Friday, January 28, 2022

Truckers: The Tip of the Spear


Canadian Trucker Freedom Convoy Is Likely

the World’s Largest Vehicle Convoy in History


There's a paradox here. Beginning in the 1950s the elites' plan (at least in N. America) called for the diminution of rail in favor of interstate highways, trucks and trucking. Why? There was more corporate profit in roads and trucking than in rail. Then, in the 1960s we began offshoring our industrial base to slave-nations like the ChiComs; their cheap shit got off-loaded to an ever-expanding American underclass of truck drivers.


Now, we see that same inter-generational sub-class — the ones with the mighty diesel engines with their intimidating size and sound presence — acting as a kind of inspiring, civilian tank corps. They are taking those very engines of our gnawing demise and combining their mechanical brawn to rally the people to bring down the political puppets who have entrenched and enriched themselves while degrading the welfare of the poor and the middle class. And this truck convoy movement is spreading worldwide: to Australia, Brazil, Italy, and it's gaining momentum.

Day Five and a Huge Turn of Events!

Yes, here is the result so far:

And why should we be concerned about trannies, e.g., New Zealand's Jacinda Ardern and our own "Big Mike"? Because they are psychos who have jockeyed their deranged selves into positions of power. They are actively seeking to destroy the people, an already mis-directed, mis-educated populace. None-the-less, ordinary people have no use for psychopathic policies (ultimately sourced to inverto-perversions) which are then channeled into control mechanisms by way of their puppet-paymasters. 


Now for me and my American State National buddies, we are on the sidelines witnessing the death pangs of a long drawn-out USA, Inc. v. USA, INC. fight to the death. (That would be the British territorial service corporation vs. the municipal Vatican overlord service corporation — the military v. the federal service, respectively — going at each others' throats. Of course I hope they destroy each other because I'm for restructuring our original constitutional republic by returning it to the land and soil jurisdiction that was originally governed using the American common law.)


To buttress the point made in my foregoing paragraph, try on this new pair of socks."


Now, Anna von Reitz aka Anna Maria Rietzinger aka Anna Maria Wilhelmina Hanna Sophia Riezinger of (von) Reitzenstein of (von) Lettow before (Vor) Beck   See, What's in a Name? — just like her "real" name, her work is not and can never be a "quick read"; one cannot simply take one of her articles and immediately grok her meaning. She has built up a massive amount of research and information that has to be studied and dissembled bit-by-bit, byte-by-byte, and then reconstructed into a whole. (Imagine trying to "get" Wittgenstein or Nietzsche or Schopenhauer from a two-page article any of these philosophical giants may have penned for popular consumption.)


All this to say this: I sure hope our trucker brothers bring down the crooked politician class that does the dirty work of their paymasters. And in the short run, I hope the military class that has remained loyal to our Founding foreFathers (currently often referred to as "white hats" — Clif High's so-called "Self-Organizing Collective" or SOC) — kicks the shit out of all the treasonous bastards on both sides of the aisle who have been betraying The United States of America since at least 1863.


What a multi-layered, mind-bending paradox, oh my brothers and sisters! And here in my own radicalized "blue" Montgomery County, Maryland, the people are making definite in-roads, as demonstrated by this cheeky gal:


So, that is my larger overview of this latest historical revolt of the slaves — and I don't refer only to the trucker class by using the term "slaves"; the truckers are simply the tip of the spear. I refer to you and you and you — to any and all "persons" who mindlessly buy into corporate "government" as real (not to mention all of its false institutional organelles, from big media to big science, big medicine and their big pharma, big law and their franchise corporate courts, big religion, etc., ad nauseam). 

If you wish to go deeper — much deeper — then go here:

Beware, brothers and sisters, beware!

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