Sunday, December 27, 2020

Let’s Wake Up and Clean House

An oath to support and defend the Constitution for the United States of America[i] is taken by every federal employee; from the lowliest civil service worker in any-old-agency, to men and women in Congress, and to the Justices of the Supreme Court. I suppose even those privileged and entrenched (Deep State) bureaucrats known as the Senior Executive Service also take the oath.

It is the same for government workers on the state level, and includes that state’s own constitution as well.

Do aids and assistants to public servants also take that oath?

How about federal and state contractors?

For sure, members of intelligence agencies and our active and reserve military take the oath.

But how many declare that oath and yet have no understanding, no thorough-going and studied knowledge of what is actually in the Constitution; of what the various articles and amendments mean in their originalist, textual sense; and that they have a solemn duty to protect our country from both foreign and domestic enemies?

Given the 2020 presidential (mis)election and the number of Democrats and Republicans who wish to ignore that “cooked vote,” they are obviously ignorant and/or oblivious to both the letter and the spirit of our nation’s Constitution.

When I hear the many calls for President Trump to step aside I’m reminded that in airports and hospitals and in doctors’ waiting rooms—even in Veterans Administration Hospitals—CNN is still blasting from the TV monitors found ubiquitously throughout their buildings. Why? Why would this blatantly unpatriotic, sell-out, communist network that has absolutely no regard for any Constitution have a monopoly over what station the public is to see? Showcasing CNN like this is a slap in the face of every patriot.

The public tends to think that politicians have at least the politic ability to gauge the People’s sentiments; to exhibit basic horse sense by adhering to the finer intricacies of our constitutional republic. If these public figures in Congress don’t understand the Constitution, who does?

Theoretically, the political domain consists of those in whom the People have placed an abiding trust to represent their lawful interests. This is why they were elected to office. (And don’t forget, there are also non-elected public servants, e.g., “appointed officials,” who are, in turn, delegated positions of trust by elected representatives—ascending “by proxy,” you might say.)

But it shocks the conscience to hear the Republican leader of the Senate ignore an obviously cooked vote, a cooked election, by recognizing the usurping “Big Man” as President-Elect, and to rally others to do the same—suggesting that our sitting president betray his oath and just “accept things and move on” as they are doing.

Doesn’t this high official know the Constitution? It seems McConnell has about as much Constitutional literacy as those state officials who threw their own elections? Yes, whether by bribery or blackmail, his action is that of a coward and an oath-breaker.

Those in the political class who are ignoring their oaths to support and defend the Constitution are in fact willfully betraying it. What an outrage to each and every patriot who revers our God-given liberties as enunciated in the Declaration of Independence! Those who ignorantly concede to a sham election certainly do not deserve the privilege of being public servants. Non merci!—off with their heads!

Our America was the first republic to be governed by a written constitution in the history of the world! Moreover, ours is a republic steeped in Christian precepts of morality. To betray God and country is to be the lowest of the lowest—and all those who buy into the psy-op Biden/Harris delusion are clueless about our government. They are members of a complete and utter “confederacy of slimers” deserving to be separated, alienated, cast out, cut off, expelled, and ostracized indefinitely from America the Beautiful.

The sole reason America’s reputation began sinking and the character of its People got tarnished and demonized, is due to the cabalistic deceptions of the Deep State and its evil influence over our country for many, many years. We are not the Deep State. We are not sell-outs to China. We want our country back again. For these reasons our sitting president received more votes than any other president in American history.

Hence, Mitch McConnell and your Council-on-Foreign-Relations-Communist-Chinese wife need to take your rightful place in the Hall of Shame, along with Justice "Lord" Roberts, almost all Democrats, and every other cowardly traitor who has broken his or her Constitutional oath—who have preferred 30-pieces-of-silver to righteousness. By so doing you have joined the faithless among us—you are one and the same as that despicable class of British loyalists in our last Revolution; even worse: GO!

[i] The thought has crossed my mind that perhaps disingenuous oath takers who give lip service to the “U.S. Constitution” aka the “Constitution of (and not for) the United States of America”—are thus referencing the post-1871, covertly reinterpreted corporate version (USA, Inc.) of the Constitution wherein the meaning of the rights, terms, privileges, limitations and conditions set forth therein are,, in fact, “circumscribed” and in this way they are gas-lighting us all into believing that they have, indeed, given the proper oath. We will assume for the purpose of this essay that there is presumption that the oath given reflects the original intent of the Constitutional framers.      

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