Saturday, February 27, 2021

Mr. Yes-No

Like Columbo, I keep scratching my head, coming back with more questions, and never quite getting the right answers. We’re getting somewhere, surely. (Aren’t we?) How many of like-mind are out there? How many, like Columbo, are simply following-in-the-footsteps of the original Mr. Potato Head — yet actually forever lost in the District of Columbo?

I’ve given up on being a web surfer: one who daily floats, rubbing-up against those favorite sites — who bangs his head against the buoys. But yes, I’m a seasoned surfer of consensual reality and culture trance; “I’m an excellent driver”; one who has honed his discernment over years of insightful good fortune — mixed with lots of false leads, lunatic scams, and dead ends.  

Still, to what extent have I and others been led by the nose, unwittingly guided by master deceiver-dissemblers? We’ll never know; there’s no way we can ever know, really. That is, we must ask ourselves: how deep is the Jesuitical pit?; how tall and wide the Talmudic intelligence trip-trap, the faux monochord call of an AI psycho-mirror world echo chamber of string pulling trance-dance wankers?

[Hear/feel: thunder and lightning]

Now...I’ll be the narrator-moderator; the lingual spell-caster.

Here’s the chant:

Education infotainment — entertaining doctrine 

Inculcating factoid implants — lies, deceit 

Crafty imposture, 

Sly underhandedness — 

Propaganda mills and 


[See/be: a still-quiet-placid lake at sunset]

Today’s contemplation:

What’s a “bitcoin” made of? Answer: a string of numbers and letters; not exactly “nothing,” is it?

Is it money? — fiat currency for:

the tech savvy

financial professionals,

corporatists and

hedge fund witch doctors?


What’s a “bitcoin miner”? One of the above who masquerades as an entity holding a pick-and-shovel-but-who-rarely-leaves-his-desk.


And who belongs to the “Criminally Corrupt & Compromised Uni-Party”?

Who are the publishers, editors and writers of “Old Print Media”?— of “Old Broadcast Media”?

Good bye for now. I’m going to bury my nose in some worthy books for a while. The world is nothing but wraiths and wreckage; bulbs and bolsters — and I am of the world.

I will wait for Spring. That’s worth taking-my-nose-out-of-my-books-for…nature-is-truth, geo-engineered as it may be…Spirit-is-Truth, stage-managed as it may be…and I am Mr. Yes-No, a man of bits and bytes, ones and zeros...


Saturday, February 20, 2021

Legal Crafting (Slight Return)

NOTE: The following anonymous treatise reveals detailed legal “definitions and deceptions.” It had been reproduced across the web on various Patriot sites. It supplements and enlarges upon The Legal Craft: Lawyer Deceptions, posted on this blog on Feb. 10, 2021.


Hiding Behind the BAR
Why Attorneys are not Lawyers

Author Unknown

In the U.S., they're collectively called everything from "attorney" to "lawyer" to "counselor." Are these terms truly equivalent, or has the identity of one been mistaken for another? What exactly is a "Licensed BAR Attorney?" This credential accompanies every legal paper produced by attorneys - along with a State Bar License number. As we are about to show you, an ‘attorney’ is not a ‘lawyer,’ yet the average American improperly interchanges these words as if they represent the same occupation, and the average American attorney unduly accepts the honor to be called "lawyer" when he is not.

In order to discern the difference, and where we stand within the current court system, it’s necessary to examine the British origins of our U.S. courts and the terminology that has been established from the beginning. It's important to understand the proper lawful definitions for the various titles we now give these court related occupations.

The legal profession in the U.S. is directly derived from the British system. Even the word "bar" is of British origin:

BAR. A particular portion of a court room. Named from the space enclosed by two bars or rails: one of which separated the judge's bench from the rest of the room; the other shut off both the bench and the area for lawyers engaged in trials from the space allotted to suitors, witnesses, and others. Such persons as appeared as speakers (advocates, or counsel) before the court, were said to be "called to the bar", that is, privileged so to appear, speak and otherwise serve in the presence of the judges as "barristers." The corresponding phrase in the United States is "admitted to the bar". - A Dictionary of Law (1893).

From the definition of ‘bar,’ the title and occupation of a "barrister" is derived:

BARRISTER, English law.

1. A counselor admitted to plead at the bar.

2. Ouster barrister, is one who pleads ouster or without the bar.

3. Inner barrister, a sergeant or king's counsel who pleads within the bar.

4. Vacation barrister, a counselor newly called to the bar, who is to attend for several long vacations the exercise of the house.

5. Barristers are called apprentices, apprentitii ad legem, being looked upon as learners, and not qualified until they obtain the degree of sergeant. Edmund Plowden, the author of the Commentaries, a volume of elaborate reports in the reigns of Edward VI., Mary, Philip and Mary, and Elizabeth, describes himself as an apprentice of the common law. - A Law Dictionary by John Bouvier (Revised Sixth Edition, 1856).

BARRISTER, n. [from bar.] A counselor, learned in the laws, qualified and admitted to please at the bar, and to take upon him the defense of clients; answering to the advocate or licentiate of other countries. Anciently, barristers were called, in England, apprentices of the law. Outer barristers are pleaders without the bar, to distinguish them from inner barristers, benchers or readers, who have been sometime admitted to please within the bar, as the king's counsel are. - Webster's 1828 Dictionary.

Overall, a barrister is one who has the privilege to plead at the courtroom bar separating the judicial from the non-judicial spectators. Currently, in U.S. courts, the inner bar between the bench (judge) and the outer bar no longer exists, and the outer bar separates the attorneys (not lawyers) from the spectator's gallery. This will be explained more as you read further.

As with the word ‘bar,’ each commonly used word describing the various court officers is derived directly from root words:

1). From the word "solicit" is derived the name and occupation of a ‘solicitor’; one who solicits or petitions an action in a court.

SOLICIT, v.t. [Latin solicito]

1. To ask with some degree of earnestness; to make petition to; to apply to for obtaining something. This word implies earnestness in seeking ...

2. To ask for with some degree of earnestness; to seek by petition; as, to solicit an office; to solicit a favor. - Webster's 1828 Dictionary.


2). From the word "attorn" is derived the name and occupation of an ‘attorney;’ one who transfers or assigns property, rights, title and allegiance to the owner of the land.

ATTORN / v. Me. [Origin French. atorner, aturner assign, appoint, f. a-torner turn v.]

1. v.t. Turn; change, transform; deck out.

2. v.t Turn over (goods, service, allegiance, etc.) to another; transfer, assign.

3. v.i. Transfer one’s tenancy, or (arch.) homage or allegiance, to another; formally acknowledge such transfer. attorn tenant (to) Law formally transfer one’s tenancy (to), make legal acknowledgement of tenancy ( to a new landlord). - Oxford English Dictionary 1999.

ATTORN, v.i. [Latin ad and torno.] In the feudal law, to turn, or transfer homage and service from one lord to another. This is the act of feudatories, vassals or tenants, upon the alienation of the estate. - Webster's 1828 Dictionary.

ATTORNMENT, n. The act of a feudatory, vassal or tenant, by which he consents, upon the alienation of an estate, to receive a new lord or superior, and transfers to him his homage and service. - Webster's 1828 Dictionary.

ATTORNMENT n. the transference of bailor status, tenancy, or (arch.) allegiance, service, etc., to another; formal acknowledgement of such transfer: lme. - Oxford English Dictionary 1999.

3). From the word advocate comes the meaning of the occupation by the same name; one who pleads or defends by argument in a court.

ADVOCATE, v.t. [Latin advocatus, from advoco, to call for, to plead for; of ad and voco, to call. See Vocal.]

To plead in favor of; to defend by argument, before a tribunal; to support or vindicate. - Webster's 1828 Dictionary.

4). From the word "counsel" is derived the name and occupation of a ‘counselor’ or ‘lawyer’; one who is learned in the law to give advice in a court of law;

COUNSEL, v.t. [Latin. to consult; to ask, to assail.] 1. To give advice or deliberate opinion to another for the government of his conduct; to advise. - Webster's 1828 Dictionary.

LAWYER. A counselor; one learned in the law. - A Law Dictionary by John Bouvier (Revised Sixth Edition, 1856).

Although modern usage tends to group all these descriptive occupational words as the same, the fact is that they have different and distinctive meanings when used within the context of court activities:

Solicitor - one who petitions (initiates) for another in a court

Counselor - one who advises another concerning a court matter

Lawyer - [see counselor] learned in the law to advise in a court

Barrister - one who is privileged to plead at the bar

Advocate - one who pleads within the bar for a defendant

Attorney - one who transfers or assigns, within the bar, another's rights & property acting on behalf of the ruling crown (government)

It's very clear that an attorney is not a lawyer. The lawyer is a learned counselor who advises. The ruling government appoints an attorney as one who transfers a tenant's rights, allegiance, and title to the land owner (government).

Feudal Tenancy

If you think you are a landowner in America, take a close look at the warranty deed or fee title to your land. You will almost always find the words "tenant" or "tenancy." The title or deed document establishing your right as a tenant, not that of a landowner, has been prepared for transfer by a licensed BAR Attorney, just as it was carried out within the original English feudal system we presumed we had escaped from in 1776.

A human being is the tenant to a feudal superior. A feudal tenant is a legal person who pays rent or services of some sort for the use and occupation of another's land. The land has been conveyed to the tenant's use, but the actual ownership remains with the superior. If a common person does not own what he thought was his land (he's legally defined as a "feudal tenant," not the superior owner), then a superior person owns the land and the feudal tenant - person pays him to occupy the land.

This is the hidden Feudal Law in America. When a person (a.k.a. human being, corporation, natural person, partnership, association, organization, etc.) pays taxes to the tax assessor of the civil county or city government (also a person), it is a payment to the superior land owner for the right to be a tenant and to occupy the land belonging to the superior. If this were not so, then how could a local government sell the house and land of a person for not rendering his services (taxes)?

We used to think that there was no possible way feudal law could be exercised in America, but the facts have proven otherwise. It's no wonder they hid the definition of a human being behind the definition of a man. The next time you enter into an agreement or contract with another person (legal entity), look for the keywords person, individual, and natural person describing who you are.

Are you the entity the other person claims you are? When you "appear" before their jurisdiction and courts, you have agreed that you are a legal person unless you show them otherwise. You will have to deny that you are the person and state who you really are. Is the flesh and blood standing there in that courtroom a person by their legal definition?


British Accredited Registry (BAR)?

During the middle 1600's, the Crown of England established a formal registry in London where barristers were ordered by the Crown to be accredited. The establishment of this first International Bar Association allowed barrister-lawyers from all nations to be formally recognized and accredited by the only recognized accreditation society. From this, the acronym BAR was established denoting (informally) the British Accredited Registry, whose members became a powerful and integral force within the International Bar Association (IBA). Although this has been denied repeatedly as to its existence, the acronym BAR stood for the British barrister-lawyers who were members of the larger IBA.

When America was still a chartered group of British colonies under patent - established in what was formally named the British Crown territory of New England - the first British Accredited Registry (BAR) was established in Boston during 1761 to attempt to allow only accredited barrister-lawyers access to the British courts of New England. This was the first attempt to control who could represent defendants in the court at or within the bar in America.

Today, each corporate STATE in America has its own BAR Association, i.e. The Florida Bar or the California Bar, that licenses government officer attorneys, NOT lawyers. In reality, the U.S. courts only allow their officer attorneys to freely enter within the bar while prohibiting those learned of the law - lawyers - to do so.

They prevent advocates, lawyers, counselors, barristers and solicitors from entering through the outer bar. Only licensed BAR Attorneys are permitted to freely enter within the bar separating the people from the bench because all BAR Attorneys are officers of the court itself. Does that tell you anything?

Here's where the whole word game gets really tricky. In each State, every licensed BAR Attorney calls himself an Attorney at Law. Look at the definitions above and see for yourself that an Attorney at Law is nothing more than an attorney - one who transfers allegiance and property to the ruling land owner.

Another name game they use is "of counsel," which means absolutely nothing more than an offer of advice. Surely, the mechanic down the street can do that! Advice is one thing; lawful representation is another.

A BAR licensed Attorney is not an advocate, so how can he do anything other than what his real purpose is? He can't plead on your behalf because that would be a conflict of interest. He can't represent the crown (ruling government) as an official officer at the same time he is allegedly representing a defendant. His sworn duty as a BAR Attorney is to transfer your ownership, rights, titles, and allegiance to the land owner. When you hire a BAR Attorney to represent you in their courts, you have hired an officer of that court whose sole purpose and occupation is to transfer what you have to the creator and authority of that court. A more appropriate phrase would be legal plunder.


The Official Duties of an Esquire

Let's not forget that all U.S. BAR Attorneys have entitled themselves, as a direct result of their official BAR license and oaths, with the British title of "esquire." This word is a derivative of the British word "squire."

SQUIRE, n. [a popular contraction of esquire] 1. In Great Britain, the title of a gentleman next in rank to a knight. 2. In Great Britain, an attendant on a noble warrior. 3. An attendant at court. 4. In the United States, the title of magistrates and lawyers. In New-England, it is particularly given to justices of the peace and judges. - Webster's 1828 Dictionary.

ESQUIRE n. Earlier as squire n.1 lme. [Origin French. esquier (mod. écuyer) f. Latin scutarius shield - bearer, f. scutum shield: see - ary 1.] 1. Orig. (now Hist.), a young nobleman who, in training for knighthood, acted as shield-bearer and attendant to a knight. Later, a man belonging to the higher order of English gentry, ranking next below a knight. lme. b Hist. Any of various officers in the service of a king or nobleman. c A landed proprietor, a country squire. arch. - Oxford English Dictionary 1999.

During the English feudal laws of land ownership and tenancy, a squire - esquire - was established as the land proprietor charged with the duty of carrying out, among various other duties, the act of attornment [see definition above] for the land owner and nobleman he served. Could this be any simpler for the average American to understand? If our current U.S. BAR Attorneys were just lawyers, solicitors, barristers, advocates or counselors, then they would call themselves the same. They have named themselves just exactly what they are, yet we blindly cannot see the writing on the wall.

The BAR Attorneys have not hidden this from anyone. That's why they deliberately call themselves "Esquires" and "Attorneys at law." It is the American people who have hidden their own heads in the sand.

Knowing these simple truths, why would anyone consider the services of BAR Attorney-Esquire as his representative within the ruling courts of America? Their purposes, position, occupation, job, and duty is to transfer your allegiance, property, and rights to the landowner, a.k.a. STATE.

They are sworn oath officers of the State whose sole authority is to transfer your property to their landowner-employer. Think about this the next time you enter their courtrooms. From now on, all Americans should refuse to enter past the outer bar when they are called. Who would voluntarily want to relinquish all he has by passing into their legal trap that exists inside that outer bar?

We must all refuse to recognize their royal position as Squires and refuse to hire them as our representatives and agents. They can't plead or argue for you anyway; all they can do is oversee the act of attornment on behalf of the ruling government whom they serve as official officers. Nothing stops your neighbor from being a barrister or lawyer. No real law prohibits any of us from being lawyers! Even Abraham Lincoln was a well-recognized lawyer, yet he had no formal law degree. Let the BAR Attorneys continue in their jobs as property transfer agent-officers for the State, but if no defendant hires them, they'll have to get new jobs or they'll starve. Fire your BAR Attorney and represent yourself as your own lawyer, or hire any non-BAR-licensed lawyer to assist you from outside the courtroom bar.

Refuse to acknowledge all judges who are also licensed BAR Attorneys. Every judge in Florida State is a member of the Florida BAR. This is unlawful and unconstitutional as a judge cannot be an Esquire nor can he represent any issue in commerce, such as that of the State. Every Florida State judge has compromised his purported neutral and impartial judicial position by being a State Officer through his BAR licensure. This is an unlawful monopoly of power and commerce.


The Unauthorized Practice of Law

Fire your BAR Attorney. Refuse to acknowledge their corrupt inner-bar courts of thievery. Formally charge them with the illegal act of practicing law without lawful authority. Why? A BAR Attorney is not a lawyer by lawful definition. An Esquire is an officer of the State with the duty to carry out State activities, including "attornment."

State officers have no constitutional authority to practice law as lawyers, barristers, advocates, or solicitors. Americans should begin formally charging these false lawyers with unlawfully practicing the profession of law since their BAR licenses only give them the privilege to be Attorneys and Squires over land transfers.



  Posted March 13, 2005

  Forward courtesy of Dr. Kanya <>


For further reference, consult another anonymous and undated work entitled Withdraw of Consent: A Government of Fraud & Deception, 723 pages, available here:


Saturday, February 13, 2021

The Rule of Law in an Incipient Integral Age


Did aRchontic, Canaanite, demon-possessed, androgynous light beings from the dark purple realm insinuate themselves within us?                 

Purple haze is 'a slightly enchanted liberatory intuition that, paradoxically, also imparts a perplexing sense of being confined, confused or subject to the inherently ‘dissociative’ fog of a demanding, pseudo-sovereign 'other' ”. 

The color purple is traditionally associated with the royal sovereign or king; consider Gibbon, who reports:

The rescripts of the emperor, his grants and decrees, his edicts and pragmatic sanctions, were subscribed in purple ink, and transmitted to the provinces as general or special laws, which the magistrates were bound to execute, and the people to obey.” [and in his footnote on “purple ink”: “A compound of vermilion and cinnabar, which marks the Imperial diplomas from Leo I. (A.D. 470) to the fall of the Greek empire.]

- The Decline and Fall of the Roman 

Empire, 1946, Vol. 2, at p.1439

Thesis:  Integral consciousness cannot integrate consciousness structures unless each of the efficient forms of those structures are first “reconstituted” so as to function optimally as non-malignant, proportional parts of the whole. 

InquiryIf the rule of law is a product of the mental structure, then what becomes of it within the new milieu of integral consciousness whose constituent stages are themselves poorly integrated? 

NOTE: This blog post is an embellishment on my doctoral dissertation: 

The Odyssey of the Western Legal Tradition  Integral Jurisprudence: Toward the Self-Transcendence of Deficient-Mental Legal Culture. (2006), 321 pages (Order No. 3238290, ProQuest Dissertations and Theses). Abstract and table of contents are freely accessible at:

A.  Reconstituting Structures of Consciousness

The “originary custom” of nomadic, primal peoples (as aptly demonstrated by their accomplished shamans) is, or should be, one essential element of an integral model — one that helps to heal the pre-mental, “dissociative self” of modern, would-be integralists.

What is suggested is a process of retrieval of the efficient forms of the archaic, magic and mythical structures. Arguably, this retrieval can precipitate a reconciliation toward a more “associated self” through a holistic reconstitution of the efficient aspects of pre-mental structures of consciousness. The modern, integralist adept might otherwise be exclusively or primarily concerned with overcoming the deficient mental structure, e.g., by struggling to reform a controlling ego, perhaps being at a loss as to how to do likewise with prior structures. Yet it is the initial process or precursor practice of retrieving the efficient aspects of pre-mental structures that lends a curative impetus toward the healing of the mental structure and thus might be a more ideal starting place for the integralist adept. 

While not discounting the fact that various contemplative practices, e.g., prayer and meditation, may indeed lead an adept to a newly associated sense of a (pre-mental) self, shamanic processes in particular may be efficacious. By whatever process or practice, retrieval and holistic reconstitution of prior structures in an “associated self” prepares one for their integration with the mental structure through integral consciousness. 

Pertinent to the discussion of “wholeness,” however, is a consideration of non-sedentary, less hierarchical primal peoples whose mythical consciousness maintains that bondedness or Abram’s “perceptual reciprocity” with the “multiple non-human sensibilities that animate the local landscape” ((Abram, D. (1996). The spell of the sensuous: Perception and language in a more-than-human world. New York: Vintage Books, pp. 56, 9, respectively.)  

Notwithstanding acceptance of Jean Gebser’s theory on the effect of the intensification of consciousness of prior structures, I theorize that for such peoples the efficient pre-mental structures are always already presentiated; these pre-mental structures are less attenuated than they are in moderns because these structures have been experienced over much more enduring spans of time, continuing up until the present, and non-atrophied by effects on their dimensionality from a countermovement that would otherwise be caused by an intensified mythical or a narrowing mental structure of consciousness. 

Thus, on the issue of the degree to which wholeness is generally extant, I would qualify Gebser’s analysis. This I would do by making the diminution of the qualitative character of the individual structures dependent not only upon the number of mutations of consciousness in a society's individuals, but also upon whether we are referring to the more sedentary and hierarchical “moderns,” or to non-sedentary, hierarchically muted, primal peoples whose consciousness may be unquestionably more limited — yet is, in my opinion, “more whole” than is the case with typically dissociated moderns.

Gebser speaks of “a plus mutation” (Gebser, 1985, p.38).  He writes:

...all of our structures of awareness will have to be integrated into a new and more intensive form, which would in fact unlock a new reality. To that extent we must constantly relive and re-experience in a decisive sense the full depth of our past. (Gebser, 1985, p.4)


In order to achieve the requisite basis for the transformation to which we have alluded, we wish to present as a working hypothesis the four, respectively five, structures we have designated as the archaic, magic, mythic, mental and integral. We must first of all remain cognizant that these structures are not merely past, but are in fact still present in more or less latent and acute form in each one of us. (Gebser, 1985, p.42, emphasis in original)

If I am interpreting Gebser correctly, I concur to the extent that structures that are antecedent to the mental have been lumped together and are referred to in today’s common parlance as “the unconscious.”  This is to say that the extent to which we are dissociated from the earlier (healthy or efficient) stages of these structures is the extent to which we remain enthralled to them as puzzling remnants of poorly understood yet powerful emotional or imagined cues that often affect and control us in our everyday lives; and to the extent we remain controlled by magic/mythical prompts, rather than mastering these prior structures, they remain as our unconscious masters — those dissociated, misunderstood and mysterious parts of us remain latent and hidden from our “consciousness” in the murky depths only acting to confuse our being.        

The fact is, however, that psychology tells us human beings constantly draw on and act instinctively from this seemingly forgotten, unconscious side of ourselves. The fully integrated individual would strive to coordinate and bring pre-mental structures more to the foreground, resulting in a more properly proportioned wholeness of all structures. Attaining to this level of human development is to become more whole. And in the context of lived experience, integrating oneself means to exist in the wholeness of a reality of a consciousness attuned to a human noosphere; one harmonized with the biosphere and physiosphere, i.e., of both body and nature. In short, we retrieve/ reclaim/ recall largely atrophied aspects of our latent potential; what once were and still are essential qualities of our “human-ness.”

The long-term effect of causing a once associated (unalienated) psychological state of wholeness (a strong characteristic of both magic and mythical structures of consciousness) to engage a mental structure morphing into an emerging integral consciousness, transforms us into real human beings. That is, by so doing we can self-transcend toward becoming more authentically and wholly human (rather than the beaten down, sub-species idiots that millennia of archontic control, oppression and misdirection have rendered us).

To be clear, the deficiently operating pre-mental structures manifest themselves in both oppressor predators and in those whom they control; the former rely upon black (deficient) magic/mythical regimes, while the latter become stupefied in ignorance from a weak association with these consciousness structures, thus making them perfect candidates for mind-controlled prey.  

B.  The Cultural Creatives

A place to look for a burgeoning integral worldview is by examining those values held by “Cultural Creatives” (as compared to “Traditionals” and “Moderns”).  (Ray, P., & Anderson, S. R. (2000). The cultural creatives: How 50 million people are changing the world. New York: Harmony Books)  

According to research conducted by Ray and Anderson, a subculture they call the “Cultural Creatives” has been emerging, particularly over the last generation or so. Their values are in harmony with, or at least closely approximate, those values considered characteristic of an integral worldview.  That is, Cultural Creatives are both inner-directed and socially concerned, caring deeply about ecology and properly stewarding the planet, about relationships, peace, and justice, about self-actualization, spirituality, and self-expression. They are generally disaffected with the materialism and consumerism of modern culture. 

Over twenty years ago, Ray and Anderson estimated that there were about 50 million Cultural Creatives in America, or about 26% of the adult population. (By 2021 that proportion has certainly risen.) The preponderance of the rest of the population are categorized as either “Moderns” or “Traditionals.” 

At the turn of the 20th Century Moderns were the dominant subculture (about 48% of the U.S. population), tracing their lineage back about 500 years to the beginnings of rationalism and modern science.  They are “the people who accept the commercialized urban-industrial world as the obvious right way to live.” (Ray & Anderson, 2000, p.27)

Ray and Anderson describe the Traditionals as the first counterculture, branching off from the Moderns around 1870.  The Traditionals are now about 25% of the U.S. population and declining [or arguably merging into a more conservative Cultural Creative camp] — they once comprised about 50% of the population around the time of World War II.  They are largely cultural and religious conservatives who maintain or seek a simplistic, black-and-white certainty in their views, and who yearn for an idealized, romanticized, and more idyllic “simpler time” (that may in fact never have existed).  It is in the ready acceptance of religious convictions received from “divinely inspired sacred texts” that the worldview of Traditionals can be seen as preserving a more mythical consciousness. (Note: In retrospect, these qualitative researchers may have been promoting a progressivist agenda using the term "Cultural Creatives" as a cover. Still, the work is useful as a lens of understanding from social trend perspectives, e.g., from the standpoint of one being biased against the values and beliefs of Traditionals.) 

The following chart lists the values and beliefs among the three subcultures (in the year 2000):

Ray & Anderson, p. 29 (2000)

Cultural Creatives tend to value both intellectual pursuit and spiritual development.  Hence, this subculture may be naturally inclined and relatively well-disposed toward the integral theories of Gebser and/or the integral yoga of Aurobindo. But the important point with regard to Cultural Creatives, in comparison to the other two subcultures, is that they are more prone to actively engage and apply their values in the world.  Ray & Anderson (2000) also reported that there are more activists, volunteers, and contributors to causes than in either of the other subcultures.

Thus, the values practiced by Cultural Creatives, largely learned by direct experience in the world, might be expressed, phenomenologically, in the sense of a preference for “being” over “thought.” As such, just “being” one of the estimated 50+ million Cultural Creatives may be the most common path toward realizing an integral worldview.  Such an “accidentally heuristic” path, tending toward everyday praxis, would seem to suit the needs of the ordinary person, whether or not he or she is consciously seeking an integral worldview through the integral structure of consciousness. For example, we might consider that the lawyers currently engaged in new law practice models are developing integral worldviews and whose work, by whatever name, approximates the theoretical precepts and practical values espoused by Cultural Creatives that are also associated with integral jurisprudence.

However, the three categories of Ray and Anderson must be seen as fluid and overlapping. The panopticon of media subjects all human beings within eye- and ear-shot of its messaging to being programmed into accepting and tolerating those superficial values characteristic of being a Modern. Subversive infiltration into all institutions has subjected Traditionals and Cultural Creatives to Marxist-style mind control. But in the past twenty years intrepid online and in-person sharing of data has given rise to alliances between Traditional believers and Cultural Creatives of faith, on the one hand, versus a secular-to-atheist (Luciferian) merging of Moderns and Cultural Creatives on the other. (The data in the above table have not predicted such mergers, instead portraying Moderns and Traditionals cleaving to one another with Cultural Creatives as the "progressive pioneers of forward-looking change"— perhaps a major shortcoming of the study and the book.) 

The “media is the message” ecological pollution that conditions and separates people lends more weight to considering subcultural groups who tend to insulate themselves from the “messaging,” viz., those non-sedentary, less hierarchical, insular folks who live more in originary custom than they do in the (over-legalized-and-regulated, generally deficient-mental) modern world.

And so the Cultural Creative designation while interesting and somewhat helpful can also become yet another divisive tool that separates and alienates. Beware! 

Still, when considering how we come to govern ourselves as societies within a connective culture of national-to-planetary identity, natural rhythms of consciousness evolution and social ordering are continually in play. This gives rise to a perhaps ingenious new method of self-understanding humanity and our world through yet another ordering lens referred to as “metapolitical.”

C.  Metapolitical Theory

An overview of metapolitical theory[1]is here presented as an alternate yet analogous take on the integral worldview.  Metapolitical theory takes up the thread of moving beyond the old paradigms of secularism (Modernist worldview) and "traditional myth religion" (Traditionalist worldview)[2]. This new, general theory provides an additional contextual template or analytical lens. It can be used, e.g., to further discussions of how the rule of law fares under both deficient mental legal culture and integral jurisprudence. 

The mutation from mental/rational to integral consciousness might be seen by theorist Mark Ettlin as the evolution from 4th to 5th order being (See Kegan, 1995)[3]

[I]t is at this [5th order] epistemological stage that we may see a deeper differentiation and integration of three kinds of value roughly prefigured by what our mythic/rational society has tended to call the Beautiful, the True, and Good. I refer to these three kinds of value as X, Y, and Z value, or as ontological, technological, and epistemological value, and use such suggestive triads as eternity, time, and history to explore them. 

The 5th order self is more discipline than identity.  It is an inquiry into value. Ettlin describes it as the dialectical and reflexive order par excellence, the term “metapolitical” specifically referring to his conception of a Z-value discipline of the “citizen.” That is, metapolitical is used to indicate the reflexivity and philosophical quality of a 5th order political discipline in which politics cannot be separated from epistemology, participant anthropology, and an ongoing attempt to place ourselves in and as an evolving, historical intelligence.  Thus, Ettlin concludes that

[D]emocracy is necessary not only because it is more fair (the politics of redistribution) or more respectful of human freedom/dignity/identity (the politics of recognition), but because only a radical democracy can realize itself as a lucid and sane historical mind. This is the ‘draw’ of Z value. We live in each others’ minds, and if some of us are insane, all of us are insane. A hegemonic community necessarily suffers what Habermas calls “systemic speech distortion,” a fancy term for insanity.  The metapolitical is a term that tries to indicate the intrinsic delight of a philosophical citizenship, where “sophia” is the emergent historical intelligence of an exuberantly reflexive, dialogic, and self-transcending polis. 

According to Ettlin, as metapolitical citizens we concern ourselves with how we make and know ourselves as historical bodymind.  In this sense, the legal system we design and implement “contains” us, as do other historically emergent systems (e.g., educational, economic, recreational, and even transportation systems) that humanity has devised.  All of these systems mediate us and hence structure the ways in which we know ourselves, each other, and the world.  We “come to know” within an understanding of three distinct fields of value realization, viz., the value disciplines X, Y, and Z.  Under each X, Y, or Z field can be grouped what Ettlin metaphorically refers to as containers specific to that particular value field: 







God/ Consciousness

The World (Other)



(Chronic) Time



Hypothetically Dual




















Ettlin warns readers, that these containers should be taken in stride, as some may tend to be “playful, cryptic, and intended for heuristic, speculative purposes.”  At the same time, however, these are for Ettlin in some sense “absolute” containers[4].  In a sense, a concern with how we contain and transcend ourselves as historical polis or Intersubject is intrinsic to the metapolitical citizen.  This means a welcoming and questioning of all three fields of value realization: X, Y, Z; or respectively, consciousness, the world, and other minds; or eternity, chronicity, and history; or, qualifiedly, Ontos, cosmos[5], and polis.  Ettlin argues that these three fields of value realizations only become explicit value disciplines within a 5th order or dialectical epistemology (or within what I would describe as integral consciousness).

For Ettlin, then, deficient mental legal culture would be just one symptom of a much greater, all-pervasive, and confusing “onto-technological[6]maze” that is insoluble from within a 4th order (inevitably dualist) epistemology.  Accordingly, in the arena of human endeavors Ettlin asserts that we ever err by forever mixing up the fields of value realization, writing:

At present we live in a mythic/rational [Traditionalist/Modernist] society that is deeply terror-driven, power-interested, and dedicated to the perpetuation of inequalities that can only be maintained through epistemological inequality, that is, through the creation of an “Oriental” class capable of trust (and paranoia), and hence obedience (and programmed transgression) but incapable of verification, that is, of holding the Orientalists or “manufacturers of consent” accountable.  This has catastrophic consequences, not just in an epistemological sense, but for all three value disciplines.  We live in a society in which most people have no inkling of the importance (and delight) of “placing ourselves” in a collaborative and democratic fashion, that is, as citizen philosophers. If we do not democratically diagnose and design the fundamental containers that structure and mediate us, they will be designed for us and they will be designed in both stupid and “interested” ways. Hegemony is inevitably a degradation of our potential as historical intelligence.  Power inevitably under-realizes value. 

Ettlin’s metapolitical theory, then, might explain deficient legal culture in terms of an epistemological inequity between the rulers and the ruled; despite the democratic principles that inhere in the Western legal tradition’s avowed aim of establishing a just society, the confusion among fields of value realization has resulted in a legal culture in which “power inevitably under-realizes value.”[7] Currently, where “fewer than 400 people ‘control’ half the money in this world” (Wilson, P. L. (1998). Escape from the Nineteenth Century and other essays. Brooklyn, NY: Autonomedia, p.134), what Ettlin would describe as a “degradation of our potential as historical intelligence” manifests as a withering of social emancipation in the face of social regulation imposed under the guise of democratic pretensions, and the “rule of law” is manifested by an ontological hegemony that has effectively divided the globe into zones of comfort (the”West”)[8] zones of security (e.g., the “Pacific Rim”), and zones of depletion (much of the Southern Hemisphere).

Perhaps the most crucial container the citizen considers is the polis itself, in the Z-field of value realization wherein jurisprudence also most properly resides. How does the polis reproduce itself? How does it educate its young into 5th order epistemes and disciplines? How do we practice politics and law together?  How do we talk to each other?  From within the framework of what Ettlin characterizes as the “adversarial humanism of our day, with its implicit war ontology,” politics and law are adversarial, power-oriented, and implicitly terror-driven.  They have little to do with a discipline that seeks to realize value through intersubjective exchange, through listening to others to get a sense of horizons that one cannot see in “objective” fashion.

Instead, Ettlin seeks to encourage metapolitical circles that he believes would precede the emergence of a true metapolitical society, writing:

Such circles will be experimental in nature and will be drawn to explore and formulate the practices and mind that constitute the metapolitical (or Z-value) discipline itself.  They will ask, “How do we create and practice a collective historical Mind or Intersubject that leverages reflexive knowing?  How do we participate in this Mind”?  In an interesting way this polis, Mind, or Intersubject is a container and an agent, a ground and a figure.  It does not dissolve or abrogate individual minds, and yet it achieves a kind of collective coherence and unity.[9]

Ettlin is designing a Metapolitical Institute, which he intends to be the instrument by which he hopes to generate resources and practices intended to draw people into metapolitical circles and the discipline of metapolitical citizenship.  For example, there are some containers to which metapolitical citizens must attend in their collaborative inquiries. 

He calls some of these containers “macromaterials.”  All materials are generated by human beings who discern principles in matter and proceed to develop, diversify, and integrate matter into more complex forms and systems.  Trees are a material.  A law book is a material.  A legal system is a macromaterial.  All materials entail human practices and ways of knowing.  At the level of the macromaterial such practices and epistemes are often highly complex. 

Capital is a kind of economic macromaterial. The metapolitical citizen would understand that the polis must contain the economy and not, as would be the preference of an ideologue of Capital, the other way round. While private property is plausible as a material, according to Ettlin, as a macromaterial private property must, as with all macromaterials, be democratically owned and controlled by its metapolitical citizen owners in a more custodial sense so that it would not despoil the environment or otherwise threaten the integrity of the polis.

Ettlin’s “fields of value realization” are compatible with, e.g., such integral values as are espoused by Cultural Creatives in the table above.  What distinguishes his “metapolitical values,” however, are their more organized categorizations into X, Y, or Z fields.  Much like Plato’s “the Beautiful, the True, and the Good,” or the “separation of powers” or “separation of church and state” doctrines, preserving separate noospheric identities for God, for science, and for politics [a characteristically mental attribute] clarifies the process by which humanity embarks on its acts of self-discovery; by not searching an inappropriate category to substantiate any particular issue that does not pertain to that category, fallacies can more easily be avoided.  Much human anguish can be traced to such fallacious undertakings.  Law has found itself in trouble when trying to inculcate a divine pre-text (X-field) to itself or an overly rigorous scientific (Y-field) approach in its theories and formulations.

While these excurses outside the proper domain of jurisprudence (Z-field) might be deemed to have been historically “necessary” — as in having prompted much debate and punctuated the evolution of the Western legal tradition with certain insights and developments — the deleterious effects of misplacing or misidentifying the values of jurisprudence are legion.

Examples of law premising itself on the divine right of rulers (X-field) would include the harsh inequities of laws enforced by “God-Kings” from Sumer, extending through the “lawgivers” of Greece and the “Age of Tyrants” in Rome, to persecutions in the name of God by the Church’s Inquisition and by the monarchies of pre-revolutionary Europe.   

The “science of law,” is an expression indicative of law’s mental tendency toward systematization.  Law resulting from empirically verifiable facts, forged in the real world of legal disputes and argumentation, can be traced to the early Greek Sophists, through the legal hermeneutics of Papinian and categorizations of Gaius, to the formulations of Justinian’s Code and, in more modern times, e.g., through the German Pandecists and the analytical-positivist approaches of Austin and Kelsen.  

The reaction to law’s emphasis on overly rigorous scientific values (Y-field), that favored the letter over the spirit or equity of law, became manifest in both the Romantic and democratic movements of the eighteenth century, culminating in the social question issue raised in the 19th century as a response to industrialization, and the growing inequities in wealth and class privilege driven by the unjust totalitarian logic of Capital that, while being challenged, continues almost unabated today by means of a powerful global corporatocracy.  This anti-democratic alliance of business, government, and media, with seemingly unlimited resources, has much greater access to powerful law firms and lobbyists who are able to exert undue influence over the engines of power in the executive, legislative, and judicial spheres of the state.  

Any theory, from whatever source, that also puts forth a discipline capable of efficiently and effectively guiding both our minds and our hearts toward a more just and beautiful world, is a worthy one.  The integral worldview allows for meanings that are as unique as those who have sought to articulate them, whether they use different terminology, or are embracing and practicing values considered implicit in an integral worldview without being cognizant of any theoretical underpinning.  From this we might hypothesize that all of us may be witness to a single phenomenon — the dawning of a new integral structure — yet one that is characterized by multivalent, mutational surges of consciousness.  

Metapolitical theory is an important contribution to our investigations — not only in exploring the Western legal tradition itself, but also when considering the over-arching significance of the varying contexts within which jurisprudence has meandered; metapolitical theory posits an ordering of values that any thinking person might find extremely useful when trying to navigate through the harrowing thickets of being and reality, Spirit and Matter, body and soul, society and self, knowledge and wisdom.  

Formidably great individuals have slogged through these noospheric marshes in the past, only to get lost. Metapolitical theory certainly holds particular promise, not just as a map to escape consensual reality and culture trance, but also as a discipline capable of orienting us toward a reality gained through a fuller mastery of our human potential.  The extent to which it builds upon (yet, as its progenitor, Mark Ettlin, asserts, “goes beyond”) Gebser in its capacity to support an integral jurisprudence is worth pondering as the plasticity of the rule of law has currently been contorted beyond recognition. Hence, by whatever theoretical means, any anchoring in a fuller, more integral understanding of the rule of law is most welcome.


[1] “Metapolitical” is a term coined by independent scholar Mark Ettlin, and refers to an idealized conceptualization of humanity’s transformative interface with and engagement in fields of value realization.  Ettlin is the author of an as yet unpublished manuscript wherein he describes his theory and suggests a discipline toward developing a metapolitical society.  The term is further elaborated upon below.  Extracts quoted herein are from a personal correspondence with Ettlin.

[2]   Or, as Ettlin explains it: “There are two key problems. The reform problem is that of bringing the 3rd order mythic class up to 4th order.  This entails a move from trust to verification, or the capacity to ground one’s beliefs through scientific and rational procedures, using evidence.  But I argue that metapolitical circles would be ‘both/and’ in that they would be attempting this reform and at the same time experimenting with an evolution toward epistemology and practices/disciplines that are dialectical or 5th order, and ‘beyond belief’ (where belief is understood as reification, as being in bondage to power: the final belief or ideology/belief system is perhaps that of the ‘cogito’). The current power elite is still embedded in a mythic/rational epistemology and one of my arguments is that people practicing and/or experimenting with a 5th order epistemology may be able to ‘outsmart’ the current elite and nudge humanity from an emphasis on the possession of power to the realization of value.  Thus the distinction between power and value (entailing an understanding of power as the reification of value) is key to metapolitical theory.”

[3] Kegan’s entire genetic epistemology works with the subject/object process in which what has been subject (or a medium through which we see) becomes object.  We are embedded in our impulses at 1st order and then we “have” (and can operate on) them at 2nd order.  We are embedded in abstractions at 3rd order and then we “have” (and operate on) them at 4th order, allowing us to construct “ideologies”.

[4]   Ettlin explains as follows: “All human meaning arises in eternity (pure consciousness), time (a realm of intelligible objectivity or ‘survival’), and history (the historical evolution of intersubjective intelligence ideally ‘culminating’ in a radically democratic, dialogic, and transparent polis).  This culmination is neither the end of history nor the suppression of the individual; it is merely the emergence of a degree of intersubjective reflexivity and coordination/communication that will allow societies to act with the ‘freedom’ that 4th order liberalism (as exemplified by Wilhelm von Humboldt) desired for individuals.  These ‘containers’ must be distinguished from historically emergent containers [e.g., the legal, economic, educational, recreational or transportation systems, mentioned, supra].  The Z-value discipline focuses on the epistemological impact of historically emergent containers.”

[5]  Ettlin qualifies the first two of these terms: “ ‘Ontos’ is probably not rightly derived from the Greek.  Perhaps ‘consciousness’ is better, as this term would refer to Atman/Brahman or what I call Identity, and would be provisionally opposed to manifest bodymind and all ‘states of consciousness.’  ‘Cosmos’ or ‘kosmos’ also needs some unpacking.  In its standard form it reeks of onto-technology [defined infra]. I merely mean to emphasize the structured and principled ‘objectivity’ of the manifest.”

[6]  Ettlin defines onto-technology as: “the conflation of X and Y value, resulting in various ‘identity projects’ or attempts to ‘do Being,’ to possess or arrive at eternity in time, and so on.  This means a terror-driven and power-interested existence; in other words, a reified existence where reification means affective adherence to symbols and propositions.”

[7] More generally speaking, power is anything that we seek to possess (and hence that ‘possesses’ us) such that we are in bondage to it.  The move from power to value, in Ettlin’s theory, is a move from bondage/identity to discipline.  In today’s world, “Capital” is one – arguably the most potent – translation of “Power,” rooted as it is in mental-rational goals of economic growth fueled largely by commodity fetishism.  As a reified Y-value, the totalitarian logic of Capital, is incapable of assimilating the moral and spiritual dimensions of love, hope, compassion, imagination, intuition, aesthetic sensibility, and a deeply developed sense of empathy for each other, for all living things, and for all life-sustaining qualities of our environment.  Moreover, by Ettlin’s calculus, the status or the beautiful identity is another form of power, one anchored in the reification of X-value.  One reification can easily lead to the other.  Alienation from and reification of both X- and Y-value (resulting in onto-technology) is the problem, according to Ettlin, who professes not to follow a base/superstructure model wherein power is simply rooted in the economy. 

[8] Ettlin, however, does not think we can call the West a “zone of comfort.”  In his view, market globalization requires that only a small class in each country lives in increasing comfort or opulence, while life becomes progressively more uncomfortable and barren for everyone else.  Ettlin has a terminology for how state capitalism, caught as it is in a dualistic worldview, inevitably exhibits its inequitable features: “Exes of Evil,” the three ‘exes’ being extractionexternalization, and extermination

[9] In this way it resembles Hegel’s “Spirit”, but, according to Ettlin, “Hegel conflated Identity with Intersubject, and sought to recover Eternity through History, an Idealist error.”