Sunday, December 6, 2020


There are stories, lots of stories, of good people being boxed in by bad, only for the bad people to suddenly realize they are surrounded by good people armed with weapons that are aimed directly at them.

As these stories go, the thugs then back down and back off, valuing their fragile mortality over any semblance of spiritual courage (that has long since diminished within them anyway). It quickly dawns on the bad guys that the good guys are forcing this realization upon them, right there and then, in the here and now. Given their embarrassing situation—one that the bad guys, themselves, had initially contrived—they must now slink away with their “tails between their legs” or face the righteous barrels of guns ready to unload upon them.

Militias have gotten a bad rap. Media have indoctrinated the People by depicting militias as exclusively, “white power, white supremacist, right wing extremists with guns who wear camo-clothes.” Why? It’s the same old “politically correct” propaganda; it is meant to instill in the People that to band together and pick up guns in order to make a principled stand is to be a bunch of stupid-ass redneck fools. We real Americans are anything but… We come in all colors, ages, shapes, and sexes.

In fact, any people with weapons who bond together for a higher purpose are a de facto militia. Many cells of a People with weapons comprise a brotherhood of militias. Such militias are outside both the organized police force and the military of a nation, our American nation; they are local bands outside of central government control, both state and federal.

As such, militias are suspect. With localities taking power into their own hands via their militias, centralized "communitarian" ideologues become fearful. For them, control is everything. And if control is lacking, then questions begin arising about the “rule of law" being overcome and "things getting out-of-control.” But it is only getting out of their control—a critical distinction when noting how control easily morphs into tyranny (which, admittedly, is an inherent danger on both sides of the equation, though a risk that disciplined patriots within militias readily take upon themselves).

And yet, despite the fears of “controllers,” militias are specifically referred to in the Constitution for the united States of America รง (Notice the grammar, indicating there are “united States” each of which bears allegiance to one written document setting forth limitations on rulership by a central governing body. That document further defines us as the sovereign People whose liberties and privileges were originally set forth under a Declaration of Independence as being endowed to us by our Creator; and these written documents are “for” the People's sacrosanct benefit. It is not the “United States,” the corporate entity, for which the Constitution stands.) No, the Constitution stands for the People who comprise each State within a brotherhood of "States of America" that gives us our national or federal identity. But, those within that identity retain their sovereignty, both as States and as individuals from which all governmental power arises.

Under the Second Amendment to that Constitution, individuals within each State can bear arms for the purpose of defending themselves and their State. In other words, defense, under the Constitution, is so articulated: the right to defend-with-arms does not completely dissolve into a national military any more than it resolves itself into those third parties known as “the police” or “intelligence agencies.”

What this does is to effectively codify by a written document the right of a People to engage in the hallowed, natural law right of self-defense, as has been passed down to posterity in many a fabled story of facing down bad guys by use of the force of arms (and as described in the opening of this essay). It’s a beautiful thing when you think about it.

Who would ever think to call a militia, properly put into motion, a beautiful thing? Our forefathers, that’s who. And it brings to mind America The Beautiful, as sung by Ray Charles and his back-up singers:

So for all you illegitimate, bad-guy militias out there: the so-called “Antifa” and “Black Lives Matter,” and all you “election dissemblers”—funded, e.g., by outside agitators such as Soros and his aligned communist organizations—get ready to be called to account by genuine, liberty-loving, and righteously assembled American militias. 

Our time is herethe signs are clear. We are fully backed by the founding document of our nation; you are not. You are terrorist traitors and seditionists; each time you gather to threaten violence, you better start looking over your shoulders; we, the militia, are gathered there too and surround you. We are there and we are armed, righteously armed (as can be gleaned from this devotional and patriotic hymn, The Battle Hymn of the Republic)

Listen to the words of these songs, these hymns. Yes, America is beautiful and America is righteously prepared to defend that natural beauty and its powerful institutional greatness. Beware, brothers and sisters, beware!   

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