and get me, jackasses! I’ve never worn a mask during this whole, imagined “pandemic”
and I never will—and I have yet to
get “sick.” It’s been nothing but a “shamdemic”
and a “plandemic” from the start.
Wake up, all you foolish people out there!
If it’s such a “killer virus,” why do you have to go get “tested” to even know you have it? What nonsense! And these “tests” are not even scientifically sound, resulting in huge false positives based upon who-knows-what. Hey, I know, they’re meant to establish more and more “cases” in order to create more and more fear. Well, “cases” do not establish that people have a real, symptomatic disease requiring quarantine and treatment. And yet idiots readily buy into this notion and why?—conditioning. Reports of mounting “cases” do not scare me. Do they scare you?
Is there even such a thing as the “COVID-19 virus”? Even if there is, uh, take some hydroxychloroquine or the latest anti-body regimen and get better. Take vitamin D if you’re worried. Again, what is everyone afraid of? What’s with the big emphasis on “safety” and “security” when there is a 99+% of NOT dying from this boogeyman virus? Horsefeathers!
But so many idiots are out there wearing their masks. Why? They even wear them while walking around outside or driving alone in their cars—something not even “mandated” by repressive governments (at least the one in Montgomery County, Maryland). “Safety” is their God, “health experts” are their priests, and “submission” is their mantra. What utter crap!
And how about all of those self-appointed mask detectives out there? Since when am I supposed to take medical advice from cashiers and clerks? If a place is open to the public, we all have an irrevocable license to enter onto that commercial property for purposes of buying whatever they’re selling—period.
I can claim that I have a medical disability as my legitimate reason for not wearing a mask. No one can lawfully question me or refute that. Yet some self-righteous cashiers seem to relish being “gatekeepers-behind-the-counters,” probably full of resentment themselves for having to wear masks; they want to make sure you, too, have to submit to mask directives from their moronic bosses who, in turn, “take a knee” to imagined government “health mandates” as if they were law. These self-appointed enforcers will actually deny you your lawful ability to purchase something; they are unfazed by your claim of medical exemption and openly flaunt their bias against your disability—as if it is now fashionable and acceptable to discriminate against those with disabilities. How absurdly maddening. And what, may I ask, are they afraid of?—they, and every other sheep in their stores, are all masked. So what's their worry? Aren't they "protected"? To these pretenders I say, "Drop the mask!"—they really only want you to CONFORM.
Keeping “safe” from virus transmission by wearing a mask is comparable to trying to keep mosquitoes from passing through a chain link fence. (Who knows if a virus is even transmissible?) Reliable studies have shown that masks cannot prevent transmission of viruses. And those wearing masks claim they are “science believers”? Good Lord, we are reaching new levels of idiocy!
I get in a bad mood now just seeing people with these muzzles, these face diapers on. “True believers” have all become “armchair virologists” practically overnight. But even those trained (like good circus “animules”) in allopathic medicine, virology, or even basic biology, can’t agree: phony political scientists such as Dr. Fauci go around preaching doom, while thousands of more highly degreed, properly thinking doctors and scientists refute him and his ilk. (See, The Great Barrington Declaration.)
And true believers in “social distancing” also rankle me. Have you experienced walking somewhere and a person walking toward you goes WAY around you? I’m getting to the point I want to go up, accost them, and cry, “BOO!” What a crock of you-know-what!
It really is amazing how successful our phony media, complicit government, and cowardly corporate wankers have been at brainwashing people into mask-wearing. I sometimes get the sense that mask wearers get some kind of “rebel thrill” (or Democrat identity rush) out of being masked. (In fact, a crackpot neighbor who refuses to take down his Biden/Harris sign from the public tree belt, is also a committed germaphobe on whom I have, inexplicably, taken pity. Not wishing that he become more overwrought than he is, I have elected to ignore this temporary irritation.)
Getting one’s temperature taken and being forced to use hand sanitizer adds to the indignity of having to participate in this idiots’ pantomime. Again, who gave any-old-moron the right to practice medicine?
The bottom line is this: it is all a dry run, preparing us (the sheeple) to readily submit to both government and peer pressure, and why? Why indeed!
Leftist governments in particular want to control people; they are power-addicts who don’t give a hoot about personal liberty, about our sovereignty as We the People. Wake up! So-called "mandatory" mask wearing is a stage in the genocide of us as a people. And we will be finished as a People once they convince everyone to be injected with their “vaccines.” Beware, People, Beware!
Don’t give in to this insidious nonsense, this façade of foolishness, this pooh-bah pantomime. If you can’t see through the devious, planned destruction of your natural rights and God-given liberty then march willingly to your perdition, oh sheepish fools—march: one, two, three to your deaths. If it all wasn't so laughable, I'd feel sorry for you, fools!
So, there’s no “pandemic,” OK? Get over it. Everyone stop wearing these ridiculous (and dangerous) masks. If we all do that together, then the hysteria and fear will be over, once and for all. Things can return to normal. Really, what is everyone afraid of?
Hahah! Great article for an utter failure. You have a wonderful way with words in exposing reality for what it is. We live in a world of wimps. I don't know if your shock factor will work on zombies???
Look forward to checking out your previous and future "failures" 😁
Thanks, StarMoonGirl.
From your favorite failure.
No matter that many of us say that while we're American citizens, we're just "passing through"; that Heaven is our true and final Home. We nonetheless were NOT created to be subservient, mindless doormat-denizens while we draw God-given breath on this earth as it writhes and bleeds in this prolonged Isaiah 5:20 era. We have hard-earned, blood-stained American-republic rights, and there's a limit as to how much We The People will "render unto Caesar". Rebellion against tyranny is obedience to God...
A warning from across the sea: https://youtu.be/ixBsVodyJP0
Then add THIS to the equation:
Thanks for The Scoop, Felinity, and for broadcasting the Chump Effect. Agreed 100%. Moreover, thanks for the first paragraph about living in a prolonged Isaiah 5:20 era. So true. I admire your soulful spirit of pushing back against all this socialist blight that is foisted upon us. We must fight the good fight, as St.Paul describes it, once we wake up to the mind-controlled brainwashing of radical leftists and their Maoist/Bolshevik language and identity splitting games. Remaining as an armchair philosopher begins to lose its shine, its charm and quaintness. We all have defects---and we know nothing about the battle each other is waging---but we can stand up for righteousness, human dignity, liberty and morality. There's hope where there is love and the backbone to defend that for which we stand. I'm with you.
Great Rant! My very own words and sentiments.
My friends & family have accused me of writing this Rant under the pseudo name. We’re here living under the Socialist regime of Washington State.
Having seen this crap from the beginning, I too haven’t ever worn a mask. I called BS in March. Things didn’t add up – and the Media is ass deep in this.
New virus – 2 weeks lockdown to manage the curve and support our medical facilities and their preparation – and then back to business! WE GOT PLAYED! 2 weeks is now 9 months of screwing our kids, mental health, our economy, and our future.
They’re just dragging this shit out. Science my ass. It’s the ‘Great Reset’ Global Power Play.
I have made all the same points emphasizing the real danger of masks to peoples respiratory systems as they exhale lung waste, germs, moisture and bacteria. Inhaling all that crap back – in the next breath – PLUS the mold forming on the fabric. No less important is that their depriving their bodies of needed fresh oxygen. A recipe for another health crisis. Respiratory problems in the spring!
Read the damn box you idiots! “WILL NOT PROTECT YOU FROM VIRUS’. WILL NOT PROTECT FROM COID-19”. “NOT approved by the FDA”. and right after that (my favorite) “temporarily approved for this crisis”. You can’t make this shit up!
I wear hearing aids and that exempts me as written in their own Dept. of Health guidelines. I’m refused entry in COSTCO, hardware stores, and most area businesses. The Gov has a foot on their necks. COMPLY or we shut you down! The businesses are scared to death. And now COMRAD Inslee has proclaimed a new round of lockdowns for us. Certainly the death knell for what’s left of the small businesses. Makes me sad.
New mandates have effectively cancelled Thanksgiving. Not at my house or my family!
Very few of us will stand up against this lunacy. We need to unite and get aggressive. Our numbers will grow and there are more of us Patriots and we have the Constitution "if we are willing to defend it.
Never Submit.
Semper Fi,
A FINE follow-up to our exchanges to date:
Greetings, Windlord, oh my brother-in-arms! We shall prevail, especially if one of the first acts of fearless leader when he is again sworn in is a proclamation along these same lines. This should throw off all irritating fleas from our backs! And once freed from this yoke, we can begin cleaning out the treasonous guv's and their complicit subordinate lackeys. You made an important point when you wrote:
"I have made all the same points emphasizing the real danger of masks to peoples respiratory systems as they exhale lung waste, germs, moisture and bacteria. Inhaling all that crap back – in the next breath – PLUS the mold forming on the fabric. No less important is that their depriving their bodies of needed fresh oxygen. A recipe for another health crisis. Respiratory problems in the spring!"
Perhaps it's all a part of their "plan" to weaken us all the more in order to prepare us like the stuffed turkeys they think we are---uh, NOT!
Keep up the good fight, fellow patriot. Semper fi back at you and may God bless us one and all!
Lord have mercy...
Yes, another solid and well-written article. Schwab sounds like just the transhuman dystopian I'd love to bring home to meet mother! He might wish to get together with a couple of friends of mine and compare notes:
Johnny Twenties, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_GGCVNoGs0M --- and Chauncey Gardner, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G-W0jrxyf-8&list=PLPJHQt3EHzZ7YnO6JwmPB7qAQSkQ6myMS&index=13
I'm leery of persons with certain names: "Klaus", "Buffy", "Chad", et al. But who cares? (as long as they kow-tow to the technocracy, their A-OK)---NOT.
Felinity, the world sure looks scary and it is. Without humor and music, e.g., seeing many of these serious psychopaths as cartoon characters, we'd probably all go insane.
Now, take five and watch the whole film: Man of the Century: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rrgmn7AnzQM It may not be everyone's cup o' tea, but I've always had a soft spot for it.
And it's good to be reminded that "just plain folks" beat these smart-enhanced super-heroes and all this materialism put into hyper-drive. But then, if we throw all this newby-hi-tech-claptrap into the secret space program, add a generous splash of port, some veggies and bar-be-qued turkey thighs and who knows what new planet we all might get to.
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