious destruction by any totalitarian other, and to exercise backbone in defense of being soul-oriented by helping to champion the cosmic Force that human beings call God, that Divine, love-powered Supreme Being, much greater, more sacred, and infinitely more perfect and holy than ourselves.

How about that, all you normative-normy-norm-norms out there? 

What if, instead of falling apart at the 'seems" upon realizing the above, your little world expanded and transformed you into a real human being, one who is not living in fear and is much more capable, more powerful than could ever be imagined—a world wherein your Son of God merged delightfully with your Son of Man

Think about it; act upon it.

Tuesday, February 7, 2023

Know Your Enemy

These days it is essential for the Vermin to discredit and overwhelm all the churches and religions except for their own Canaanite idolatry. Witness what the public was treated to at the 2023 Pfizer-sponsored Grammy Awards. A prime example of their unholy idea of "performance art" that honors their "religion." 

Watch Satan at work via Buyden's lies during his "State of the Union" speech delivered on February 7, 2023a fascinating theological case study.

Fearless leader, AVR, comes out and speaks boldly about the Satan menacewhat moderns now pooh-pooh at their own peril. I like the way she says her piece here. 

by Anna Von Reitz

Your Enemy, the enemy of all Mankind and all true Sons of God, is the Devil, Satan, Beelzebub, Old Scratch, the One-Eyed God, the Father of All Lies.

Most of us have grown up with pictures of snakey, horned, cloven-hooved, hermaphrodite, pointytailed demons in our heads, or characters personified by Anton LaVey --- red silk capes and ridiculously groomed black goatees --- but that is not Satan at all.

As Mark Passio points out in this very important video (below), even that portrayal of Satan is a dangerous and deliberate distortion that keeps us from rightly sizing up the Enemy and understanding what Satanism is.

In essence, Satanism is the individual ego gone wild. Just think: Bill Gates, or Klaus Schwab, people who think that they are above the law, men so drunk on money and influence that they think they have the right to decide who lives and who dies, and who imagine that their own most arbitrary whim is beyond brilliant and all-important.

That is Satan at work.

Satan is a Liar, and the Father of All Lies, so next time you find yourself straying off the narrow path of truth--- stop a moment. If you hear a lie or a half-truth emerging from your mouth, imagine a snake slithering out over your tongue. It may be a garden snake or a cobra, but it's a snake just the same. Think about it.

Remember, there is a special place reserved for "all Liars" -- and it isn't at the Paris Hilton.

Mark Passio was snared into Satanism as a young man, but he grew up, he realized the damage that this ancient religion of lies and selfishness has caused, and is causing --- and in response, he gives us the deep benefit of knowing our enemies: what they think, what motivates them, what they believe, the extent to which they are willing to go.

I highly recommend going to his channel called "What On Earth Is Happening?" and listening to his "De Facto Satanism" lecture, in which he more than adequately describes how Satanism has been seeded into our lives and popular culture. He also offers ways to claw our way back home.

Mark identifies four (4) basic pillars of the modern Satanist Mindset, which gives rise to all the evil associated with the overt Satanic religion:

(1) Utter selfishness. Me, me, me, and me, to devil with anyone or anything else. Any evil is justified in the pursuit of more and better for me, precious me. And no, I don't give a damn about anyone or anything else. (Reminds me of the Pfizer Executive James O'Keefe caught on camera -- didn't feel a thing about ginning up gross falsehoods for profit.)

(2) Moral relativism. All our judgments about what is good or bad --- according to Satanists --- are arbitrary. According to them, there are no absolute standards of any kind, moral or otherwise. "Everything is relative" is their mantra, and they actually believe it, too. This is how we get grown men, like Obama's Secretary of Education, suggesting that its all right to kill children up to the age of six. This is how you get Biden Administration officials promoting the idea that small children are competent to give consent to sexual acts.

(3) Social Darwinism. In the view of Satanists, people are animals with no particular superiority to any other animal, except by virtue of being a superior predator. In their world, it's all Law of the Jungle, where the biggest, meanest, most vicious and debased "animals" are deemed "fittest", and as a result, that's the kind of "leadership" the Satanists revere and cultivate. The more thuggish and depraved and deceitful, the better. Think Hunter Biden. Or King Solomon -- 700 wives, 300 concubines, a liar, and a thief consumed by materialism.

(4) Eugenics -- which in their case, results in just the opposite of what the eugenics movement is supposed to be about; that is, in the hands of the Satanists, eugenics serves no valid purpose to improve or benefit mankind. It serves only to destroy, debase, and denature the Sons of Man.

This four-pronged assault on decency and sense serves the joint purpose of destroying the spirit within us, maiming our psyche, crippling our self-respect, and reducing us to our basest impulses.

It is even more urgent and important, therefore, that we value ourselves and value others and especially value and teach our children self-respect, teach them to cherish the truth, and give them the gifts of discernment and nurturance.

As we bulwark ourselves and future generations against the delusional mental and emotional sickness that is the hallmark of Satan, we ensure a culture that cannot be overcome by chaos, ego, materialism, criminality and violence.

We win, because the spirit of God within us wins.

For more, go to:
