Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Church and State: Separated yet Co-Dependent

America was the first nation to draft and implement a written constitution. The U.S. Constitution of 1787 was a world novelty. No nation prior to this time had a written constitution in place. Since its adoption in 1789, the U.S. Constitution has been the supreme law of the land. Whatever biases and weaknesses might come along, the Constitution is meant to anchor the structures of liberty. Whatever its failings, if it has not proven itself in practice to be the fountainhead of liberty that it was meant to be, then we can only blame the evil machinations of Man for its subversion.
In the late 1700s America led the way, the way back to liberty. The Founding Fathers, fanned by the secular flames of Renaissance thinking, were mostly considered to be what are known as “Deists,” viz., men who believed in the existence and perfection of God but as the individual, via his own reason, might frame that notion of the deity for himself. Still, whatever their exact religious convictions, they founded a nation upon the sacred principle of liberty. 
Remember too, that in the late 1700s Freemasonry was coming to be guided by Adam Weishaupt and his diabolical “Illuminati.” These plotters represented a major faction of a Hydra-headed cabal that formed the nemesis of both the fledgling American republic and the true, Holy Apostolic Catholic Church.
Also note that by the late 1700s, usury (defined as any interest on the loan of money) had already made significant inroads into our economic system. For over two hundred years it had infiltrated Christianity, undermining its true tenets; for with usury comes sodomy and moral relativism. This, together with a growing occult influence, caused the Christian faith to already begin mutating into sinfulness at the earliest years of America’s formation. One might conclude that by embracing usury America may have doomed itself to a Faustian bargain it could never escape. Perhaps this corruption heralded an inevitable erosion of liberty and the collapse of the republic. After all, a nation conceived in sin seems bound to be a bastard outcast that can do no good.   
Still, it should be stressed that liberty is inextricably bound up with our spiritual being. That is, the Declaration of Independence proclaimed liberty to be an unalienable right and one endowed to Man by our Creator. Thus liberty is a spiritual value that is etched into our immortal souls. It is in this sense that Church and State are separate yet are historically and intrinsically co-dependent.
If we are without liberty we are enslaved; if we are enslaved, our birthright is torn asunder; we are denied the blessings of our full humanity; we are non-sovereign, crippled, disabled, handicapped from enjoying our full potential—the full glory of our being. We become subordinated to the will of others and to the malign spiritual forces that animate such others.
This fellow makes no claims to be an expert on Christianity, its multiple denominations, and the differences in theology and modes of worship. Neither am I knowledgeable about the subtle differences within the Traditionalist schisms within the Roman Catholic Church. Yet as a self-described “non-denominational Catholic” I have some definite thoughts and insights and I will not be silent.
America was founded by Christian principles, actually Protestant, with a “Protestant work ethic.” That Christian/Protestant ethos, though battered and bruised, has survived until today. Moreover, our republican form of government and its work ethic became inextricably bound to the engine of capitalism. And by “capitalism” is not meant “corporate/predatory/crony”-style capitalism, which is not capitalism at all. Neither is capitalism usurious money lending/ borrowing. The capitalism to which I refer means individuals who are free to produce goods and services of their choosing who compete in a free and open market in order to make an untaxed, reasonable return from the fruits of their labor for themselves and their families.  
The colony of Maryland was the destination for Catholics. As the name “Maryland” implies it was named after “Mary”—viz., Queen Henrietta Maria (1609-1669), the Roman Catholic wife of English King Charles I. And it’s no secret: Catholics have a special regard for Mary, mother of Jesus. And so I do not think it an improbable coincidence that Maryland was also meant to refer to the Blessed Virgin Mary, the mother of Jesus. She is not adored and worshipped as is God the Father and the Son and the Holy Ghost. Instead her intercession is sought by Catholics, just as Catholics and Christians generally venerate the saints and pray for their help and guidance.
Catholics were viewed with suspicion in colonial America. They still are suspect today and for good reason: for an overarching fealty to the pope, or better stated, Catholics seem to have their own internal agenda that is a separate allegiance apart from the state. And they were suspect due to the corrupting influence of Jesuits meddling in government and finance. Therefore, Catholics were scapegoated for much of the corruption of the papacy and its Jesuits. Many well-intentioned Catholics, who can be counted as devoted patriots, were unjustly accused because of the malfeasance conducted and condoned by cardinals, bishops and pope.
Non-Roman Catholic Christians had rejected the pope and the Vatican structure since 1517 when Martin Luther formulated his 95 Theses (also known as his Disputation on the Power of Indulgences). Luther split the Church apart by his harsh condemnation of the Roman Catholic Church’s injustices and failings. These were very real abuses he complained of. And we must take note that this same era (the 1500s) also marks the advent of allowing the former mortal sin of usury and of certain occultist dabbling being accepted within the Church.
As I understand it, the Church’s reaction to the Protestant Reformation was to deploy its Jesuit army to combat this challenge to its authority. While the Jesuits are intellectual giants known to be superb educators, they are also highly skilled in covert, subversive activities. And one can see how they can use the former skill to feed the latter; by educating the offspring of the elite they establish a strong personal rapport with them and make strategic use of this relationship to further their own globe-trotting agenda. The Jesuit behind-the-scenes tampering in political affairs would become the template for all covert spy activities that have followed, not the least of which would be the Deep State and its CIA-run Shadow Government—go here to get a sense of what I mean:
And so, all along the non-Catholic Christians have had a very strong aversion to the machinations of the Roman Catholic Church. This was certainly the case at the founding of America in 1776. Is it any wonder, then, that the colonists in America were (and its future citizens would continue to be) overwhelmingly “Protestant”?  
I posit that these non-Roman Catholic (“Protestant”) Christian denominations should be congratulated for making their own way forward without the deeply entrenched and highly connected guidance and support of pope and Vatican. After all, the Church of Rome has tremendous wealth and resources. But both pope and Vatican were corrupted long ago. The final indignity was the perfidious changes wrought by Vatican II beginning in 1965. NOTE:  If there is any doubt about this corruption readers should consult Michael Hoffman’s work, viz., Usury in Christendom: The Mortal Sin that Was and Now is Not (2013); and The Occult Renaissance Church of Rome (2017). For a shockingly bitter, current example of how deep the Church of Rome’s corruption is believed to be today, peruse the following online article:  Eyewitnesses Testify: Pope Francis Allegedly Raped, Trafficked and Killed Children, 
By resisting and rejecting the corrupt Papacy, these Protestants were mounting a heroic struggle to be true to the gospel of Jesus while standing up like David to the Philistine’s Goliath. That is, they were falling back upon the innate, individual liberty of their immortal souls; they were being true to the familial lineage of Faith that permeates the Bible message.
There is an interesting parallel between patriots standing up to Britain and non-Catholic Christians standing up to Rome. Americans wanted neither lording over them.
Despite the profound distrust of Catholicism, it was a Catholic coup that Washington, D.C., the capital city of the American republic, would be created from land donated by Maryland. This fellow is no historian either, but common sense tells you that this ceding of its land to create the seat of the federal government opened up fertile opportunities for Catholics—and for mischief!
Even with these difficulties, America—as the first nation to consecrate itself to liberty—is a nation that also consecrated itself to God; to the Divine attributes of goodness and justice. To the extent the United States of America fails in its duty to God it becomes a pariah state that subordinates the People from whom it derives its very existence. A pariah state consists of a Shadow Government with a Deep Statist “will” that rules and enslaves. This runs counter to liberty and therefore counter to the proper current of that which is good and just. Such a nation dishonors its God and thus becomes evil. Instead it serves the Adversary: Satan, Lucifer, Ahriman, and in this way the People become enslaved to Mammon.
All of the many individuals and agencies who subvert our republic by usurping our liberty are disregarding their own souls and the souls of others, and in this way they are disregarding God. I’m speaking of those who are liars, murderers, law breakers who live by covert means, by stealth, who steal what is not theirs, who live by lies and who deceive all trusting and good people—those common people who aspire to live upright and moral lives; to live by a rule of law that can be traced to the source of all law: to God, the Divine will, the Creator, Redeemer, and Sustainer.
Just as Christianity became a bulwark against the evils of the Roman Empire to gradually establish something akin to St. Augustine’s City of God upon the Earth, America represented a similar vision as a Shining City on the Hill (Calvary—not Capitol Hill), conceived in liberty, from whence the rest of the world might model itself. In its infancy America sought independence from the intrigues of secret societies and privileged casts as existed in the land of its colonial master, Great Britain. But just as the Vatican, via the Medici family and its connections, would ascend to rule in the guise of a Holy Roman Empire, America would get lured to lead the transnational Anglo-American-Israeli alliance via the intrigues of the House of Rothschild, its servitors, and other nefarious plotters. A pivotal and insightful essay by James Perloff is on point: Christianity and the Truth Movement: How Much Do They Coincide?  
Ash Wednesday is a reminder of our frail mortal selves: “From dust thou hast come and to dust thou shalt return,” says the priest as he puts the ash mark on the forehead. Man is weak. Power corrupts. Nothing, not riches, prestige, education, power, high career or honors mean one wit. All that matters is one’s frequent and fervent devotion to the constant, unchanging truth of Spirit. This is the real, the authentic, the true reality; that for which countless saints reproved tyrants and for which martyrs died. 
In man’s imperfect odyssey toward enjoying liberty, goodness and justice, his institutions seem to forever falter. These institutions, too, may be nothing more than ashes. But if, before they are hopelessly corrupted, we can learn just enough from such institutions to mold us into soldiers of truth—soldiers of Christ—we can transcend those very same faltering institutions. Their corruption need not corrupt the faith we carry in our hearts—faith that we can create a better geo-political world that comes ever closer to being that ideal republic, that City on the Hill and true City of God.
It is in this Spirit that, as a non-denominational Roman Catholic, I find commonality with our “Protestant” brethren. They, like many traditionalist Catholics, have been struggling for 500 years without an authentic institutional anchor of pope and Vatican. And like today’s traditionalist Catholics what “Protestants” have erected in place of what Jesus Christ Himself founded may range from questionable to heretical. Still, who can question? Who can blame whom? Human beings of unshakable faith in the gospel of Jesus carry on as best they can in the face of implacable evil, even when it infiltrates the very fabric of their own institutions.
Similarly, those patriots who have true liberty etched into their souls have carried on, weathering the storm of those who would destroy the constitutional institutions of our republic. It is not an easy task to uproot the evil that has insinuated itself all along throughout America’s history, especially in its more modern guise since 1913 when the Federal Reserve began taking over America’s financial and economic sector. But, ever so methodically, the Washington Swamp is being drained.  
Now a second American revolution is upon us. Just as anonymous patriots stood up to Britain in 1776, they now must stand up to America’s domestic enemies who have long been funded and supported by foreign agents; and, just as non-Catholic Christians stood up to Rome beginning in 1517, American Christians must stand up to Rome yet again in order to root out the institutional cancer that has been gnawing at its core for over 500 years. No one shall lord over us! And if the Vatican Swamp can also be drained and reformed we just may see a world that can right itself. 
Through enduring struggle, the truth shall set all Christians free to re-unite as one against the common foe of Mankind. Likewise, Americans and free peoples everywhere shall win the struggle of throwing off all elitist controller/ handlers who only seek to destroy liberty and crush the spiritual birthright of human beings. Both true Christians and patriotic Americans need to stand side-by-side against their common enemies, foreign and domestic. It is to the greater glory of God the Father, Son and Holy Ghost, and not the perversions of the Evil One, that Church and State must remain steadfast—separated yet co-dependent on one another.  

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