Sunday, January 30, 2022

Life as a Game Show

Toward the end of my working life I dropped out, went overseas, and “taught English” hither and yon. In so doing I fell in with some lifelong friends—fellow teacher misfits. We’ve stayed in-touch since we first met in the late 1990s. For the last twenty years or so we’ve seen each other infrequently. Mostly we keep in touch via email.

The following diatribe came out of one of us asking a question concerning “trannies” (namely, surgically and chemically altered or just plain confused cross-dressers). Have a look....

Our role model is here:  beginning at the 8:00 minute mark.

And here: beginning at the 10:00 minute

"You sneaky f*cker":

They're just different and “we need to accept them”:

Do we want pooh-pooh eaters in Uganda?

Not-so-Fun-Facts about LGBT:

Now aren't you glad you asked your question, Mr. Man? It's no wonder why we all ended up as misfits teaching English in far-off lands...  The trannies are just another symptom of our deranged societal condition. Sorry, but I reject you, "Mr." and "Ms" Tranny, as much as I reject the whole dilapidated, ding-dong System. Hey everybody, wake up from the game show you live in!

P.S.  Here, shall we wrap our dingus minds around the following?:

And old Jordan Maxwell explains the "word magic" called language (Did we ever realize the true meaning of the English words we were teaching?):

Hey boys and girls, check out my new book, my ninth. It was actually published on the 9th of January, the number of pages of text is 198 (adding up to 9), the number of pages in the Appendix is 54 (adds up to 9), the main title has 9 letters, and the subtitle has 27 letters (when added up come to 9). Even my name adds up to 9 (when the copyright symbol is added in)! Would you believe me if I told you I never planned any of this "9 business"?—probably not. You can buy it here: 


Surgeirot: The Outer Reaches of Inner Space Wake Up! (Surgeirot!) Let your inner space embrace the full reach of its outer limits. Reality is waiting for you; your consciousness and discernment will guide you. Life’s good, in spite of welshers, wampum woes, and the witless, mask-wearing Puddleglums all over the place these days. What if you discovered, just as in the movie, the real world exists outside of the Matrix? It is one wherein you are not subject to the franchise corporate courts, their government, their taxes, and their control. The Appendix presents some helpful documents developed by The Maryland Assembly. Learn about the real law, American Common Law, and start an amazing journey as you begin to grok your true origins, your real history. Realize your optimal potential. The author is a Marylander, an American State National, and a Weird Task Specialist.

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