Thursday, December 31, 2020

The Biden Terror Train: Telomeres-and-All

What are "telomeres"?[i]

Communists don’t need to attack us; they infiltrate and subvert from within by using trainloads of useful idiots. Sneaky old wankers they, eh?

The whole “multiculturalism and diversity” sham has spit out lots of useful idiots from lefty universities and “woke” corporations. This is one way among others that Communists have, over many years, amply prepared the ground worldwide. Yes, taking over the world has been their long-term pet project. Britain conceded years ago and the EU let themselves get buggered.

One need only look at these new “diversity quotas” that have been devised for positions of power on boards of directors. These have conveniently allowed China to poach talent from discarded human capital—namely “Caucasian old guys”—who suddenly have nowhere to go and nothing to do. This strategy of taking connected old codgers under their wing is an obvious alternative for China since being prohibited from acquiring U.S. companies outright.[ii]

So…sorry Charlie—I’m afraid the Trump factor has gotten in your way. Trump’s brilliant exposure of anti-American activities has triggered this final grab of theirs, their take-over, blundering, steal-the-election move. Commies’ premature will-to-power ejaculations also come now because they (mistakenly) believe that We the People are sufficiently softened-up, “cooked,” so that we are ready to be harvested and gobbled.

We are NOT and never will be their farm “animules,” despite the sheep-like cowards and traitors in high-swamp zones like the U.S. Congress, legacy media, and out among our state and county governments and schools. Instead, it is they who will be routed out and feasted upon. 

Communist China owns Biden Swampdogs and Co. which we now know includes such sage bedfellow RINOs as Sen. Mitch McConnell, VP Mike Pence, and our own Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan. I keep scratching my head, incredulous that long-time politicians can display such sophomoric, non-starter political instincts. Can’t they see which way the wind is blowing? Don’t they know better than to go against our fearless leader? More and more I suspect it’s their degenerating telomers; senescence and aptosis must be eating away at them.  

Biden did what he was told to do: he embraced the radical leftists’ socialist program, Swalwelling it hook, line and sinker. By becoming “president-elect” he is now, theoretically, able to drive that Commie locomotive pushing an ass-backwards program uphill, one meant only to destroy America by selling us out to the Deep State’s globalist NWO Commie-Swamp. It’s nothing short of the Biden Terror Train, that “Little Train that Couldn’t” (no match for the muscular, unstoppable Trump Train—now a legend in its own time).

Unlike Pushover Joe, patriots are the essence of tumescence. We stand tall, ready to kick your Commie butts and give you and your “honeypots” a licking you’ll long remember.

So ready yourself, Poohman, and likewise for all of your now-expired, self-styled, cloned-pony, idiot Poobahs.

American Traitors

[i] “Telomeres”—from the Greek nouns telos (τέλος) "end" and merοs (μέρος, root: μερ-) "part"… Average telomere length declines from about 11 kilobases at birth to fewer than 4 kilobases in old age, with the average rate of decline being greater in men than in women… Telomere shortening in humans can induce replicative senescence, which blocks cell division. This mechanism appears to prevent genomic instability and development of cancer in human aged cells by limiting the number of cell divisions. However, shortened telomeres impair immune function that might also increase cancer susceptibility… If telomeres become too short, they have the potential to unfold from their presumed closed structure. The cell may detect this uncapping as DNA damage and then either stop growing, enter cellular old age (senescence), or begin programmed cell self-destruction (apoptosis) depending on the cell's genetic background (p53 status). Uncapped telomeres also result in chromosomal fusions. Since this damage cannot be repaired in normal somatic cells, the cell may even go into apoptosis. Many aging-related diseases are linked to shortened telomeres. Organs deteriorate as more and more of their cells die off or enter cellular senescence.    https://en.wikipedia

[ii] See, Lauren Silva Laughlin, Breakingviews – China Inc will recycle used white guys (12/21/20) Reprinted in the Unz Report by Steve Sailer, (12/27/20).

Sunday, December 27, 2020

Let’s Wake Up and Clean House

An oath to support and defend the Constitution for the United States of America[i] is taken by every federal employee; from the lowliest civil service worker in any-old-agency, to men and women in Congress, and to the Justices of the Supreme Court. I suppose even those privileged and entrenched (Deep State) bureaucrats known as the Senior Executive Service also take the oath.

It is the same for government workers on the state level, and includes that state’s own constitution as well.

Do aids and assistants to public servants also take that oath?

How about federal and state contractors?

For sure, members of intelligence agencies and our active and reserve military take the oath.

But how many declare that oath and yet have no understanding, no thorough-going and studied knowledge of what is actually in the Constitution; of what the various articles and amendments mean in their originalist, textual sense; and that they have a solemn duty to protect our country from both foreign and domestic enemies?

Given the 2020 presidential (mis)election and the number of Democrats and Republicans who wish to ignore that “cooked vote,” they are obviously ignorant and/or oblivious to both the letter and the spirit of our nation’s Constitution.

When I hear the many calls for President Trump to step aside I’m reminded that in airports and hospitals and in doctors’ waiting rooms—even in Veterans Administration Hospitals—CNN is still blasting from the TV monitors found ubiquitously throughout their buildings. Why? Why would this blatantly unpatriotic, sell-out, communist network that has absolutely no regard for any Constitution have a monopoly over what station the public is to see? Showcasing CNN like this is a slap in the face of every patriot.

The public tends to think that politicians have at least the politic ability to gauge the People’s sentiments; to exhibit basic horse sense by adhering to the finer intricacies of our constitutional republic. If these public figures in Congress don’t understand the Constitution, who does?

Theoretically, the political domain consists of those in whom the People have placed an abiding trust to represent their lawful interests. This is why they were elected to office. (And don’t forget, there are also non-elected public servants, e.g., “appointed officials,” who are, in turn, delegated positions of trust by elected representatives—ascending “by proxy,” you might say.)

But it shocks the conscience to hear the Republican leader of the Senate ignore an obviously cooked vote, a cooked election, by recognizing the usurping “Big Man” as President-Elect, and to rally others to do the same—suggesting that our sitting president betray his oath and just “accept things and move on” as they are doing.

Doesn’t this high official know the Constitution? It seems McConnell has about as much Constitutional literacy as those state officials who threw their own elections? Yes, whether by bribery or blackmail, his action is that of a coward and an oath-breaker.

Those in the political class who are ignoring their oaths to support and defend the Constitution are in fact willfully betraying it. What an outrage to each and every patriot who revers our God-given liberties as enunciated in the Declaration of Independence! Those who ignorantly concede to a sham election certainly do not deserve the privilege of being public servants. Non merci!—off with their heads!

Our America was the first republic to be governed by a written constitution in the history of the world! Moreover, ours is a republic steeped in Christian precepts of morality. To betray God and country is to be the lowest of the lowest—and all those who buy into the psy-op Biden/Harris delusion are clueless about our government. They are members of a complete and utter “confederacy of slimers” deserving to be separated, alienated, cast out, cut off, expelled, and ostracized indefinitely from America the Beautiful.

The sole reason America’s reputation began sinking and the character of its People got tarnished and demonized, is due to the cabalistic deceptions of the Deep State and its evil influence over our country for many, many years. We are not the Deep State. We are not sell-outs to China. We want our country back again. For these reasons our sitting president received more votes than any other president in American history.

Hence, Mitch McConnell and your Council-on-Foreign-Relations-Communist-Chinese wife need to take your rightful place in the Hall of Shame, along with Justice "Lord" Roberts, almost all Democrats, and every other cowardly traitor who has broken his or her Constitutional oath—who have preferred 30-pieces-of-silver to righteousness. By so doing you have joined the faithless among us—you are one and the same as that despicable class of British loyalists in our last Revolution; even worse: GO!

[i] The thought has crossed my mind that perhaps disingenuous oath takers who give lip service to the “U.S. Constitution” aka the “Constitution of (and not for) the United States of America”—are thus referencing the post-1871, covertly reinterpreted corporate version (USA, Inc.) of the Constitution wherein the meaning of the rights, terms, privileges, limitations and conditions set forth therein are,, in fact, “circumscribed” and in this way they are gas-lighting us all into believing that they have, indeed, given the proper oath. We will assume for the purpose of this essay that there is presumption that the oath given reflects the original intent of the Constitutional framers.      

Monday, December 21, 2020

The Soviet Union-Putin-Russia

As a child I recall hearing about the Communist Revolution of 1917. I remember seeing pictures in my “history” book of armed Bolsheviks running willy-nilly in the streets. Names such as Marx and Lenin and Stalin were mentioned as being terrible atheists who hated Christianity and persecuted the Orthodox Russian people. On our home turf, Sen. Joe McCarthy was depicted as a kind of scary "Grand Inquisitor."

I next remember the name “Khrushchev,” a seeming madman banging his shoe on a podium at the U.N. and crying out, “I will bury you” (in Russian of course). And he seemed strangely out of place, even wacko, when mirrored against Kennedy.

When I was 13-years old I remember filling out an application for a job in a bowling alley. One question asked, “Are you now or have you ever been a member of the Communist Party?” I had to ask my father about that one and he just sort of chuckled. Scratching my head, I, of course, checked “No.” I also remember hearing about the Soviets' stupid propaganda newspapers, Pravda and Izvestia, and I wondered how the Soviet people could be so naïve as to believe what those rags touted.

In high school, Mick Jagger sang, “I killed the Tsar and his ministers…Anastasia screamed in vain…” Though I didn’t “get it” then, the subliminal message by the late ‘60s was “revolution is cool.” I was marching in protest demonstrations then.

From high school and beyond, a rogues gallery of names came and went: mostly it was Brezhnev, then a ghostly face known as “Kosygin,” followed by a string of short-lived leaders—Andropov, Chernenko, Gromyko, Ustinov… They all seemed like knock-offs of the cartoon character “Boris Badenov.”  

These doddering dinosaurs were followed eventually by a drunken clown named Boris Yeltsin and finally by a sly fox named Gorbachev. As the Berlin wall was coming down, I was training to be a JAGC officer. From thence onward, my life was mostly a tapestry of organized confusion.

It wasn’t until I was 60-years old that I started to get a handle on what it all meant and where it was all going. When the “walls came tumbling down,” it seemed that we had won WWIII, the Great Economic/Propaganda War. Yet what seemed like a victory was really a “defrosted cold war”; an intensification of our already infiltrated government, education, corporate, industry, social, and religious institutions. Communism, which seemed so backward, so anachronistic, came flowing outward in the form of “cultural Marxism.” In short-order it was becoming evident that We had become the enemy; we had become them.

Enter Putin. Once an intrepid agent in the dreaded KGB, Vladimir Putin became the face of the new “Russia”—reborn anew from the chaos of its Soviet holocaust era; from 70+ years of radical leftist thuggery imposed upon a valiant and rugged populace who had somehow survived insane depredations—the endless, Satanic nightmare of total distrust, 24/7 surveillance, brutal intimidation, suppression, oppression, death, or a spiritual death sentence of being whisked away to Siberian Gulag work camps and without a safe harbor of a priest class that might have brought some degree of comfort.

I noticed that Mr. Putin got good press in the USA (as had Gorbachev before him). He has generally been depicted in the press as athletic, as an outdoorsman, as being circumspect and sensible, yet decisive. His countenance is not particularly frightening and is, in fact, actually somewhat reassuring

There was even a sort of “rebirthing of Anastasia” as a Siberian forest mystic. (See, Megre, V. (2005). Anastasia. (The Ringing Cedars Series, Eight vols., Sharashkin, L., Ed.; Woodsworth, J. Trans.) Columbia, Missouri: Ringing Cedars Press).  This book series caught the imagination of many, me included. The author of this series was an ardent Putin supporter. Was this real or a psy-op?

Probably the most strikingly civilized aspect of the man was his seeming Christian faith, as he poured himself into resurrecting the Orthodox Church across the newly minted version of old Russia. There are many scenes of Mr. Putin posing with the Russian religious, even Jewish leaders.  

But there is a dilemma, and here’s the crux of it: a nation that has perfected the art of deception, deconstruction, dissembly, dissociation, media manipulation and propagandistic mind control, psychological disruption and derangement, infiltration and subterfuge, institutionalized evil, amorality, just plain godlessness, lying, cheating, stealing and murdering—how can that nation have any credibility left?

Ah, but there is a qualifier: those horrors just listed above are not confined to the Soviet Union; they are endemic to any despotic government apparatus. And despite the nomenclature—monarchy, democracy, or republic—the responsible evil entity can be described as the Deep State, embedded within, borne of secret sects and societies, Illuminati agents. They exist in every nation and are responsible for the existence and perpetuation of all supra-national, globalist institutions.     

But getting back to Putin… One thing we know for sure: he ain't fat!

I recall reading an article in which Putin’s ex-wife claims that her ex-husband’s current manifestation is not the man to whom she was once married. This is not simply to say, “He’s changed.” She means that he has been cloned or some such thing—meaning, the person we see as Putin is actually a “bio-android replicant.” ç they’re everywhere, beware! They can be detected by examining the ears, the jaw line, or the eyes (that shift back and forth from human to reptilian). The stuff of fantasy sci-fi? Who knows what is possible in today’s techno-world? OK. So noted.

What’s aggravating and perplexing about the Russian leader is that he was once an apparatchik of the radical Soviet leftist thuggery state. Is he now in “redeemed form”? How can we know for sure? Can we ever trust such a fellow? Americans want to extend trust to those who appear to be sincere. Wasn’t it President Reagan who made the phrase “trust, but verify” a sort of slogan? (Actually, it seems the phrase was originally a Russian one, which adds to our confounded condition!)

With all the recent “muh Russia” hysteria by our own radical, lying leftist public figures—who even still try tagging Pres. Trump as a “Russian agent”—the waters of Russo-American relations have been hopelessly muddied. What we have been led to believe is that present-day Russia is not the former Soviet Union of Socialist Republics.

I have an old friend, half Russian, half Irish-English. He can even understand and speak Russian and he doesn't trust Putin. He believes that Putin is only, in reality, a figurehead; that it is the Russian mafia who really run today's Russia. That could be, I suppose.

I, for one, would like to believe that President Putin is on-the-level; that he’s a good guy. At the same time, the American in me knows that Russians haven’t exactly evolved from a long line of liberty-lovers. Their history shows the exact opposite: strong, often despotic leaders, have in fact almost always been in power there and her people, though tough and resilient, are essentially lemmings when it comes to their government (or is this something I was “mis-taught”?).

We are always hearing something off-color about Russia across the spectrum of “the news.” Therefore, unless you are a real insider, it is probably too difficult to know one way or the other ç and even if you are an “insider,” that old paranoia surfaces again to make even so-called "experts" suspect.

So, now that World War IV is underwaythe new, improved cyber-varietywe better leave it all alone, stick with America’s rugged individualists, and fight for Trump. Basta!   

Friday, December 18, 2020

Kidding and Killing Ourselves

American Intelligence Media (AIM) recently featured a toothbrush, the Soladey – eco, in one of its CAT Reports (“Citizens Addicted to Truth”).[i] In its report, AIM posted the company’s information video on this product, originally developed in Japan.[ii]

The product video informs viewers that the toothbrush cleans teeth and freshens breath by using negatively charged ions—no toothpaste needed. It has a “Titanium Dioxide rod” and when light strikes its small solar battery, it produces “negative ions” which decalcify the teeth of plaque while also mixing with your saliva.

When I heard “titanium dioxide” it triggered my recall of an article I had recently read on the site[iii] Its usage as an additive is discussed below. But more broadly speaking, this “product enhancer,” titanium dioxide, brings to the fore a growing divide over the cause of disease, viz., the long-embraced “germ theory” versus the long-suppressed “terrain theory.”

The germ theory is summed up nicely by Louize Small, whose writing is quoted (and abridged) in the opening of the Henry Makow piece:

     Germ Theory does not account for or explain many diseases, such as cancer, heart disease, diabetes... There is clearly a gap in the conventional wisdom of how our bodies work and why we become ill....illness is the body's way of ridding itself of toxins and is the result of a weakened immune system.

     It is said that not a single virus has been proven to exist, and that in order for a virus to be correctly identified, it has to be isolated, reproduced, and shown that symptoms develop in line with expectation (known as the Koch's Postulates test). This has reportedly never taken place.[iv]

However, the terrain theory emphasizes “the water within which we all swim,” viz., the interplay between processed, man-made substances and the atmospheric deluge of electromagnetic (EM) pollution in our terrain (perhaps better stated as our “holistic environment” that includes the air around us).

A prominent figure in this debate appears to be one Robin D.P. Watson, whose own article[v] is subsumed in the Makow piece.[vi] Watson states:

     What has been described as a viral epidemic in this writer’s opinion is a complex interplay of electromagnetic forces on food additive E171 or titanium dioxide. There has been an absolute abuse of science and language in describing titanium dioxide as a food additive, which has allowed food and pharmaceutical manufacturers to include this synergistic poison in their products. There is ample evidence of this corruption, in scientific and medical papers, where disease after disease has its origins in exposure to titanium dioxide.    But, despite my attempts for eight years to alert the media, politicians and doctors to this fact, the response to this information has been dismal. It appears many groups have lost the ability to think critically for themselves and more importantly care less about its effects on people. Titanium dioxide is not a nutrient. It is insoluble and excoriates vascular systems within the body. It bioaccumulates in organs, reducing their ability to function properly and it reacts to various frequencies of electromagnetic radiation. 

Watson goes on to describe titanium dioxide as a “weapon.” Why? Because, according to Watson, “when these particles are within the body, the injury to the surrounding cell structures by the homogenizing of their adjacent material provides a medium for overgrowth of various pre-curser elements of cancers and other diseases.”[vii] This trenchant insight conjures up the current hoax now refer to as “KoVid.” And Watson spares no mercy in pinpointing his professional wrath when he states:

     Many victims of covid-19 have been predisposed to having their immunity status critically lowered by prolonged exposure to Electromagnetic Frequencies (EMF) from photo voltaics (cheap solar panels) which produce adverse electrical fields.     This has been the case of many victims in nursing homes in Australia and many of those who sailed away on 'floating microwave ovens,' the cruise ships where passengers were subjected to high levels of 5G.[viii] 

Well, well, well. The Soladey-eco toothbrush immediately comes to mind, with its little solar-activated battery at the end of the handle. If this cheap little solar panel converts light into negative ions that then mix with saliva, well, if Watson is right it doesn’t seem to bode well for the immune system of the user, now does it? What is titanium dioxide anyway?

Titanium dioxide is a heavy metal ingredient used to whiten paint and paper products. But it is also added (in “food-grade” form) into many foods—typically candies, pastries, chewing gum, coffee creamers, chocolates, and cake decorations products.  


Titanium dioxide is also widely used in toothpastes and sunscreens, lipsticks, and beauty creams and powders. In these products it’s usually found as nano-titanium dioxide, which was engineered to have a much smaller molecular structure than the food-grade version.


Although cosmetics aren’t meant for consumption, titanium dioxide in toothpaste and lipstick may be swallowed or absorbed through the skin (consider sunscreens being slathered all over the body).


It is also added to the packaging of fruit to preserve the shelf life because titanium dioxide decreases ethylene production, thus delaying the ripening process. I wonder what else it can do (like causing physiological havoc within or bodies and in other living organisms).

By the way (in the broader domain of all diseases), given children's higher ratio of toxins-to-weight—and because titanium dioxide is so commonly found in sweets, in toothpaste, and in sunscreen that misinformed parents slather on them—children are the most vulnerable. No wonder diseases formerly found only in adults are now manifesting in our children—nothing short of a planned genocide of our youth, I’d say (just in case they escaped being aborted).

Fortunately, for the more scientific among us, Robin D.P. Watson’s work has laid out his theory and relevant research here:  

— and here:  

Watson refers to his work as the Nano-Blenders Thesis. Although he highlights titanium dioxide as a prime causal agent, there are numerous other “nano-fibres” that behave as “nano-blenders.” Besides titanium dioxide, these also include fiber glass, asbestos, silicon dioxide or similar insoluble crystalline structures. All of these vibrate in situ when subjected to various frequencies of EM radiation. According to Watson, such structures cause many diseases otherwise inexplicable to conventional science, which can only cite those old, pesky chimeras referred to for so long as “germs.”

In laymen’s terms the Rockefeller-developed germ theory is one that "attacks bad guy viruses” that need to be killed by “shooting bullets” from medicine’s synthetic pharmacopoeia arsenal.

For those applying a more critical thinking approach, the terrain theory goes more like this: if we eliminate the “nano landmines and their EM air support,” we liberate the human immune system, which can then thrive as the most effective and most inexpensive sentinel guarding our health.

I’m no scientist or medical man, but I don’t think a toothbrush, armed with a titanium dioxide rod, is the People's ally in this war. That war is being waged by the same tyrannical Deep State partisan hacks that have brought this shamdemic upon us like a boot stamping on our collective faces.

It’s time for the never-properly-proven germ theory to bite the dust, to go the way of yesterdays “humors,” and other such antiquated scientizmic belief systems. We the People need Rockefeller medicine about as much as we need any other gobbledeegook intended to sicken, impoverish and enslave us so as to ultimately diminish our full human measure.

At the outset, the question welling up from within me was—

   If Watson’s “Nano-Blenders Thesis” is correct, does food-borne titanium dioxide differ from “negative ions mixing with saliva” as to disease causation efficacy?

Using only my logic and a simple, discerning intuition, I answer with a resounding YES! (Maybe Japan should export those toothbrushes only to the Commies running mainland China, instead of to genuine republics trying desperately to right themselves from decades of deadly cabalistic hi-jinx).


[ii] Soladey – eco,

[iv] Louize Small, The Light Paper, p.16 (presumably Issue 4, Dec. 11, 2020)

[v] (Unfortunately, Robin D.P. Watson’s article seems to have been scrubbed from the web; formerly at): Disability By Design: Covid-19, Titanium Dioxide and Electromagnetic Radiation; however, the article was apparently retrieved and saved here:

[vi] See Endnote iii.


[viii] See Endnote v.

Tuesday, December 15, 2020

The Lion-Hearted Among Us

As I contemplate the 2020 election’s strange and disconcerting outcome, my mind has been whirring on what it all means; how might we “sort it all out”? Certain images have started coming to the fore: folklorish fables from J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings and from C.S. Lewis’s Narnia. These are multi-volume works of fantasy.

But there is more than fantasy in them. Rather, they are myth and legend related via the knowledgeable and creative lenses of two very capable writers. And within these books are characters who portray eternal truths; characters who use their free-wills in order to seek a re-dress of wrongdoing so as to restore justness to society.

Tolkien and Lewis both taught at Oxford and were members of the same literary group, The Inklings. Between 1932-1962 this group met regularly at a pub to share ideas and to discuss their writings. “[B]oth were interested in literature, myth, and language, and both wrote fictional books which propagated basic Christian themes and principles.”[i] They differed, however, on how they presented their Christian faith: Tolkien deeply buried his Christ-like allusions, whereas Lewis used much more overt symbols and metaphors.

The lion, Aslan is the towering hero throughout the Narnia series. Aslan obviously is meant to portray the risen Christ, who maintains His immanent omni-presence; a noble lion who makes himself manifest only at critical junctures. More than the “king of the jungle,” Aslan depicts the real King of the Realm—an avatar of true heavenly dimensions. Hence the character of Aslan is set forth as the guiding force in the land of Narnia, an idealized Christian utopia from the imagination of C.S. Lewis.

Likewise, we often see the lion being used as a metaphor by the president’s base to epitomize the same noble qualities exhibited in the the person of Donald J. Trump and his presidency. (Those who are not aware of this are simply going to all the wrong news sources.)   

Recently, then, when I came across this incredible story of “Lion Man,” I immediately equated it with both Aslan and PDJT.

How fertile is the adoring imagination, I thought. But the connection is not simply one of a drooling sycophant to this (non)politician, Trump. Instead, the connective tissue has been earned by a hero president who has been able to sustain himself and accomplish much despite “a partisan onslaught…in which no tactic, however abusive and deceitful, was out of bounds.”[ii] That is, concerning Trump it certainly can be said, “No cowardly lion (or wilting wall-flower) is he!”

No doubt, all of the accolades showered upon our fearless leader, due to his principled courage, fortitude, and ingenious maneuvering, are well-deserved. One can say that these were the same attributes assigned to the English crusader, King Richard the Lion-Hearted (as were also exemplified by his stand-in, Robin Hood, while the good king was away defending the Holy Land).

But I’d say the real literary master was J.R.R. Tolkien. His main protagonist was the fumbling-but-well-intentioned Frodo, the Hobbit. Frodo rather recklessly stumbles into his lead role in this fantastical drama. He begins his long journey (an archetypal hero’s journey worthy of the highest rating on the “Joseph Campbell hero scale”) to save the world—a world that was on the gradual slow boil toward an almost unmentionably depraved evil.

Initially inspired by his uncle, Bilbo Baggins, Frodo, along with two rag-tag companions from his hometown, soon becomes the worthy recipient of assistance from warriors who hail from some very respected quarters. Enduring excruciating hardships and applying Herculean efforts, Frodo and company eventually triumph.

Throughout the journey, the “ring” (recovered by Bilbo and borne by Frodo) is a central focus. Its powers, like the discoveries of Tesla, are both wonderful and terrible. But used with care by someone seeking to renew a world practically overcome by evil, the ring is Tolkien’s metaphor for righteousness and divine retribution against the evil-doers in his long tale (17 years in the making).

The capstone to the tale is when Frodo returns with his retinue of battle-seasoned fighters. They confront the thugs who have, by now, overtaken Hobbitland and environs. In short order things are straightened out (and with very few casualties).

Watching the long-unfolding drama of this 2020 (mis)election, the images from these two works of literature fire-up my soul with an overflowing optimism. Isn’t this the purpose of great literature?—to prompt us, by timeless images depicting ordinary folks doing extraordinary feats—so as to impart depth and breadth to those eternal human values of truth, justice, and free-will? I think so.

I especially think so as I witness the courage of a patriot and his small town attorney who have just gotten the court in a backwater village in Michigan “to release the findings from their forensic examination of 16 Dominion Voting machines in Antrim County, MI where thousands of votes flipped from President Trump to Joe Biden on November 3, 2020.”[iii]

It is such big deeds done by common folk that are so characteristically American (though this sentiment is not meant to overshadow the impeccably fine work of the barrister, and now public figure, Sydney Powell). Sydney Powell, I have just discovered, is also a seasoned military attorney! This will certainly come in handy at the long-awaited military tribunals.

And so it would appear that a happy ending is finally in sight to this tragi-comedy-loony-election of 2020. I’m looking forward to four years of some righteous righting of a wronged nation as its wretched, Commie “influencers” and their Deep State “operatives” are systematically eliminated from this, our blessed land. 

May God continue to bless the lion-hearted among us!   












[i] Cline, Austin. "C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien Argued Over Christian Theology." Learn Religions, Aug. 26, 2020,

[ii] Extracted from William J. Barr’s resignation letter dated December 14, 2020.

[iii] BREAKING BOMBSHELL: MI Judge Grants Attorney Matt DePerno Permission To RELEASE Results Of Forensic Examination On 16 Dominion Voting Machines In Antrim Co. [VIDEO] by Patty McMurray, Gateway Pundit, December 14, 2020 at 8:30am,



Saturday, December 12, 2020

USA, Inc. v. United States of America

Were there two or three bankruptcies in our country’s history that have covertly transmuted us from a constitutional republic into a corporate entity?

If so, did we lose our country a long time ago, and with it the Constitution for the united States of America?

Thus, did the state of Texas, according to the SCOTUS, not have standing because there is no constitution upon which to base a claim and thus no original jurisdiction (or otherwise) under which to bring such a claim for relief?

And therefore, have we been, and are we currently, a pretend nation of make-believe institutions that no longer work because those institutions don’t actually exist anymore?


There is a decentralized, underground, informal think-tank of theoretical political analysts who may very well answer “YES” to the above inquiries. Two people come to mind immediately: Anna Maria Riezinger and :Russell-Jay Gould:. There are those who follow these theoreticians and there are others who hold similar opinions who might loosely be referred to as “freemen on the land” or perhaps the “sovereignty truth movement.”

If ever there was a time for such theorists to step forward it is now. Now is the time to come out and explain your unique political opinions—however outlandish and preposterous they may seem at first blush—to those inquiring minds that want to know:

Have we been living in an illusion as Matrix-style slaves, covertly ruled over by British financial-secret-society-intel hegemony?

Are we enduring a pantomime (similar to the KoVid lockdown mentality) imposed upon We the People by a nefarious, controlling socialist-globalist cabal whose brainwashing is all but complete?

Has the karmic bedevilment of our failed diligence to preserve American liberty finally come back to bite us in our collective arses?

Is an actual, kinetic militia/military solution necessary now that spills the blood of patriots and tyrants as the sole solution needed in order to keep the tree of liberty alive?

Inquiring minds want to know!

Sunday, December 6, 2020


There are stories, lots of stories, of good people being boxed in by bad, only for the bad people to suddenly realize they are surrounded by good people armed with weapons that are aimed directly at them.

As these stories go, the thugs then back down and back off, valuing their fragile mortality over any semblance of spiritual courage (that has long since diminished within them anyway). It quickly dawns on the bad guys that the good guys are forcing this realization upon them, right there and then, in the here and now. Given their embarrassing situation—one that the bad guys, themselves, had initially contrived—they must now slink away with their “tails between their legs” or face the righteous barrels of guns ready to unload upon them.

Militias have gotten a bad rap. Media have indoctrinated the People by depicting militias as exclusively, “white power, white supremacist, right wing extremists with guns who wear camo-clothes.” Why? It’s the same old “politically correct” propaganda; it is meant to instill in the People that to band together and pick up guns in order to make a principled stand is to be a bunch of stupid-ass redneck fools. We real Americans are anything but… We come in all colors, ages, shapes, and sexes.

In fact, any people with weapons who bond together for a higher purpose are a de facto militia. Many cells of a People with weapons comprise a brotherhood of militias. Such militias are outside both the organized police force and the military of a nation, our American nation; they are local bands outside of central government control, both state and federal.

As such, militias are suspect. With localities taking power into their own hands via their militias, centralized "communitarian" ideologues become fearful. For them, control is everything. And if control is lacking, then questions begin arising about the “rule of law" being overcome and "things getting out-of-control.” But it is only getting out of their control—a critical distinction when noting how control easily morphs into tyranny (which, admittedly, is an inherent danger on both sides of the equation, though a risk that disciplined patriots within militias readily take upon themselves).

And yet, despite the fears of “controllers,” militias are specifically referred to in the Constitution for the united States of America ç (Notice the grammar, indicating there are “united States” each of which bears allegiance to one written document setting forth limitations on rulership by a central governing body. That document further defines us as the sovereign People whose liberties and privileges were originally set forth under a Declaration of Independence as being endowed to us by our Creator; and these written documents are “for” the People's sacrosanct benefit. It is not the “United States,” the corporate entity, for which the Constitution stands.) No, the Constitution stands for the People who comprise each State within a brotherhood of "States of America" that gives us our national or federal identity. But, those within that identity retain their sovereignty, both as States and as individuals from which all governmental power arises.

Under the Second Amendment to that Constitution, individuals within each State can bear arms for the purpose of defending themselves and their State. In other words, defense, under the Constitution, is so articulated: the right to defend-with-arms does not completely dissolve into a national military any more than it resolves itself into those third parties known as “the police” or “intelligence agencies.”

What this does is to effectively codify by a written document the right of a People to engage in the hallowed, natural law right of self-defense, as has been passed down to posterity in many a fabled story of facing down bad guys by use of the force of arms (and as described in the opening of this essay). It’s a beautiful thing when you think about it.

Who would ever think to call a militia, properly put into motion, a beautiful thing? Our forefathers, that’s who. And it brings to mind America The Beautiful, as sung by Ray Charles and his back-up singers:

So for all you illegitimate, bad-guy militias out there: the so-called “Antifa” and “Black Lives Matter,” and all you “election dissemblers”—funded, e.g., by outside agitators such as Soros and his aligned communist organizations—get ready to be called to account by genuine, liberty-loving, and righteously assembled American militias. 

Our time is herethe signs are clear. We are fully backed by the founding document of our nation; you are not. You are terrorist traitors and seditionists; each time you gather to threaten violence, you better start looking over your shoulders; we, the militia, are gathered there too and surround you. We are there and we are armed, righteously armed (as can be gleaned from this devotional and patriotic hymn, The Battle Hymn of the Republic)

Listen to the words of these songs, these hymns. Yes, America is beautiful and America is righteously prepared to defend that natural beauty and its powerful institutional greatness. Beware, brothers and sisters, beware!   

Saturday, December 5, 2020

Stubby’s* Op-Ed on “The Times” (file under “Our Crazy-Mixed-Up-World”)

President Trump looked strong and sounded resolute in his recent 46-minute “most important speech ever.” In fact, the POTUS was downright presidential in this masterful delivery of his address to the American People—a far cry from the Biden-Harris clown show that has been garnering yelps of support from the weak-willed appeasers among us. You know, those namby-pamby fools recommending that we accept this massive election fraud as legitimate by accepting as our new leaders its cheater-in-chief, that dementia-ridden mannequin figurehead clone-puppy corruptocrat and his cackling vulgar underling.

No, Biden’s boot says-it-all. If still living (and not just some cloned-Joe bio-android with a bad ear job) Biden’s living on borrowed time. His traitorous crimes overseas have made him a national disgrace and a definite security nightmare who could never step into the Oval Office, let alone be given access to the nuclear codes and other serious presidential prerogatives. No, under that boot the dude’s wearing an ankle bracelet as a prelude to his long-awaited and overdue perdition. Case closed…almost. Don’t get me started on his illustrious cast of evil cabinet  clowns.

Rendition of the guilty, lower-hanging fruit has been in full swing over these past weeks. That’s the sense I have from watching the clips of those observing the flight paths of military planes coming and going overhead. These sky-rangers are “rotten fruit pressers” who used to work by the Cider House Rules but now relish being on “a mission from God.” I’ll make an educated guess: like Rowdy Yates and Co. from a Rawhide episode, there’s a round-up going on by a kick-ass round-‘em-up bunch who love the smell of napalm in the morning—special ops who are scooping up coup operatives, squeezing them for intel, putting the fear of God into them, and then putting them back out on long leashes. I hope so, anyway.

In the meantime, I keep thinking about those senate run-off races yet-to-come but so-close-at-hand in Georgia. When I look at Stacy Abrams, that horror show, guerilla blimp agent from the Deep State (who lots of idiots seem to actually take seriously)—I can’t help but wonder, in a temporary wonder-of-wonders state, how and why anyone would listen to her lippy drip. Is she the one organizing a million absentee ballots for the run-off? Who cares? I don’t. But then, how is it she is being taken seriously at all? I conclude that the bozo driving this bus is yet another bit-player-nightmare Democrats have served up, all hot and steaming, for the delight of radicals and the utter disgust of common folk out there with any sense left in us. (Didn’t I run across her bio somewhere in Frederick Seidel’s book of poems entitled Ooga-Booga? Maybe not.) But if Dominion voting machines will be used yet again, and we add a dash—if possible—of Abrams, then this does not bode well for anything vaguely approaching an honest run-off election. Stay tuned for that one.

Ol’ lard ass Bill Barr takes the cake as SES protector. It seems his latest gig is a reprise to his old job: running cover for the Clinton crime family and legal fixer for George H.W. But then, maybe my cynicism is getting the better of me. After all, he plays a mean bagpipe and throws a helluva party each year, one that includes on its guest list a host of heirloom players of this arcane instrument that’s meant to call up dead-Brit-like-ancestor-warriors. Maybe it was an affection for the Scot in him that convinced Pres. Trump to give Bill one last chance to redeem himself as a real AG this time. But Mr. BB has a way of getting lodged in the backsides of patriots all across the old 13 colonies and beyond because he can’t seem to “catch the coon at last” with his fidgety, floppity, hop-like-a-bunny inability to throw down the gauntlet once and for all so as to bring down the big hammer of justice on the celebrity-traitors-with-book-deals, et al. Or is our AG bloviator only lulling the guilty into a hypnotic-induced sense of refuge-from-the-Storm before slamming-those-slime? You be the judge, er, jury, but give Bagpipe Billy a reprieve for a number of weeks more before passing judgment.    

Is anyone else out there wanting to upchuck on the TV when watching state bureaucrats getting all squishy-as-they-squirm during Guiliani’s traveling dog and pony show? The hearings are necessary. But they're a little weird and wacky at times. Enough said on that, for now. But before we go, there’s also another side-show going on: the wordy L. Lin Wood gospel-tent-revival-for-justice. Though I like his take-no-prisoners stance and scathing denunciations of public servant slime, there’s something just a bit unsavory there that I can’t quite put my fickle-finger-of-fate on. He’s doing God’s work, all right, but will the heathen judges take up this preacher-lawyer’s injunctions and issue proper and lawful decrees? Again, stay tuned.

One last thing needs lampooning before I ride off into the sunset like that masked man of yore, The Lone Ranger. If I hear any more about “COVID” from the radio, TV (including news shows, commercials, etc.), from online articles and videos—or from any source, anywhere on planet Earth—I think I’m going to just shrivel-up-und-die. I mean it: STOP INCESSANTLY TALKING ABOUT IT, all you corporate cronies and other talking heads out there. I’m convinced if we just stop talking about it, it will go away—like The Lone Ranger at the end of each episode disappearing over the hill (or as in being chased off by Lenny Bruce, in his 1971 comedy skit, Thank You, Masked Man). I’m sure of it, just as I am 100% sure that we’ll have four more great years of PDJT!



Stubby in 1996

Itinerant bluesman piano player and singer, Stubby Knuckles, is around town again tickling the ivories.  His style is reminiscent of the traditional Chicago blues piano sound of Otis Spann or of Memphis Slim with a New Orleans twist.

Stubby played in New Orleans’ French Quarter and at the Tipitina’s piano bar in the twilight years of Professor Longhair.  There, in 1980, he opened up for John Lee Hooker and rubbed shoulders with other blues luminaries.  After New Orleans, the Knuckleman spent time in Chicago, making the acquaintance of Sunnyland Slim and Jimmy Dawkins, among others.  The Alabama bluesman and gambler, Big Chief Ellis (Sonny Terry and Brownie McGee’s old piano player) was also a big influence.  He’s played with Black Top recording artist Bobby Radcliff and has shared the stage with Jerry Portnoy, member of the late Muddy Waters’ Legendary Blues Band and the harp player on Eric Clapton’s From The Cradle blues CD.

Almost (but not quite) famous by association, Mr. Knuckles continues to be one of the biggest unknowns in the world’s underground blues circuit.  “I never practice,” says Stubby, “doing that would take off that raggedy edge, that falling apart sound.  I’m a time-breaker—that’s the blues.”

 Often feeling like he is doomed to live the scruffy life of a bluesman, Stubby laments, “Most people think blues is all about ‘getting drunk and losing your baby.’ It is. But it’s much more than that too.  It’s all about reaching way down deep into a wellspring of optimism to find some peace in this crazy world.  By and large, life is suffering.  And blues music represents a way of life that urges us to be and become something simpler, better and stronger – in spite of ourselves.  How’s that for stating a case for the blues?” Stubby hastens to add, “For me, blues is not just the backbone of jazz or the granddaddy of rock‘n’roll but slithers around through everything, from old country tunes to lounge lizard classics and even into the dementia of Tom Lehrer. Blues is the soulful, animating essence of sound, heartfelt meaning adorning the beauty of silence.” 

“I grew up here in the DC area,” says Stubby, “in Friendship Heights, before it became Rodeo Drive East.  I have a love/hate relationship with this cesspool of soulless prattle.  If you leave here for any length of time and get a feel for what life is like ‘outside the Beltway,’ you’ll find out there’s hope for humanity.  Still, the microcosmic cultural ecology of family and friends can always brighten the dullest of spots. So here I am again” 

When Stubby's in town and on the 88s, you'll always be in good hands. He always guarantees two fistfuls of the blues. Look out: Stubby’s back (and he writes a mean op-ed too)!  

Copyright © 2005 by Almost Slim, Jr.