Friday, April 13, 2018


Oh how dark is the lamp of reason when knowledge is taken for wisdom! All of the old blues and hillbilly songs told the tale, albeit in broken and twisted ways. When grace comes to us we rejoice! When tribulation comes we may falter at first, but then, if still we stand tall we may finally rejoice. When tragedy comes we weather it.
Of all the far off lands he once visited none could compare to a nice beach on a sun-drenched day. Palm trees and clear water made it all the more perfect. Ah, to relax in the sweet balm of sand and surf!
Harland Gasder could now say with confidence that he could do without the newsy chit-chat of current events. He would switch his mind over to more ethereal realms. Even if nuclear war were to descend from the skies or some other dastardly weapon ruined the day (for centuries into the future) he would not refrain from remembering those days on the beach and would look forward to the next one and the next one.
Escapist? Perhaps. But get drawn into the tempest of stupid stuff and become stupid—that was not for him. How much better to leave stupid to stupid, catch the next thing smokin’ and blow outta this town.
What was it about the beach that so intrigued him? For Harland it was a going to and being in beauty, rapturous beauty; the gentle, salty breeze, the hot sand between the toes, the sound of the waves lapping the shore, the soothing cool of the salt water—these simple pleasures made life worth living.
Now as to these online truthers, an old saying comes to mind (again). The following quote has to do with the forced interference, centuries ago, of the work of an esoteric group known as “Sufis.”

Three lines of defence were prepared against the interruption of Sufic activity which would result from the Mongol invasions:
1) Some Sufis emigrated.
2) Some remained behind and deliberately allowed themselves to be of assistance to the new regime.
3) Some remained and preserved their activity by disguising its outward form
—Ernest Scott, The People of the Secret (The Octagon Press: London, 1983), 262 
NOT that they are Sufis (by any stretch), but the couple who runs, Douglas and Tyla Gabriel, may fall into No. 2. That is, they may have embraced Trump and his "swamp-draining," etc., i.e., being "red pilled" when in fact it will be a neat way to re-ingratiate their esoteric, neo-anthroposophic selves into this new cadre who are about to oust The System. After all, the anonymous and not-so-anonymous patriots are bound to win the "2nd American Revolution" that the site never tires of speaking of.
What better way to gain acceptance in a world freshly cleansed of The Swamp, the Deep State, the Shadow Government, than to have been the online intel place swamp-fighters turned to and believed in during the struggle? With their “Conclave” in tow they micro-manage the site. Admittedly, they are doing good work. And yet is this their ultimate purpose: to place themselves and their neo-anthroposophy into a calculated high spot in the order-to-come? One wonders. Harland wonders.

Standing back and examining what he just wrote, Harland had to do a double-take. Remember that old Animals tune, Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood(?) That's more or less the state of my mind at the momentthat, or It's My Life, brooded Harland.
No good person, thought Harland, wants to get sucked into some Luciferian psychic mirror world. However, when you think of the "ancient mystery schools" (including Sufic teaching) there is esoteric knowledge that seekers seek for their betterment and the betterment of the world. This had led him to search for another hidden cabal; one that is on the side of the Good, instead of all this theosophic, NWO, Lucis Trust B.S.
So, not ALL dabbling in the occult, in esotericism is evil and negative. Even Carol Croft goes there in her personal earth-based paradigm of clairvoyance and healing work. And Harland has recognized the value of certain Sufi work, like that of Idries Shah, and other lifeways, such as Taoism, Zen Buddhism, or Native American spirituality. Therefore, decided Harland, I may need to flesh this thing out just a bit more.
When Harland mentioned and considered Secrets of the Invisible College, that Gabriel/Barnwell audio discussion, he had to wonder. Is what they are discussing there a positive take on processing oneself via the way of the ancient mystery school, but as a new bugaloo—with an updated, new consciousness sort-of-twist? That is, though he held some vague-though-well-founded suspicions about Gabriel, Barnwell had impressed him as someone who is sincere in his efforts, i.e., he appears to truthfully approach his subject matter, that of being an historian and “human potential avatar” (for lack of any other label). Still, Harland found that his quoting of Blavatsky was troubling, as were any references to “theosophy.”
What Harland wondered was whether Rudolf Steiner's anthroposophy, and Gabriel/Barnwell's recapitulation of it as neo-anthroposophy, could be a positive re-direction of Western "occult science." Let's face it, there have been lots of infiltrations and subversions by British/CIA mind control and Mossadomites (<=great word coined by Don Croft here).
The (real) Sufis were the original masters at stimulating esoteric human development. Zen and Taoist masters, too, would probably laugh at the West's comparatively silly attempts in that same direction. BUT, we are Christians by and large over here, which means we have a different socio-cultural paradigm, mused Harland. There IS a real Western esoteric tradition. Though it borrows heavily from the "East," it has its own flavor, e.g., alchemy, the grail mystery, the Holy Ghost, prayer, the Priory of Sion debate, etc.
SO, all this to say that Harland may have jumped the gun. Defining terms is always important and giving oneself time to consider and further study a matter is always wise. He concluded that he should not be so quick to write people off (e.g., as he did in a recent writing, re. Tyla<= she's probably as innocuous and well-meaning in her work as Carol is, thought Harland.) 
Finally, is more of a blog than a slick website. They do superb work at analyzing people and events, and with great intensity. I see their geo-political work as true investigative journalism. They get a little corny with their admonition to their "followers" to fight the “2nd American Revolution,” but so what—they're not perfect. So I do not think it wise to throw the baby out with the bath water and Harland is not quite comfortable dissing them, in retrospect. They do work hard and do good work.
As much as he is frustrated and stressed by keeping up on "current events," one cannot compartmentalize the spiritual from the mundane by just abandoning the world=>in a cloister or a desert, for example, or just self-insulating oneself from the "material world." There are exceptions of course. Certain (real) monks/ (real) self-realized spiritual masters are in their own worlds and can operate as the free spirits that they are. But for most of us schmoes we have to learn to deal with everyday B.S. while doing our best to evolve our human potential and to help our fellow travelers via doing more spiritual work. Harland tries to do just that by his writing and through his personal example and prayer.
It sort of boils down to who is more advanced in their understanding of the nature of the "Goo Trap." (That was Harland’s expression for the silly, mission impossible shenanigans forming a web that swallowed up the less-connected, the petty criminals and poor-dope heroes of the world alike, who knew no better, were still half-asleep, not having quite figured out the overarching scheme or design of the Grand Deception, and thus they were easy prey—prison fodder to keep the corporate slave labor going, whether they did their time inside or outside of those walls—or indeed, whether they just tried but did not quite succeed in figuring things out.)
On the other hand, Harland was a kind of meditato-potatohead. That did not bode well for him ever becoming much of an avatar. In any case, he’s not sure that's his destiny=>he’s too old, too weary; not psychic/clairvoyant<=but neither is he an armchair intellectual writing turgid prose.
Anyway, not trying to aggravate anyone, reflected Harland, only writing honestly about where I'm coming from and where I stand on “things.” Writing also helps me to sort things out. There's more on my mind but this is quite enough for now…Harland noticed that he was, more and more, feeling and sounding to himself like Bullwinkle the Moose. 

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