Thursday, February 16, 2023

Objective Reality?

Jeffrey Kaplan is a singleton presenter, a talented teacher of factoidal exploration and discovery. Behold his astounding discourse on Russell's Paradox - a simple explanation of a profound problem which begins by exploring “set theory.”

Note to reader: Take-in the video before proceeding further.

At the outset I immediately thought of "Seth," who has two meanings one "good" (sent by God as a replacement for Abel [killed by Cain] whose bloodline led to Abraham) and one "bad" (the Egyptian deity, a trickster, god of storms, etc.). <= The usual co-optation-reversal by age-old Vermin overlords designed to confuse us all.

I kept wondering throughout how such interchangeability of conceptual verities—bad is actually good—is the signal characteristic of the Fallen One, the Father of all lies, that lying liar, Lucifer/Satan/Ahriman (now infesting "AI")—whose aim is to confuse, to bring chaos into-and-out-of order; and/but how that duality dance goes on infinitely, boggling minds indefinitely; putting us in the crazy house, just as happened to the German philosopher after getting the Brit philosopher's two-page letter, according to Kaplan’s presentation.

And as I listened I heard both profundity and chaos. I began wondering about the oppositional nature of duality; about the balancing of opposites into polar complementarities<= two-sides of the same coin.

I thought of "intellect"—one of Idries Shah’s "four legs of the false self"; we need intellect (reason, mentation) to logically work things out. Yet if the sufi, Shah, was correct, where does that leave us? Certainly by not applying our intellect, our reasoning, we human beings would find ourselves in a world reality devoid of order leaving us unable to use even our God-given common sense, right? Was Shah dissimulating (lying in order to mislead and confuse)? Could Shah have meant an over-reliance on intellect produces a false compensation through imbalance? If so, that’s not what he said.

[I note in passing that erstwhile satirist entertainer and professor Tom Lehrer, one of my own personal heroes, actually taught "infinity" in his math classes at U. of Cal. at Santa Cruz...<= He's the icon for those who offer up themselves on the altar of intelligent absurdity.]

Anti-intellectuals might poke fun at Kaplan’s whole lecture, refusing (or unable) to engage their minds. Regardless, there is a profound humor in simply critiquing how the minds of human beings work—which (also) brings the funny-bone element into the picture (the "set"). The very human ability to laugh reduces stress and anxiety, and lets loose vibration and frequency that produce positive effects on both the soul and our animal "bodysuit."

All this to say that, our assumptions predicate our thought processes, informing our beliefs, opening up the possibility of  making "facts" tenuous and imputing a relativistic (subjective) reality; and yet mathematical construction based in mentation, intellect, while seeming to ground us in objectivity, can only further delude us. Why? Mathematical constructs easily become rules of physics—part of the materialistic nether reality that quite simply does not apply to the "rules" of the spiritual realm, e.g., to moral truth, ethical values, Plato's truth, goodness and beauty, and on and on into infinity.

You are probably thinking that my thinking and conclusion is yet more set theory subject to the Paradox Fallacy. And while you expound on that I'll be waiting for you at the home-for-the-bewildered, twiddling my thumbs in joyous contemplation of the Force that through the green fuse drives the flower; the Ever-Present Origin Godhead.

As a follow-on to Kaplan I offer the following: ONTHE EXPOSURE OF THE NORD STREAM TERROR-ATTACKS (SEYMOUR HERSH FEB 11, 2023INTERVIEW) (with the accompanying editorial)

(((Seymour Hersh))) wouldn’t be reporting on this unless the Pilgrims Society and the Babylonian Cartel gave him and his story a green light. Seems to me, the Pilgrims parasites are finished with America and will leave its carcass for the buzzards. This is how the Babylonian Radhanites have gone undetected for thousands of years - leech off a people, create massive debt, watch it collapse, then scurry like cockroaches to find another country to set up shop. (Sourced on Gab)

My note: One’s life work doesn't seem to rise within the public's purview unless it is "cleared" by our mostly unseen Vermin controllers; which only adds more fuel to the absurdity of life: viz., subjectively-objective-reality-as-lunacy.

Godless ones, e.g., Baruch Spinoza, prefer to set themselves up as their own gods; they worship reason, intellect, as their be-all and end-all. Those who follow this path are those types who either tout or believe in the nonsensical evolution myth; that we are no better than animals evolving out of a cesspool of electro-charged protoplasm. 

Give the following a go and you will see what I mean: The Art of Caring Less: The Philosophy of Baruch Spinoza 

(Are you starting to see a pattern, above, of oddly misdirecting commie double-speak? I sure am.)


The above blog post—in all its intellectual fury, its analysis and pseudo-analysis, and its asinine detours—has been an example of intellectual masturbation of the brain and a bleeding out of your emotional attachments. In short: your very own experiential tour of the information abyss.  

CONGRATULATIONS! Great perseverance, seeker after truth, rabbit-hole spelunker and normy alike! YOU MADE IT!

Did you reach climax? Get your funky-fix and enjoy it? Or were you so wound up you had to stop readingyou couldn’t get your mojo workin’? It’s all in the game. And the game is called “distraction”—psy-ops coming at you fast from all directions at once! Stupidity as intelligence, fact as fiction (and, of course, vis-a-versa). INSANITY RULES? Ugh!

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