What are "telomeres"?[i]
The whole “multiculturalism and diversity” sham has spit out lots of useful idiots from lefty universities and “woke” corporations. This is one way among others that Communists have, over many years, amply prepared the ground worldwide. Yes, taking over the world has been their long-term pet project. Britain conceded years ago and the EU let themselves get buggered.
One need only look at these new “diversity quotas” that have been devised for positions of power on boards of directors. These have conveniently allowed China to poach talent from discarded human capital—namely “Caucasian old guys”—who suddenly have nowhere to go and nothing to do. This strategy of taking connected old codgers under their wing is an obvious alternative for China since being prohibited from acquiring U.S. companies outright.[ii]
We are NOT and never will be their farm “animules,” despite the sheep-like cowards and traitors in high-swamp zones like the U.S. Congress, legacy media, and out among our state and county governments and schools. Instead, it is they who will be routed out and feasted upon.
Communist China owns Biden Swampdogs and Co. which we now know includes such sage bedfellow RINOs as Sen. Mitch McConnell, VP Mike Pence, and our own Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan. I keep scratching my head, incredulous that long-time politicians can display such sophomoric, non-starter political instincts. Can’t they see which way the wind is blowing? Don’t they know better than to go against our fearless leader? More and more I suspect it’s their degenerating telomers; senescence and aptosis must be eating away at them.
Biden did what he was told to do: he embraced the radical leftists’ socialist program, Swalwelling it hook, line and sinker. By becoming “president-elect” he is now, theoretically, able to drive that Commie locomotive pushing an ass-backwards program uphill, one meant only to destroy America by selling us out to the Deep State’s globalist NWO Commie-Swamp. It’s nothing short of the Biden Terror Train, that “Little Train that Couldn’t” (no match for the muscular, unstoppable Trump Train—now a legend in its own time).
Unlike Pushover Joe, patriots are the essence of tumescence. We stand tall, ready to kick your Commie butts and give you and your “honeypots” a licking you’ll long remember.
So ready yourself, Poohman, and likewise for all of your now-expired, self-styled, cloned-pony, idiot Poobahs.
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American Traitors |
[i] “Telomeres”—from the Greek
nouns telos (τέλος) "end"
and merοs (μέρος, root: μερ-) "part"… Average telomere length declines from about 11 kilobases at birth to fewer than 4 kilobases in old age, with the average rate of decline being greater in men than in women… Telomere shortening in humans can induce replicative senescence, which blocks cell division. This mechanism appears to prevent genomic instability and development of cancer in human aged cells by limiting the number of cell divisions. However, shortened telomeres impair immune function that might also increase cancer susceptibility… If telomeres become too short, they have the potential to unfold from their presumed closed structure. The cell may detect this uncapping as DNA damage and then either stop growing, enter cellular old age (senescence), or begin programmed cell self-destruction (apoptosis) depending on the cell's genetic background (p53 status). Uncapped telomeres also result in chromosomal fusions. Since this damage cannot be repaired in normal somatic cells, the cell may even go into apoptosis. Many aging-related diseases are linked to shortened telomeres. Organs deteriorate as more and more of their cells die off or enter cellular senescence. https://en.wikipedia
[ii] See, Lauren Silva Laughlin, Breakingviews – China Inc will
recycle used white guys
(12/21/20) Reprinted in the Unz Report by Steve Sailer, https://www.unz.com/isteve/reuters-china-inc-will-recycle-used-white-guys/
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