Saturday, December 12, 2020

USA, Inc. v. United States of America

Were there two or three bankruptcies in our country’s history that have covertly transmuted us from a constitutional republic into a corporate entity?

If so, did we lose our country a long time ago, and with it the Constitution for the united States of America?

Thus, did the state of Texas, according to the SCOTUS, not have standing because there is no constitution upon which to base a claim and thus no original jurisdiction (or otherwise) under which to bring such a claim for relief?

And therefore, have we been, and are we currently, a pretend nation of make-believe institutions that no longer work because those institutions don’t actually exist anymore?


There is a decentralized, underground, informal think-tank of theoretical political analysts who may very well answer “YES” to the above inquiries. Two people come to mind immediately: Anna Maria Riezinger and :Russell-Jay Gould:. There are those who follow these theoreticians and there are others who hold similar opinions who might loosely be referred to as “freemen on the land” or perhaps the “sovereignty truth movement.”

If ever there was a time for such theorists to step forward it is now. Now is the time to come out and explain your unique political opinions—however outlandish and preposterous they may seem at first blush—to those inquiring minds that want to know:

Have we been living in an illusion as Matrix-style slaves, covertly ruled over by British financial-secret-society-intel hegemony?

Are we enduring a pantomime (similar to the KoVid lockdown mentality) imposed upon We the People by a nefarious, controlling socialist-globalist cabal whose brainwashing is all but complete?

Has the karmic bedevilment of our failed diligence to preserve American liberty finally come back to bite us in our collective arses?

Is an actual, kinetic militia/military solution necessary now that spills the blood of patriots and tyrants as the sole solution needed in order to keep the tree of liberty alive?

Inquiring minds want to know!


Anonymous said...

UNITED STATES is a Corporation

We Are Not Alone! (The missing links..)

Crimes against Humanity - Mirror

Jane Burguermeister vs the (2009) WHO Flu

Anonymous said...

Thanks very much to Anonymous. Your links provide enough info to keep patriots busy (myself included) for all of 2021---plus, one link opens up with a Kim Fowley-produced all-girl band, The Runaways, and includes an array of tunes from sound-prophet-from-other-dimensions, Jimi Hendrix, among other delectables.

Keep it coming from the underground monorail of monstrous truths! <== Many of which can be found in my scribblings at

Suss aka Wicket

Spyoptaelip said...

P.S. No, I'm not the previous "Anonymous." I am a post-Anonymous commentoid...notwithstanding that I am he as we are he as you are me and we are all together.