Amid the sparkles and the rippling terrain, a dreaming Harland Gasder stood
tall and firm. An almost superhuman effort was needed to do so. And
as he turned round for a 360Âș survey, he reviewed the Dreamtime’s Cast of Characters
that he knew to be "real"…
Underground hives of the other Earth
natives that thrive in many places around the globe, mostly reptoid. Other native races “live” here
too, e.g., ancient Lemurians and Atlanteans, but they inhabit other dimensional
realms tagged to the planet. Elementals guard and protect earth, air,
fire and water. Sylphs. Star visitors such as Pleiadians and Andromedans offer friendly assistance. Venusians
mostly take a wait and see attitude. But beware of the B-Sirians and
Draconians. Gnomes, gremlins, fairies, and other wee folk pop in and out; Sasquatch,
too, plays hide and seek deep in the woods.
There are celestials too: Angels,
Saints—and ragtag collections of select folk, as are found among the
And surely various demons lurk about.
Consequently, all sorts of impersonators of all of the above abound.
A secret government of the world colludes
with certain groups of aliens. They have their underground bases. They too have
UFO and superior technology, varying in sophistication and inter-dimensionality degree.
Into this raging mixed bag of characters enters the entity
called “Harland.” What a salmagundi, a gallimaufry,
a smorgasbord of characters on this prison planet with its vast array
of life and beauty,thought he. It’s all proliferating, inching, hiding, writhing,
wriggling and blossoming where it can.
Suddenly, a gargoyley Mothman-type creature swooped down at him from
up above. Harland ducked, instinctively. A hideous stink enveloped him in its wooosh as it thrust back upward.
Sci-fi or true? Abandon all hope, all ye who
enter here—this was where his mind went just then...before it dawned on him: this is not a dream at all—he was
standing in his back yard, just having a look around.
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