Friday, March 9, 2018

Venting My Political Spleen

To be keyed-in to current events at this critical juncture of American history is to be a systemic part of a living drama. It’s exciting. It’s electric. I refer to the salvaging of our nation from the Communist-dog traitors who had sold us out and are still among us, steadily working to destabilize America. But not for long! Work is being done now, in real time, to restore the Republic. You can be a witness to history if you know where to look and listen. Also, by doing so you can (and should!) be participating in the 2nd American Revolution.
President Donald Trump is the lynchpin and the spark plug. He is leading the charge. He is the resilient task-master who is taking names and methodically rounding up those who have sought to ruin America. The disgraceful coup against him and his administration has now been trumped by an unstoppable counter-coup, which is presently in full gear. Essential to Trump’s forces are the immense technical skill and intelligence ability that is being applied via a patriotic core within the United States military. The hammer is about to fall.
Within weeks the round-up of prominent traitor-criminals will begin. Gitmo prison will be the destination for these scum. And, as all hell breaks loose in a civil war-type atmosphere, those FEMA camps will come in handy as holding pens for the great, rioting brainwashed masses who don’t know any better. This is the cleansing of the Deep State and Shadow Government that has been long awaited. It is long overdue.
Watch, as the state-wide and urban treason bastions are soon-to-be dismantled. Jerry Brown won’t know what hit him. This slime is the face of Communism, as is McCain, Schiff, Pelosi, Schumer on the federal level—all of them punk-arses and the very lowest of the low. Their lackies: Brennan, Clapper, Mueller, Comey, Rosenstein, et al., will soon meet their maker in the form of the iron fist of justice. The term “ratfink” comes to mind, but does not even begin to describe these low-life slugs. The military tribunals are ready to send them to the gallows and to  penitentiaries where they belong.
Among the sources here provided you can parse the truth and have a ringside seat in the 2nd American Revolution. It is nothing short of “killing the deep state,” the title of Jerome Corsi’s book just now being released. Get informed and do what you are able to do for the cause of Liberty. We are ridding ourselves of the parasitic, pedophilic, Luciferian infestation that has been fostered by Daddy Bush, Bush Jr., the Clinton crime family, and the CIA Obama impostor president, Barry Parks, aka Barry Sotero. It’s pay-back time. (Oh, and forget Bernie Sanders, that Socialist lay-about do-nothing chump.)
Go to for in-depth analysis of the actors and their grave misdeeds, and to get a daily briefing on the state of the nation. Speaking of which, get the lowdown on false flags and much more by going to:  For a quicky take on the day’s news (that is updated often) go to  Another reliable news source is  And if you get bored, try this site on for size:  There you will get news of the weird that can be a bit “out there” but which provides some tantalizing clues and detours along the road of inquiry. As usual, use your discretion and discernment. And speaking of being out in the ozone of truth seeking, we must remember to include Benjamin Fulford and his 10-minute “machine reports.” Here’s a recent one from him:
We are in an information war. If you can stand his grating, gravelly voice, then go to InfoWars for a good rant. Listen here to Steve Pieczenik, a true and noble patriot. I’d include Greg Hunter and Lionel too, not to mention the ragtag bunch found here:
Finally, for some very insightful red pilled articles tune in to A.L. Whitney at
These are the best of the best as far as I have been able to discover. There is more, much more, but these are my recommendations of the moment. Happy hunting! And remember…
Open your eyes, your ears. The storm is upon us. But no one will spoon-feed you. You must have enough initiative to do it for yourself. Do it! And focus in on this stuff. Use your critical thinking cap. Discern the facts, use logic and intuition. Sort out the good “white hats” from those despicable “black hats.” Time’s a’wastin’.
Do your homework and take part by doing whatever you can to wake up fellow citizens and help them to understand the facts of their own conditioning, their blindness to the gutting of freedom, to Liberty, to one Nation under God. My “job” is to write and distribute and to help others to self-initiate their own political and spiritual salvation. What is your strength? What can you do to be counted on as one of us anonymous patriots?
Figure it out and take action, NOW! Our time is here. The signs are clear.          

1 comment:

Andre Buitendag said...

All too clear.