Friday, October 30, 2020


Once there was a man with his head up his ass. He was discovered one morning in the village square. Nobody could figure out what was going on with him, though many offered explanations. 

First, a follower of an Indian guru said, "Ah, when love enters the head, reason goes out the ass!" -- but the others standing around agreed that this esoteric response didn't explain how the man's head went INTO his ass. 

 Next, a student of comparative mythology chimed in, saying, "It is clear that this man represents the ouroboros, the mythical snake eating it's own tail. His state symbolizes self-reflexivity or cyclicality, especially in the sense of something constantly re-creating itself, the eternal return, as it were." -- but the others standing around scoffed at this, saying that such a cerebral description still didn't explain what had happened to this man. 

Next a scientist spoke up, "We can conclude from the empirical evidence that this man is dead because in this condition he cannot breath and he has asphyxiated himself. He should be buried." -- the others scratched their heads, saying that maybe they should bury him, but not before they figured out how he came to be in this condition. 

Finally a bluesman came forward, saying, "This sucka's been hoodooed!" And putting one foot on his backside and grabbing both shoulders, he pulled hard and the man's head popped out of his ass. 

Then, to the amazement of the crowd, the man whose head had been up his ass opened his eyes, looked at the bluesman and said, "ARE YOU MY MOMMY?", at which point the bluesman pulled out his 44 and shot that mother dead, saying, "Some things is best left unanswered." 

And the crowd turned on the bluesman, strung him up for murder, and hung his ass on the limb of the nearest tree...
"Maybe this IS where Duffy got those goldfish. Hmmm..."

Thursday, October 29, 2020

Aim2spoof Reprise

And I've survived MK-Ultra/AI TV conditioning

As Election Day 2020 gets ever closer, people’s heads are exploding. I believe that most of those with Biden/Harris signs on their lawns are really just publicly proclaiming their hatred for Donald Trump; most are merely anti-Trumpers beset by TDS. But by voting for the Biden/Harris ticket these dupes are really betraying their country. Actually, with the recent, scandalous revelations about the Biden family’s long, treasonous history of China-Ukraine-Russia involvement, many of those who have already voted for Biden/Harris before election day are suddenly trying to change their votes.

Speaking of “changing votes” who knows the extent of ballot harvesting and ballot destruction? There are numerous reports of ballots being dumped and otherwise being tampered with by the USPS, of ballot boxes being set afire, and of all sorts of shenanigans by die-hard Democrat operatives in order to skew the vote for Biden/Harris.  

Vote tampering and vote-buying chicanery by Democrats has a long history. American patriots can only hope that the Electoral College remains untainted by all of this. If so, as the final arbiters of the election, the electoral votes will hopefully nullify any untoward effect in the popular vote from this attack upon the electoral process. However, the prophylactic effect of the Electoral College would only protect the presidential race; the popular vote still determines the outcome of state and federal candidates for office. Thus, there is an urgent need for the biggest vote participation ever undertaken in an effort to keep out this Soros-funded communist infiltration by Democrats.

It is a pivotal moment for America. Emotions are highly charged.  In fact, political anxiety and stress are at an all-time high, I would say, as indicated by gun-buying being at an all-time high. We are witnessing the effects of many years of unchecked conditioning of our populace by radical left followers of Saul Alinsky’s playbook. The bottom line question has become: Has communist conditioning produced a sufficient critical mass of brainwashed dupes in order to tip the scales in their favor? We have already witnessed the AntiFa and BLM thugs being allowed by their Marxist handlers to destroy Democrat-controlled urban areas. And so the whole world breathlessly awaits the results of Election Day 2020 as angst predominates.

The above, angst-ridden narrative is driven by normative expectations of a competitive two-party system being driven by (mis)educational conditioning and (biased) media influencers. It is consensual reality fine-tuned by left/right culture trance. This does not mean that it is not real, but only that it has been manufactured. The persons who win will do their best to produce real effects on citizens, both good and bad, measured by the extent to which our liberties are affected. If individual liberty is protected and defended that is good; if individual liberty is subverted and destroyed that is a bad.

This “real effect” means that despite the chimeric and fantasy drama being played out, political constraints demand that people participate in controlling just who manages to attain positions as elected officials with access to power, with the attendant greater ability to either emancipate or destroy We the People.

Enter :Russell-Jay: Gould.  

Gould is considered a hero and genuine American patriot by a handful of those who know his story. Check out: 


Together with an associate (the now-deceased :David-Wynn: Miller.) he claims to have decoded our cypher-language, a purposely degraded grammar. He contends that malfeasant word-use enslaves the unwary, which is almost everybody; that we are kept in bondage by ignorance of the deceptiveness of self-defeating contracts spawned by a controlling grammar mechanism that binds us from the time we come into the world.

Over many years, and through trial and error, Gould has developed what he believes is the proper replacement grammar. When properly used to construct documents which are filed via post office delivery to certain institutions Gould suggests that we are able to effectuate deliverance from our enslavement. The first step is establishing what he refers to as a live-life-claim. The idea is to free oneself from the birth-certificate system of straw-man bondage; to free ourselves from adherence to The System (consisting of a controlled Establishment and a controlled anti-Establishment).

Gould makes seemingly preposterous and outlandish claims. See for yourself by viewing his film, Last-Flag-Standing, accessed here:

Despite the cognitive dissonance always encountered when interfacing with something new that appears highly strange, difficult to apprehend, and seemingly impossible, one needs to suspend judgment at least long enough to investigate Gould’s claims; research the basis of those claims by cross-checking them to determine their veracity.

If Gould is correct, then he cannot be ignored or pompously dismissed. If he is indeed correct, then his work may actually be the holy grail able to transform the world from being an internment camp run by criminally insane globalist Deep State operatives and their minions, to a new world established in the sovereignty of the individual, which is based in a balance and equity closer to how our Creator originally designed that world. If his grammar-based revision causes the revolutionary outcomes that he claims, then this may herald the arrival of the new consciousness so often spoken of and a new era of free energy to free us from millennia of blindness and exile.

As Election Day 2020 approaches, and we get to choose between candidates who are more open to preserving and protecting our liberties—between a liberty-preserving President Trump and a liberty-destroying Biden/Harris ticket—each of us needs to do the right thing for themselves and their progeny.

Among Gould’s outlandish claims is his assertion that our country has essentially failed to exist as a functional nation since the “end of the third bankruptcy in 1999.” To him this means that all presidents since that year are illegitimate. If that claim is correct, then which of the current candidates running for election might offer the better environment for this and other claims by Gould to be properly examined and determined as to their veracity? My bet would be staunchly on Trump. This is pure politics; one needs to persist as a physical entity in the physical world as a foundation from which to engage spiritual momentum as a means to spiritually infuse liberty with truth and righteousness.

A similar case can be made for the work of that difficult fellow, Miles Mathis. Go here and have a look at his amazingly original, intelligent, thought-provoking, revisionist work in science, math, art and socio-cultural critique: If he turns your meaning perspective and world view upside down, be patient with yourself, as you would and should be with :Russell-Jay: Gould.; avoid a knee-jerk reaction. If either is wrong then let us hear W-H-Y.

Great individuals are great because they press on against normative barriers. They help us all to sort out reality by sharpening iron-with-iron and by so doing clarifying truth to help us overcome a confusing distortion of lies. Seek, research, in an open-minded and open-hearted way, and proclaim what you find, all ye who love truth, all you citizens addicted to truth!          

In conclusion then, any persons or groups who would dampen down the spirit of liberty, justice, truth, goodness and its attendant beauty, are not conducive to furthering this end. Claims forged from convictions that are gleaned from honestly tested ideas, are meant to further a civilizational project in support of our mutual salvation. Accordingly, any who wittingly or unwittingly resist that advancement are held guilty of close-minded, narcissistic, self-referent egotism.

I’d rather err, if it is erring at all, on the side of calm deliberation of all prospective solutions, however seemingly beyond the pale, that offer the possibility of freeing us from mutual perdition. How about you?

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Douglas and Tyla Gabriel (aka “Thomas Paine” and “Betsy Ross”) run a great news aggregator site known as (“AFT”). I’ve followed their work almost from the beginning. In fact, (until recently) AFT was my first stop when going to the net to peruse the news. On my own dime I’ve even sent them a few of my books to keep (and a few to forward to their Steiner pal, the endearing polymath, John Barnwell. They never acknowledged forwarding them (oh well…) and I’ve never heard a peep out of Mr. Barnwell).

A few years back they teamed up with engineer Michael McKibben, the inventor of social media. His patent on his invention was stolen by both the patent office and hi-tech thieves—and he was then deprived of justice by the corrupt courts. Mr. McKibben has been fighting the good fight ever since and has filed a Miller Act notice in his tireless efforts to be made whole again. My sincere condolences go out to anyone victimized by the Deep State and its judiciary, and most especially to Mike McKibben. His business, Leader Technologies, Inc., offers an excellent private email service and I have paid the $120 per year for an email address with them, recently re-upping my subscription. I certainly hope that he will be successful in disgorging the ill-gotten gains from all of the bad actors and unauthorized platforms who have pirated his invention.

While I don’t especially have a beef with these fine folks, I have never quite understood their unabashed promotion of Dr. Rudolf Steiner’s work, which they describe as “neo-anthroposophy.” They provide access to their work in this “spiritual realm” on this same AFT site, lauding the esoteric/occult benefits. This includes suggesting their “wisdom school” to viewers, based upon Steiner’s Waldorf education. Both Douglas and Tyla are former Waldorf teachers and they met within the milieu of their mutual Steiner studies.

I’ve read some of the esoteric articles they present on AFT and other allied sites. They are certainly intriguing, and I say this as one who is always willing to ‘walk the outer stars’ of the possible and plausible. However, it seems to me that in order to really grok neo-athroposophy one needs a firmer grounding in its Steinerian teachings than I possess. Thus, I keep an open mind about their spiritual leanings while preferring to appreciate more their superb “mining” of deep-dive research that reports on domestic and geo-political issues.

The Gabriels have been on a “British control jag” for a few years now. The cast of nefarious actors are traced to the Brit Royals, their Privy Council, the Pilgrims’ Society, the Wellcome Trust, Pirbright Institute, et al.—and a global media conglomerate put together as far back as 1909, which gave birth to the intelligence agencies (which were also spawned by Brit court magician John Dee, the original 007—and other trail-blazing intel agents). I don’t doubt the veracity of their claims one iota. In fact, it’s necessary to push this hydra-headed point home, for sure; repetition is the mother of getting info into people’s heads. Then again, if you are a habitual fan of their site, this Brit obsession has gotten tiresome beyond words.

 Still, I glance over these voluminous overdone pieces with a silent uh-huh, uh-huh, and then go to other, more interesting nuggets therein. (Lord knows you might wish to stay away from Douglas and his left-brained bloviating as he goes-out-in-the-weeds on almost any topic. I guess he means well, but I was berated in a reply once when trying to gently put this point across in a past comment.) It must be emphasized, however, that this control of America by British hegemonic influence is very real and quite disturbing. And so the AFT folks must be congratulated for their fine research and reporting. I am quite grateful to them for their seemingly exhaustive coverage of over-archingly crucial topics that mainstream media and most of the unorthodox internet “citizen journalist-sleuths” ignore.

This brings me to my current point: Is really aiming for the truth or is it more akin to an AIM2spoof facsimile thereof? I just ask because I wonder about it, and not necessarily because I’m grinding some vengeful ax against them. (Although lately it appears they have decided, for whatever reason, that I must be a troublemaker because they censored my commenting privileges by disallowing me from publishing comments altogether.)

Here’s the back story, which I sent to Tyla Gabriel’s via her private email:



On October 25, 2020 I commented at 2:28 pm 

Now HERE is something to get those miners working on pronto!
:Russell-Jay: Gould.
Watch his film, :Last-Flag-Standing.

Curiously charismatic, nobly pursued.


Our Spirit replied on October 26, 2020 at 8:07 am 

We have no interest in him or his disinformation.



On October 19, 2020 I commented at 3:49 am (and re-posted same):

Rudolf Steiner and Anthroposophy
by Miles Mathis (10/16/2020)

As usual, curiously contentious.


Your reply both times: [crickets]



I’ve been an AIM Not-So-Anonymous Patriot since the early days of your site.


Is it too much to expect a circumspect response instead of simple pomposity or total silence?

Granted, Mathis and Gould present outlandish claims. However, a deep dive into those claims to flesh out your opinion (or silence) may prove helpful and interesting to your viewership fan-base. It would certainly be a welcome change from your tiresome beating on the Pilgrims’ Society drum and holding The McKibben torch aloft ad nauseum (though you have my empathy on both those counts). More importantly, what if a deep-research-dive reveals truth to their otherwise seemingly preposterous claims?


I generally appreciate your work but then, no one is purr-fect. I make my stance clear for the purpose of bettering things on this forum and not just being a Socratic gadfly to hear myself talk (or simply reacting to sense of a slight implication that I am somehow less than a real American patriot because I raise what may be “uncomfortable issues” for you and your quasi-Jesuitical/ staunchly anthroposophical grounding).


The work of the fellows I bring to your attention may indeed be disinformation (or not even worth the effort of replying to). But apprehending exactly why you attach the “disinformation” label (or not even reply) can be educational. After all, we can learn a lot about what goes into the making of a good movie by watching and picking apart a bad one!---just as we might easily draw an incorrect inference from one’s silence.  

About 24 hours have elapsed since then and Tyla has so far ignored (or hasn’t read) my email. Perhaps she will get back to me. I hope so. I really don’t mean any harm and I only wish to precipitate some discussion—about some of the more wacky, seemingly preposterous and outlandish claims, but ones which intrigue me and perhaps, I suspect, our fellow “Anonynmous Patriots” who follow their site.

I’m left feeling kind of weird; I wonder whether AFT is really just the more traditional conservative fare—not as mundane as, say, a Rush Limbaugh, but similarly unwilling to consider issues that are a bit too “beyond the pale” of normative reality. Now I’ve referred to “paler places” in my own writings as consensual reality and culture trance. One of the things that had earned my allegiance to AFT is its seeming embrace of what might be termed ‘holistic circumspection of any and all evidence concerning any and all issues which inter-relate in an oft-times conspiratorial serendipitous synchronicity.’ Granted, though, I have noticed instances wherein the Gabriels have closed-out certain persons and their work based upon their own judgment of misdirection and/or disinformation. The QAnon phenomenon comes to mind in this regard.

In any event, if the musings of Miles Mathis on Rudolf Steiner and anthroposophy, or the vociferous claims being made by one :Russell-Jay: Gould., are indications of a truth-too-onerous-to-bear, then I am left somewhat speechless. The Gabriels refuse to “go there” and why? I suppose as we are in the final stretch of the 2020 presidential election any oddball suggestions outside the topic of the current election are given short-shrift.

We shall see. I’ll try not to diminish my abiding respect for the Gabriels who are themselves fairly ‘out there.’ Still, I can’t help but feel like one of the outsider conservatives of late who have been banned from Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, et al., because my sentiments do not fall within the rigid political parameters of The Narrative (or, in this case, the alt-Narrative).

Well, no one has a monopoly on the truth, unless it is the Good Lord Himself. Thus, anyone setting themselves up as an arbiter of truth would be wise to stay open to where that truth might take them and what that truth is, sacred-cow beliefs notwithstanding!  We all get frazzled and burned out at times and I think that is what’s going on here. As I said, “We shall see.”       

Sunday, October 11, 2020

Trump’s Getting a Pass

Pandemic? What Pandemic?

Lately, the POTUS interviewed with Rush Limbaugh, Mark Levin, Maria Bartiromo, etc.—fluffer bitch sessions all. Emphasis stays focused on mindless, internecine, political squabbles fabricated by Democrats and the fear porn of the China plague nonsense. All of this is increasingly  passé, as Democrats and hollow-headed Deep State attacks are becoming irrelevant (especially with all of the declassified material finally coming out). It seems President Trump is getting a free pass from being asked tougher questions about what he intends to do in his second term and how he intends to go about doing it.


Instead of rehashing the rubbish, how about looking squarely at the remedies? How about considering the solutions to ridding us of the Deep State contagion and its minions, instead of continually ragging on and lamenting the symptomatic dysfunction that they force upon the public sphere? For example, how about asking—


Mr. President, what will you do about:


1. the treasonous, 8,000+ Senior Executive Service (SES) within the federal government? (e.g., the FBI and CIA directors? Dept. of Education Secretary?…)


2. British complicity in the coup and in every facet of our American lives from ports to the copyright office?


3. the corrupt media that spread lies and propaganda and shames real journalism?


4. 5G and chemtrails that are slowly killing Americans?


5. touting the real purpose of these globalist vaccines instead of bragging about their yuge production?—and while you're at it, controlling big pharma overreach  


6. cowardly corporate cancel-culture enablers?


7. most of all, calling out this China plague as the non-pandemic that it really is?


8. …and, last but not least, giving us a timeline on when patriots can expect all of the traitor criminals in our land to be tried, convicted and punished?

Not to ask such questions is to give Pres. Trump a pass.



NOTE: Miles Mathis offers a short paper ( debunking this "Plandemic," including a link to a not-to-be-missed legal analysis. 

Replete with evidence, bolstered by credible sources, spokesman, Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, provides a blueprint for class action lawsuits against agents of government and private industry. Interested parties can readily use the information in their actions for damages for fraudulently interfering in property, civil, and constitutional rights. Go here for the presentation: 

If I hear one more report about “Covid deaths” or anything regarding “the pandemic” I’m going to take the next thing smokin’ to…say...South Dakota. This mask pantomime better end on November 3. How have so many people been so duped into wearing them, even when out walking or driving in their cars?—certainly something NOT mandated whatsoever. Besides being utter stupidity, mask wearing is genocide in the making that kow-tows to globalist planners; it is a first step in persuading populations to bend toward ever increasing demands of ceding their God-given liberty to man-made, central control.

I have an irrevocable license to enter into any place of business that is open to the public. Being made to wear a mask is to be given medical advice. And I certainly don't take medical advice from cashiers and clerks. Mask wearing is an outward sign of one's submission to government and peer pressure. So let's stop all of this funny business, shall we? There may be a virus but there is NO PANDEMIC. Even if there were, a virus is much smaller than the crosshatching of mask material and thus masks do not stop viruses from being emitted from you as a biological entity. (And someday, germ theory must be re-examined. Just sayin'.) So let's put an end to masks, "social distancing," taking temperatures, and using hand sanitizers, shall we? Good God.  


Can we break the politically-asinine allopathic/scientizmic hold on science and medicine? My personal preference has been and continues to be: unless there's an emergency, like being in an auto-accident, stay as far away from medical doctors and hospitals as possible. It’s almost impossible to believe anything we hear from doctors of science and medicine anymore. The same stupidity that has been fomented early in the general population has now reached into the “higher levels” of society’s supposed scientific and medical “thinkers.”


Is it too late to re-set education? From kindergarten to universities, libtardian Marxist indoctrination has infected the whole system! Is it any wonder that Americans today are so dumbed down that they are easily led into Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS), Antee-Fuh and BeeEllEm nonsense?


Is it too late to re-set media? Run by six large corporations, we now have America’s version of Pravda-and-Izvestia-on-steroids. Can American media be reformed? Can TV be re-made into something more innocuous or is it forever doomed to be a programming/ mind control device?


Senator Joe McCarthy was right. There needs to be a purging of Communists and everything they stand for. Our government needs to be cleaned out; our universities too. In fact, the whole Marxist-thinking thing needs to be countered in a well-orchestrated counter-reformation of some sort. But alas, is it too late? Every profession, industry and religion has been infiltrated, subverted, infected. Godless materialism seems to have won out.


Are End Times upon us? It would certainly seem so.


Therefore, let us look deeply within ourselves, pray, fast, and do what we can to “get right” spiritually. “What is the spiritual?” you may ask. If you don’t know by now, can you ever know? Pray to the Good Lord and you may just receive the grace of the Holy Spirit. Coming forth, in humility, you may just start getting inklings of your spiritual nature and how to re-kindle your soul. Try it. I think you’ll like it; I think you’ll be glad you did.


Lord knows there is little time left to “get right” spiritually, but all is not lost. Take a first step in that direction. Your favorite web sites can’t help you anymore; all the philosophies and ideologies fall away in comparison. You’ll see.


If it is too late to fix things—and I’d say it is—“get right” spiritually. “There is no religion that is NOT Christianity.”—>xenophobic imperiousness? or true? You’ll never know unless you get a taste of your own soul, that God-essence in you that yearns to be a self-realized part of you.


Christ is the Exemplar-in-Chief and the Bible is God’s integrated message system. Your soul is the gateway to getting holistically soul-enticed to the Truth. The “Church,” as spoken of in the gospels, is no particular religion; rather, it is all those with Faith as described and explicated throughout the Bible.


So get off your devices that bring you anywhere else and seek the inner Truth of your soul. Know thyself. Discover God, love, beauty, truth and goodness before the final curtain closes.