Those of us who have not sold out to any particular ideology
or guidance system offered by not-so-secret-societies (i.e., we who are “not of
the body”) find ourselves highly frustrated and irritated. How in the world can
we ever know the inner workings of so many competing not-so-secret-societies
that are behind the machinations of the “deep state,” and that vie to distract
us from ourselves?
Specifically, how do we sort through not-so-secret-societies
to determine who-is-who and is leading us to what particular ends? One source claims that 100 secret societies prove who really runs America:
Despite the possibilities, here are the leading contenders that are most often suspected:
—and how do the following players figure into this mish-mash?:
Intelligence and
security agencies worldwide
neo-Nazis (the real
National Socialists vs. the Swiss Octogon Templar variety vs. the Hollywood version)
Judaic supremacist
extremist Zionists and neo-cons
the Vatican
New World Order corporatists
Pharaonic “blue
blood” royalty
Have a listen here:
Even further down the poophole— consider these occultist/esoteric
adherents to Zen and
the Tao
Satanists/ Luciferians
How can we know anything anymore with any degree of
certainty? With moorings all but gone—education, religion, media, all replaced
by propaganda—wherein we are more dependent than ever on the web to be able to
discern truth from horse feathers—how do
we know we know what we know is true and correct?
Maybe, to one degree or another, we are lemmings, sheep
being continually led by the nose down one garden path to the next by
not-so-secret-societies—even as we mock others for being asleep and gullible.
That is, just when we think we really know what’s going on in the world and understand
how the world really works, we suddenly must stop, second-guess ourselves, and
re-assess what we believe to be real.
Perhaps we are in a consciousness cul-de-sac, chasing our
tails as we churn amid consensual reality and culture trance. But describing
things with such sexy catch-phrases does not fully explain things or offer a
solution for busting out of a matrix that has been slyly engineered to keep
human beings from self-realizing their immense power and sovereignty.
I have written off all leftists, i.e., liberals, the so-called
“progressives.” They have a mental disorder induced by cultural Marxism. Yes, I
waive off this whole leftist ideological spectrum. Dare I call myself a
“conservative,” when that moniker has been co-opted by Republicans-in-name-only
(RINOs)? Or a Libertarian, when there are just as many problems with that
ideology as being an anarchist?
Probably the best description of my political self is that I
believe in the time-tested, traditional values and mores to which humans have
aspired since time immemorial. This is much more than “political”—it is a
lifeway, as much spiritual as political; it is a consciousness that is trans-cultural
and Truth-seeking; it embraces love, the Good and the Beautiful, while using
laser-like mental faculties and deeply intuitive sensibilities to flesh out
reality and to reject their antitheses. It stands for justice. It rejects
political systems in preference to rule by those whose merits have been proven
in the fire of experience as worthy, regardless of ruling form.
I am speaking of
standing in solidarity with “indestructible Tradition,” which is defined and discussed by Julius Evola
(1898-1974): A tradition instilled and practiced by an individual who,
with the aid of organizations and institutions aligned with traditional civilization
and society, realizes himself completely, defends the principal values he
recognizes as his own, and structures his life in a clear and unambiguous way. Evola
identifies the type of human being capable of “riding the tiger”—an individual
who can transform destructive processes into inner liberation—and, in so doing,
offers hope to those who wish to reembrace Tradition. Evola, J., Ride the tiger: A survival manual for the
Aristocrats of the Soul, (trans. by Joscelyn Godwin and Constance Fontana,
2003, Inner Traditions; Rochester, VT); orig. pub. as Cavalcare la Tigre, ©1961-2000, Edizioni Mediterranee, Rome.
On the brink of overwhelm, I came across a website that
looks very promising:
NOTE: A “Former Jesuit” is involved. Might be problematic.
Go and see what’s offered there. Play their "Glass Bead Game."
Anonymous patriot citizen journalists can make a difference. As I wade into this milieu, I do so
with the above overwhelm about how to know
we know what we know is true and correct.