Sunday, October 11, 2020

Trump’s Getting a Pass

Pandemic? What Pandemic?

Lately, the POTUS interviewed with Rush Limbaugh, Mark Levin, Maria Bartiromo, etc.—fluffer bitch sessions all. Emphasis stays focused on mindless, internecine, political squabbles fabricated by Democrats and the fear porn of the China plague nonsense. All of this is increasingly  passé, as Democrats and hollow-headed Deep State attacks are becoming irrelevant (especially with all of the declassified material finally coming out). It seems President Trump is getting a free pass from being asked tougher questions about what he intends to do in his second term and how he intends to go about doing it.


Instead of rehashing the rubbish, how about looking squarely at the remedies? How about considering the solutions to ridding us of the Deep State contagion and its minions, instead of continually ragging on and lamenting the symptomatic dysfunction that they force upon the public sphere? For example, how about asking—


Mr. President, what will you do about:


1. the treasonous, 8,000+ Senior Executive Service (SES) within the federal government? (e.g., the FBI and CIA directors? Dept. of Education Secretary?…)


2. British complicity in the coup and in every facet of our American lives from ports to the copyright office?


3. the corrupt media that spread lies and propaganda and shames real journalism?


4. 5G and chemtrails that are slowly killing Americans?


5. touting the real purpose of these globalist vaccines instead of bragging about their yuge production?—and while you're at it, controlling big pharma overreach  


6. cowardly corporate cancel-culture enablers?


7. most of all, calling out this China plague as the non-pandemic that it really is?


8. …and, last but not least, giving us a timeline on when patriots can expect all of the traitor criminals in our land to be tried, convicted and punished?

Not to ask such questions is to give Pres. Trump a pass.



NOTE: Miles Mathis offers a short paper ( debunking this "Plandemic," including a link to a not-to-be-missed legal analysis. 

Replete with evidence, bolstered by credible sources, spokesman, Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, provides a blueprint for class action lawsuits against agents of government and private industry. Interested parties can readily use the information in their actions for damages for fraudulently interfering in property, civil, and constitutional rights. Go here for the presentation: 

If I hear one more report about “Covid deaths” or anything regarding “the pandemic” I’m going to take the next thing smokin’ to…say...South Dakota. This mask pantomime better end on November 3. How have so many people been so duped into wearing them, even when out walking or driving in their cars?—certainly something NOT mandated whatsoever. Besides being utter stupidity, mask wearing is genocide in the making that kow-tows to globalist planners; it is a first step in persuading populations to bend toward ever increasing demands of ceding their God-given liberty to man-made, central control.

I have an irrevocable license to enter into any place of business that is open to the public. Being made to wear a mask is to be given medical advice. And I certainly don't take medical advice from cashiers and clerks. Mask wearing is an outward sign of one's submission to government and peer pressure. So let's stop all of this funny business, shall we? There may be a virus but there is NO PANDEMIC. Even if there were, a virus is much smaller than the crosshatching of mask material and thus masks do not stop viruses from being emitted from you as a biological entity. (And someday, germ theory must be re-examined. Just sayin'.) So let's put an end to masks, "social distancing," taking temperatures, and using hand sanitizers, shall we? Good God.  


Can we break the politically-asinine allopathic/scientizmic hold on science and medicine? My personal preference has been and continues to be: unless there's an emergency, like being in an auto-accident, stay as far away from medical doctors and hospitals as possible. It’s almost impossible to believe anything we hear from doctors of science and medicine anymore. The same stupidity that has been fomented early in the general population has now reached into the “higher levels” of society’s supposed scientific and medical “thinkers.”


Is it too late to re-set education? From kindergarten to universities, libtardian Marxist indoctrination has infected the whole system! Is it any wonder that Americans today are so dumbed down that they are easily led into Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS), Antee-Fuh and BeeEllEm nonsense?


Is it too late to re-set media? Run by six large corporations, we now have America’s version of Pravda-and-Izvestia-on-steroids. Can American media be reformed? Can TV be re-made into something more innocuous or is it forever doomed to be a programming/ mind control device?


Senator Joe McCarthy was right. There needs to be a purging of Communists and everything they stand for. Our government needs to be cleaned out; our universities too. In fact, the whole Marxist-thinking thing needs to be countered in a well-orchestrated counter-reformation of some sort. But alas, is it too late? Every profession, industry and religion has been infiltrated, subverted, infected. Godless materialism seems to have won out.


Are End Times upon us? It would certainly seem so.


Therefore, let us look deeply within ourselves, pray, fast, and do what we can to “get right” spiritually. “What is the spiritual?” you may ask. If you don’t know by now, can you ever know? Pray to the Good Lord and you may just receive the grace of the Holy Spirit. Coming forth, in humility, you may just start getting inklings of your spiritual nature and how to re-kindle your soul. Try it. I think you’ll like it; I think you’ll be glad you did.


Lord knows there is little time left to “get right” spiritually, but all is not lost. Take a first step in that direction. Your favorite web sites can’t help you anymore; all the philosophies and ideologies fall away in comparison. You’ll see.


If it is too late to fix things—and I’d say it is—“get right” spiritually. “There is no religion that is NOT Christianity.”—>xenophobic imperiousness? or true? You’ll never know unless you get a taste of your own soul, that God-essence in you that yearns to be a self-realized part of you.


Christ is the Exemplar-in-Chief and the Bible is God’s integrated message system. Your soul is the gateway to getting holistically soul-enticed to the Truth. The “Church,” as spoken of in the gospels, is no particular religion; rather, it is all those with Faith as described and explicated throughout the Bible.


So get off your devices that bring you anywhere else and seek the inner Truth of your soul. Know thyself. Discover God, love, beauty, truth and goodness before the final curtain closes. 

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