Saturday, January 2, 2021

Red-Eye Exchange

This morning I got this email from a Canadian friend who lives overseas:

Subject: Happy New Year

A couple messages by fellers who talk funny.

London's New Year's Firewoke Display (Morgoth’s Review)


2021, year of The Great Reset.              


For some time, I’ve complained that I don’t trust Brits and he keeps sending me his favorite Brit commentators. So this morning I tried to settle this matter, once and for all. I responded with the following:


Ha, Ha, Ha.

You think I'm just being a cantankerous old coot when I kick up dust about "Brits," don't you Lad?

Let me put this matter to rest once and for all as this New Year gets off the ground. Get this:

·         American courts are controlled by the British Inns of Court and the Inner Temple

·         American banks are controlled by London Banks and a foreign-owned Federal Reserve, including Lord Rothschild

·         American government bureaucracies are controlled by the British Crown Agent surrogates in the Senior Executive Service (SES)

·         American pharma is controlled by the British Wellcome Trust including the founder of biotechnology, Lord Rothschild

·         American media is controlled by British Reuters and BBC propagandists via Pilgrims owners including J.P. Morgan and Lord Rothschild

·         American education and publishing are controlled by Anglophiles Carnegie, Rockefeller and Ford Foundations

·         American surveillance intelligence is controlled by British MI6, MI5 and GC

·         American telecommunications is controlled by British QintetiQ

·         American Patent OfficeFEMA regions (at least 2 & 9), Navy SPAWAR and 63 air traffic controllers are controlled by British SERCO

·         American Army global inventory system controlled by British QinetiQ… in Britain! Read more

For details go to --- (Each one of these highlighted bits in the itemized statements above refers to an article or video.)

Need more proof of what despicable swine these Brits are?

Here's a report from an ex-CIA guy --- “a Senior Operations Officer and Chief of Station with the Central Intelligence Agency’s Directorate of Operations... and now he's the President of Americans for Intelligence Reform.”

There are a ton of links and details in here that could keep a researcher working all year. 

NOW, this is not to say that I hate all things British, incl. "its just plain People." Here, Morgoth speaks truth, sure enough. (But maybe he should stop watching TV.) Even though he's seemingly "on the side of truthers," his broadcasting of the steel grip that the NWO globalists have over his People does its own work of spreading hopelessness and depression, right?

And I'm beginning to think that anything on YouTube is suspect---i.e., if it's "allowed" to be broadcast it must be serving the purposes of "The Narrative"---and if its "taken down" after a bit, it makes the clip go all the more "viral." Psy-ops-in-action.

The next one is entertaining and seemingly kick-ass. But look at the guy's eyes---all black; look at his body language, with his arms hugging himself. This clip projects fear and loathing all dressed up in punk defiance. Sometimes the psychological aspects of clips are not what they seem on the surface. If you think I'm being too picayune, well, maybe I am---BUT MAYBE I'M NOT.  

NOW, perhaps what I've sent you falls into the same category as what I've just mentioned regarding your two "funny talkers." After all, its author is an actual ex-CIA guy! I guess it all boils down to: discernment that we hope is not too colored by our own cognitive confirmation bias.

Who's to judge: myself? others?---when we're all rats in a digital laboratory. That's the big catch to all of this digital doo-dah.

We have our individual ways of trying to stay true to ourselves; to be "pure" in our discernment, our sources, etc. One way I try to do that is to gather bits and pieces from many sources, many angles, and then distill from that what I hope is a bit o' truth (like that old candy bar, Bit O’ Honey---even though it was all chewy corn syrup). Another way I do that is to constantly pray to the Holy Spirit to guide me (a course you rejected long ago I might add).

All this to say, thanks for sharing but the loyal American patriot-of-faith that I am, I stay very suspect of all things Brit, even the seeming ones who are "like us" (except for maybe Nigel Farage). So even though there is an exception to everything, there is an exception to everything in return. C-R-A-Z-Y, right? Yes, CRA-ZY. These are the times within which we live.


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