Saturday, February 27, 2021

Mr. Yes-No

Like Columbo, I keep scratching my head, coming back with more questions, and never quite getting the right answers. We’re getting somewhere, surely. (Aren’t we?) How many of like-mind are out there? How many, like Columbo, are simply following-in-the-footsteps of the original Mr. Potato Head — yet actually forever lost in the District of Columbo?

I’ve given up on being a web surfer: one who daily floats, rubbing-up against those favorite sites — who bangs his head against the buoys. But yes, I’m a seasoned surfer of consensual reality and culture trance; “I’m an excellent driver”; one who has honed his discernment over years of insightful good fortune — mixed with lots of false leads, lunatic scams, and dead ends.  

Still, to what extent have I and others been led by the nose, unwittingly guided by master deceiver-dissemblers? We’ll never know; there’s no way we can ever know, really. That is, we must ask ourselves: how deep is the Jesuitical pit?; how tall and wide the Talmudic intelligence trip-trap, the faux monochord call of an AI psycho-mirror world echo chamber of string pulling trance-dance wankers?

[Hear/feel: thunder and lightning]

Now...I’ll be the narrator-moderator; the lingual spell-caster.

Here’s the chant:

Education infotainment — entertaining doctrine 

Inculcating factoid implants — lies, deceit 

Crafty imposture, 

Sly underhandedness — 

Propaganda mills and 


[See/be: a still-quiet-placid lake at sunset]

Today’s contemplation:

What’s a “bitcoin” made of? Answer: a string of numbers and letters; not exactly “nothing,” is it?

Is it money? — fiat currency for:

the tech savvy

financial professionals,

corporatists and

hedge fund witch doctors?


What’s a “bitcoin miner”? One of the above who masquerades as an entity holding a pick-and-shovel-but-who-rarely-leaves-his-desk.


And who belongs to the “Criminally Corrupt & Compromised Uni-Party”?

Who are the publishers, editors and writers of “Old Print Media”?— of “Old Broadcast Media”?

Good bye for now. I’m going to bury my nose in some worthy books for a while. The world is nothing but wraiths and wreckage; bulbs and bolsters — and I am of the world.

I will wait for Spring. That’s worth taking-my-nose-out-of-my-books-for…nature-is-truth, geo-engineered as it may be…Spirit-is-Truth, stage-managed as it may be…and I am Mr. Yes-No, a man of bits and bytes, ones and zeros...


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